Mods to increase RPG elements?

Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:53 am

This is my big beef with Skyrim summed up in the first, most basic problem that makes me struggle to enjoy the game. Not that there's not other problems, but above all?

I hate those stupid "20% cooler" perks, how Two-handed is obviously inferior to one-handed, how Light armor and Heavy armor end up being almost exactly the same, and basically how none of your choices matter. Perks essentially allow you to continue playing like you've been playing, not provide new, different ways to play.

Want two examples of good perk trees imo? Block and Archery. Perks like Elemental Protection, Eagle Eye, Steady Hand, Quick Shot, Block Runner and Shield Charge is what perks are supposed to be. These perks add abilities, not stat bonuses. These perks aren't afraid to be incredibly strong and valuable rather than modest and mediocre. And for what it's worth, the two-handed perk to give sideways power attacks AOE ability is a good one too.

So given all that info, are there any mods that just COMPLETELY re-hash the perk and skill system and replace some of the more meaningless perks with meaningful ones, to provide diversity, replay value and balance? Ones that, I suspect, add a lot of ability-based perks rather than stat-focused ones?

EDIT: Any mod to make racial bonuses more dramatic and noticeable would be welcome, too.

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Laura Tempel
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