it is a common insult in my school which i think is just disgusting.
That's why it's autocensored on the forums. Apart from the "seven dirty words", we don't autocensor as a value judgment about whether words are vulgar, sixual, or scatological; we autocensor when a word has a history of being used as a term of abuse.
Since it has come into question whether this thread is allowed, I will state that it is allowed under the following conditions:
There is no sixually explicit discussion. Simply mentioning whether a mod simulates some form of same-six relationship doesn't violate the rule against sixually explicit discussion. Talking about details of what is possible in a same-six encounter, though, probably would be.
There are no links to mods with advlt content, or to sites that exist by and large to host or discuss such mods. As wonderfully kinky as AlienSlof's work is, linking to her mods or to her site will get your post deleted.