Hi guys. I stopped playing Skyrim a while ago mainly because the game consistently feels uncomfortable to play. If you don't know exactly what I mean by this, I'll give some examples.
-When you kill something, there's a slight delay between it dying and it becoming lootable. This means that I always find myself pressing loot twice on everything I kill because it isn't ready the first time.
- Jumping becomes very unresponsive while walking uphill or doing other things with traversal that aren't just walking on flat land. Jumping repeatedly also causes delays and makes for button inputs that do nothing. I understand that this is probably deliberate design to make jumping more realistic, but it's very uncomfortable.
-Melee combat in general feels really clunky. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about here. I actually much prefer Oblivion's cut-through-everything-like-it's-butter approach over Skyrim's poor execution of visceral combat.
I know this stuff sounds trivial, but after 160ish hours I couldn't play it anymore because of all these kinds of things. So, I was wondering if anybody knew of any mods that make the game more kinesthetically satisfying? Thanks in advance for any help. I've recently had an itch to play again, but after reinstalling found that these problems were just as present as before.