Sorry for dragging up an old topic but did these projects go anywhere? Any other gay themed mods found etc?
Ive played agony and rapture as far as i could but could never get it to progress further than the first kiss
even using the romance counter command suggested.
Would love to see some homosixual mods, but im clueless as to how to do anything but the most basic CS stuff.
This part of my post is for everyone playing Agony and the Rapture (and not just NovemberRain). Anyway, Agony and The Rapture never made it out of Beta stage, which is a shame, because I really love it and it certainly has a lot of potential. I tried to contact the author a couple years ago to ask him about it, but I don't think he even checks that email address anymore. At any rate, I never got a response. Some of the story progression relies on weather conditions (I think) and others rely on location (for certain), some rely on having to get into random battles (for the concern to start showing, etc), others rely on resting, its sort of complicated, but because of this, using the counter cheat will not always work, and I had a real bleep of a time figuring out what needed to be done while playing it, but I also hit snags, and I do not know if it was just my lack of patience or what, but I wound up progressing it at times by peeking in the construction set and then using journal entry codes. So whoever is having problems with it might want to try that. Some VERY important stuff happens in Suran, and if you see the shirtless thugs appear there (and at least two of them do early on), DO NOT go up to them and initiate conversation because that
will BREAK the game and you will have to reload a previous save.
Anyway, as others have indicated, this thread was a pleasant surprise. I am curious to know if the page dedicated to homosixual mods ever saw the light of day? I know about Morrowind Q, its how I found out about Agony and the Rapture, but it
definitely needs some updating. And as soon as the same six (in my case, male/male) options are available in LAL, I will certainly be using it.