I'll do any dialogue you need if you do choose to do this melian, tho perhaps having looked thru Agony & Rapture might it not be easier to start from scratch using more modern companion techniques?
More modern? Like what? He is already pretty amazing when it comes to warping to you from impossible distances, he casts levitate on himself if you cast it on yourself, he can heal himself with potions if need be, and of course he has companion share. If there is stuff even more nifty than all of that, I sure have been out of the loop.
Your idea of starting from scratch is awesome, but maybe that can be a whole seperate mod and companion? If Marc Antony gets fixed AND a new gay companion gets created, that would mean more choices, which I think would be doubly great.
Man, I'd love to see a bisixual Julan "patch." There been any progress since that was discussed?
I would love to see that patch too, but it seems that its an unlikely thing. Kateri, the very talented creator of Julan, has stated that while she had been thinking about making him bisixual, she didn't think it would fit well with his conservative Ashlander beliefs. She added that if a patch is ever made, she would be the one to do it and thus does not grant permission for anyone else to do it. I have never heard anything beyond that. I still love Julan though.
He is with my Michael and Marc in my current game right now. Arnand is along as well.
Michael has a shot with Marc or Arnand, but all he can do is secretly stare longingly at Julan. lol
Even if we didn't get a bisixual patch for Julan, it would be cool if we could at least "come out" to him and then teach him to be more tolerant of gays just as we have an opportunity
Spoiler to teach him to be more tolerant of Imperials.
I always loved that touch and think it would be absolutely awesome to have a similar thing for gays. And maybe even have a chance at some point to tell him that we have feelings for him, and have him gently but firmly rebuff us, but explain that he would always be honored to be our dear and loyal friend and would always defend us against those who would speak ill of us, or something touching and sappy like that. The Julan mod could be made to be "gay friendly" without Julan having to be bisixual or gay himself. Yes, that idea has more than a little bit of cheese in it, but, I still think it would be cool. The next best thing to having Julan available as a love interest for males. I suppose some people would complain though, saying that by downloading Julan, they hadn't intended to download an After School Special sponsered by the gay rights movement, or something to that effect.