Eat and sleepOK. I'm not understanding how the bars next to the food icons/sleep icons work. I can eat a ton of food and be stuffed and it looks not full to me. Also, is there a way to make it so I only need to eat every 3 game days and sleep every 1 game day or something. I am needing to eat every 3 minutes and not sure how to tell when I need sleep etc. Also there is a "Food Menu" that is empty when I open it. It just has little - marks all around. What do I do with this?...What settings in the .ini do I need to tweak to scale and move the icons?
hey drag0ntamer!
HUDsthe bars do not updated immediately. however...they could also be bugged. but i've not noticed them nor have they been reported to be.

the bars alternate from red (hunger/exhaustion) to green (satiation/energy).
just to confirm, you say that you are stuffed but the green bar is not full?
what's your satiation level when "stuffed"?
you can check your satiation level by going to your stats menu.
energy/exhaustion and satiation/hunger are shown as messages on the top-left corner of your screen.
eating and sleeping penaltieshere are the default amounts of sleep and food required:
- the default amount of sleep required is set so that the player can be awake for 16 hours and needs to sleep for 8 hours.
- the default amount of food is set so that the player needs to 1 feather worth of food per 12 hours.
i think what you are experiencing is the "negative" effects of staying awake.
for example, if you ignore sleep upto 8 hours of exhaustion, you'll need to sleep 8 hours to cancel that and another 8 hours to get your normal 16 hours of energy per day.
also, if you ignore eating upto 5 hours of hunger, you'll need to eat 5 hours worth of food just to cancel that and some more to get your satiation up to stave off hunger.
configuring when to sleep and eatanyway, the default amount of sleep required is already set to what you want ](i.e. sleep 8 hours per 1 game day).
note that 1 game day is 24 hours. and 8 hours of that is spent sleeping. so you only actually have 16 hours of waking time.
set "sleepLengthMultiplier" in the INI file to the number of hours of energy you want to replenish for each hour of sleep you take.
if you want 24 hours of energy for 1 hour of sleep, then set sleepLengthMultiplier to 24.
for eating, set "foodWeightMultiplier" to the number of hours of satiation you want for each feather (weight) of food.
again, the default is 1 feather for each 12 hours.
regardless, i think the need for you player to constantly eat and sleep in very short spans of time is
- that you are sleeping only to cancel the effects of exhaustion but not sleeping enough to gain more energy.
- that you are eating only to cancel the effects of hunger but not eating enough to gain satiation.
food menu itemthe food menu item is used to "arrange" food items that you have in your inventory in order of "hours".
for e.g.: if you have enough food in your inventory for 16 hours of food, food menu item 1 will show this.
food menu item 2 will show food for 12 hours of food...etc...
instead of eating individual foods directly from your Ingredients list,
you can use the food menu item to eat enough food for the shown number of hours in one click.
you do need food in your inventory for the food menu item to work, though.
be warned the the food menu item will ignore food classed as "cleaned" or "raw".
check the read-me on how the foods are classified between: bought, cooked, cold, cleaned/treated, raw.
auto-eatingbut the beauty about the mod is auto-eating.
with auto-eating, you won't need to worry about eating from your inventory or from the food menu.
just be sure you have food in your inventory, though.
auto-eating works like this (by default):
1. at 6am, 12pm and 6pm, the mod will try to feed you enough to satiate you for 6 hours
2. AND when you get hungry by 1 hour or so, the mod will try to feed you enough to satiate you for 6 hours
you can set auto-eat to open the food menu instead of actually feeding you.
Dragontamer,...You should look into TheNiceOne's Automatic Timescale mod. It works great with primary needs/realism mods, since it allows you to dynamically adjust the in-game time scale according to what your character is doing. Effectively, you can configure it so that you are only eating and sleeping, etc., when it feels right to you....gothemasticator
hey gothemasticator!
i didn't know Automatic timescale can effect the needs for food and sleep.
my Eat and sleep definitely doesn't have any support for it.
very interesting, anyway.
i wonder how he does it.
or maybe, you actually meant, that " can configure it [the Eat and sleep mod] so that you are only eating and sleeping, etc..."
rather than " can configure it [Automatic timescale mod] so that..."