As was pointed out earlier, it's the abuse of the word - its use as an insult - that is why the g-word is censored. Thankfully it's a less "fashionable" word to use these days.
Glad you're enjoying the mod (it's Dance of the Three-Legged Guar, if you're searching.)
The female storyline (romancing Evie) is currently unfinished, and yes - we're working out the bugs in Arnie's story.


Are you calling him camp?

I actually think Julan would be great batting for the other team. Add to his general angst and confusion.

The dialogue is predominantly gender-neutral. I think there are maybe four or five lines out of over two thousand in which gender is referenced, and that is minor - such as a drunken conversation in which one of the characters says your like the brother or sister she never had. The bit where you have to "play along" with Diren is a billion times better if you're some really big Nord bloke, though.