I'm just curious, but what for those of us that played Morrowind and/or Oblivion, what are some of your favorite mods that you wish would get a remake in Skyrim?
For me, it would have to be....
- http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/22226/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D22226%26user%3D1&pUp=1 A talking sword/Mace/Dagger/Axe/Hammer/Battleaxe/Bow that you could switch between on a whim that had a personality of its own, and had random critical effects? I know its sort of been reincorporated in Forgotten Magic in the form of the Mystic Weapon... except for the whole "sentient" part. And the quest to get it.
- http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/6932/? Because let's face it, Skyrim's supermarket marriage system just svcks. An actual system that makes you go through the romantic system would be much better.
- http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=215 Because we don't have enough good non-elf/non-human races. Yes I know it's a compilation of other mods, but this was the version I used (because I played Integration the Stranded Light).
- Moogle Mod (can't find a download anymore): Ahh, being a creature smaller than a woodelf jumping around on buildings and hitting people with insanely large swords. Such good memories.