horse commandsNP, just thought I would report it. I disabled the Name That Horse mod and it seems to have stopped some frequent CTD's I was experiencing, but the weird burst speed then normal is still happening. Is there anyway you can add a spell or something to your mod that lets you name your horses? I would really love to be able to do this....Note, disabling Deadly Reflex and all of it's functions did nothing.
i think i know what this is now.
the "burst of speed" is when you start to gallop, right?
if so, this is normal.
when the horse starts to run/gallop, their speeds are returned to normal.
the mod only increases their speeds when you are riding the horse and at their walk speeds.
the mod only runs every 1/4 second, so there's a split second when you start to gallop when they have their modified speed before they get reverted back.
do you think this is what you are experiencing?
battle fatigue and injuriesI downloaded your mods Battle Fatigue and Injuries (0.65), Eat and Sleep (0.61), and Auto-Save and Time (0.995). Very nice!...1) Script error with Battle Fatigue and Injuries which reports on the console:..."Error in script 50000827" ...2) Load order issue...When trying to do the Staff of the Everscamp...After enabling/disabling mods, it appeared to occur only whenever both Battle Fatigue and Eat and Sleep were loaded...
hey lazyaltmer!
thanks for trying out my mods!
re: battle fatigue and you mind getting the mod to crash again.
then check the obse log (or conscribe log - if you use that) for the error message again.
with that, it should also show WHERE in the script the problem occurs.
this is given by the "offset" number and should look something like this:
Attempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object File: kuerteeActorDetail.esp Offset: 0x00000149 Command: Let (0x1765)
also, are you running with obse0017b or later?
get back to me, please.
npcs yieldHey Kurtee,...first of: happy newyear!...Had some experience with NPCs-yield,...The talk-happy Bretheren in Hackdirt seem to have something odd: even though I turned off the NpcDialogEffects option they had the urge to talk to me after cowering before the onslaught.
hey artfact! thanks and happy new year, to you too!
just to clarify, are you finding those who have yielded to you to run up to you again and start a conversation?
if so, i think, this is normal.
the "vanilla" game engine is forcing them to keep fighting and so they charge.
but because of the changes to their disposition from my mod, they simply start-up a conversation (i.e. open the dialogue menu).
the NPCDialogueEffects flag of the mod simply tries to adjust their disposition so that their attitude to you is not friendly during conversations.
but that only takes effect DURING conversations.
it doesn't affect the npcs outside the dialogue menu: it does not make them want to actually run-up and say hi! hahaha!
regardless, i have a newly reprogrammed version of the mod.
unfortunately, the new version doesn't have the NPCDialogueEffects option.
i found it too fiddly and it didn't really achieve what i wanted from it.
i have simply accepted that the only way to stop NPCs from fighting is to make them friendly (i.e. increase their disposition) to the player.
and with that comes friendly dialogue options with people who you almost killed.
however, now that i can add dialogue topics in my mods, i can expand on the dialogue options in npcs yield.
but this may not be in the next release of the mod.
(thanks to the guys in the CS forum for finding a way to stop the CS crashing when adding topics.)
I've also been thinking of the quests that end in a battle....In two occasions now, I had to kill the enemy who had given up, in order to complete the quest....The Sirens Deception left me murdering half the group women who were cowering in the corners and with the starting battle of Battlehorn Castle I had to keep on hacking into a battlemage who kept surrendering himself, without fighting back, not to speak of the fleeing marauders who were nowhere to be found and forced me to set the quest stage to the right point....Both times got me a bounty for killing the innocent on top of it all!...So, while the Npc are much more sensible...the game remains bloodthirsty....I realize that this might be beyond the compact smart scale of the mod, but, do you think it would be possible to somehow create a check if the enemy is a quest target that needs to be eliminated and so either remove its yielding ability or count its yield as a death(or another way which would be better to you)?
unfortunately, there is no way to check if an npc is a quest target.
npc quest targets that need to be killed cannot be "essential" characters because if so, they cannot die.
however, the npcs with quest items in their inventory are ignored by the mod.
you have to kill these so that you can loot their bodies.
npcs that yield are eventually "killed" and disabled when the player moves far enough from them.
so, if they were kill targets for a quest, simply walk away after they yield: the quest should end successfully when you move far enough from them.
in the game, the distance between cells on either side of "load" doors are usually very large.
(i don't know the exact number. it is something like 3200048447384....)
so simply using a "load" door would make the mod "kill" and disable npcs that yielded.
do you think this answers your questions, artfact?
let me know please.
cheers, all!