[relz] mods by kuertee (thread 5)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:52 am

hey, SM!
i'll try that.
now that i can teleport the player properly AFTER they load a game after death, i have made "save-from-death" optional in my Alternatives to death and reload mod.
i'll try your method and may return "save-from-death" as default in the next release.
i, do, prefer "save-from-death" than reloading, too.

i can use this in NPCs yield.

thanks, SM!

Of course there is always the option of having both. If the save-from-death fails and you still die then the reload-from-death option can apply as a backup.

Oooh found a bug in the backpack mod. If you go to jail you will not have 1 lockpick on you in jail even though if your inventory has lots and lots of lockpicks.

Also on NPC yield I had an odd after effect behaviour with a jailor. I escaped jail and got into hand combat with jailor, he yields and walks away. But he continues to occasionaly keep pulling his mace out every so often then puts it away again. I suspect whatever vanilla script trys to initalise automatic jailor combat with the player still keeps firing. Fixing would require changing that vanilla script culprit. I suppose jailors are meant to be notorously ruthless and stop escapees at all costs so not applying yielding while the player is in jail would be another possible solution :shrug:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:23 am

re: horse commands
I can play this game reasonably well now, however whenever I am riding horses I CTD much more frequently the only horse mods I have enabled are your horse command mod, sell horses, and the bashed patch faster turning horses mod. Do you know of any conflicts with these or what could be causing this?...EDIT: I changed the amount of marks each horse has in the .ini but it did not change them?
sorry, drag0ntamer.
i don't bash my mods, so i don't have the faster turning horses mod.
can i install fster turning horses mod without bashing my mods?
i'll look into the sell horses mod.

re: alternatives to death and reload
Of course there is always the option of having both. If the save-from-death fails and you still die then the reload-from-death option can apply as a backup.
that is preset number 4: save-from-death AND death has penalties with good samaritan options at load after death.
the default preset is 6: death has penalties AND good samaritan at load after death. save-from-death disabled.

re: inventory is a backpack
Oooh found a bug in the backpack mod. If you go to jail you will not have 1 lockpick on you in jail even though if your inventory has lots and lots of lockpicks.
oh! oh!
i'll check this out!

re: npcs yield
Also on NPC yield I had an odd after effect behaviour with a jailor. I escaped jail and got into hand combat with jailor, he yields and walks away. But he continues to occasionaly keep pulling his mace out every so often then puts it away again. I suspect whatever vanilla script trys to initalise automatic jailor combat with the player still keeps firing. Fixing would require changing that vanilla script culprit. I suppose jailors are meant to be notorously ruthless and stop escapees at all costs so not applying yielding while the player is in jail would be another possible solution :shrug:
unfortunately, this can happen even on npcs without scripted combat.
npc's ai still makes them fight (GetShouldAttack > 0) even when their disposition to the player is 100.
the way the mod deals with this is to issue a StopCombat and StopCombatAlarmOnActor on the npc when it detects that the npc returns to combat against the player (GetCombatTarget == Player).
sometimes, the npc will even be able to take that shot or swing before the mod stops their combat status.

but what you suggest is good: do not let npcs with particular scripts yield.
the scripts i know so far are: jailors (thanks to you) and highwaymen.
i've always known highwaymen to demand money, lose fight, yield then approach and demand money again.

cheers, all!
i'll look into these this week.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:54 pm

Found a small issue with 'inventory is a backpack'.

If i set some spell from scroll as active, then drop backpack (with said scroll in it) - i can still cast the spell, but scroll will NOT be used.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:17 pm

Found a small issue with 'inventory is a backpack'.

If i set some spell from scroll as active, then drop backpack (with said scroll in it) - i can still cast the spell, but scroll will NOT be used.

There is a faster turning horse mod, I think it is the same one that was implemented into Wyre Bash's bash patch options. I wouldn't use the faster turning option at all, but the horses in your mod still turn too slow for me.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:33 pm

And another one with backpack.

Found that under some circumstances my torches are getting duplicated.

Sorry, havent found yet the 100% way of replicating this bug. It goes like - i have 6 torches in inv, 1 in hand, drop backpack - and i have 10 torches in it, 1 in hand and 0 in inventory.



ok...looks like it involves playing with equip/unequip torch and drop backpack hotkeys.....
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 pm

hey kuertee,

i like NPCs yield VERY MUCH. would like to request a feature that would make it even more 'realistic': wild animals always flee if the combat target has a torch equipped. what do you think?

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:11 am

that would be way too much imho, but having wild animals avoid campfires would be nice. doesn't seem to have much to do with NPCs yield though ..
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:25 pm

I think I found a minor bug in Eat and Sleep 0.62.

These are the conditions:
1) Have no edible food in my inventory.
2) Bring up the inventory menu and click on the Food Menu fork. I get the "You cannot equip this item" message and the inventory window closes.
3) Bring up the inventory menu and click on the Food Menu fork. I get the "You cannot equip this item" message and the inventory window closes.
4) Bring up the inventory menu and click on the Food Menu fork. I get the "You cannot equip this item" message and the inventory window freezes open.
5) At this point, I click around in the inventory menu, but to get out of the inventory menu, I have to click on Repair Hammer or a book -- something which has an "Exit" button.
6) There are no error msgs in the console or in the OBSE log.
7) Some flakiness ensues, such as interactions with vendors are affected: when I open their inventory, it appears momentarily and then closes by itself.
8) The only thing I can do at this point is Exit the game or re-Load.

I didn't notice this issue until I turned off the auto-eat setting, and therefore had to manually go in to the food menu to try to eat.

On a sidenote, when there is no food, it seems like there should be a message or popup that says that I am out of food when I click on the fork.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm

(back online! yeeha!)

And another one with backpack....Found that under some circumstances my torches are getting duplicated. ...Sorry, havent found yet the 100% way of replicating this bug. It goes like - i have 6 torches in inv, 1 in hand, drop backpack - and i have 10 torches in it, 1 in hand and 0 in inventory....I use DLT OBSE....-------....[upd]...ok...looks like it involves playing with equip/unequip torch and drop backpack hotkeys.....
ahhh...i'll check this out along with the scroll issue. i, too, use DLT obse.

hey kuertee,...i like NPCs yield VERY MUCH. would like to request a feature that would make it even more 'realistic': wild animals always flee if the combat target has a torch equipped. what do you think?...:)
that would be way too much imho, but having wild animals avoid campfires would be nice. doesn't seem to have much to do with NPCs yield though .....
that's actually not a bad idea, side.
but i'll tweak it a bit: rather than simply making creatures run from fire,
i'll let them use the NPC's fight or fly behaviour WHEN attacking someone with a torch out.

note that the fight or fly behaviour is not used by the NPCs when attacking the player.
with this new feature, animals (creature type = 0) will use the fight or fly behaviour ONLY when attacking the player AND ONLY when the player has a torch out.

gekko, i've expanded NPCs yield to more than just NPCs yield.
the current features are: Creatures flee (before death), Fight or fly (NPCs will not attack those they have no chance of winning against), NPCs yield (NPCs yield before death).
and the new feature above will be: Creatures fly from fire.

i'm also thinking of renaming this small mod: Survival instincts or something.

I think I found a minor bug in Eat and Sleep 0.62....1) Have no edible food in my inventory....click on the Food Menu fork. I get the "You cannot equip this item" message and the inventory window closes.......inventory window freezes open....I have to click on Repair Hammer or a book -- something which has an "Exit" button....7) Some flakiness ensues, such as interactions with vendors are affected: when I open their inventory...then closes by itself....Exit the game or re-Load....I didn't notice this issue until I turned off the auto-eat setting, and therefore had to manually go in to the food menu to try to eat....On a sidenote, when there is no food, it seems like there should be a message or popup that says that I am out of food when I click on the fork.
hey lazyaltmer!
i think i see what you're saying: i didn't test the mod with auto-eating disabled. hahaha!
i'll check this out!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 am

i'll let them use the NPC's fight or fly behaviour WHEN attacking someone with a torch out.

note that the fight or fly behaviour is not used by the NPCs when attacking the player.
with this new feature, animals (creature type = 0) will use the fight or fly behaviour ONLY when attacking the player AND ONLY when the player has a torch out.

this means an animal will fight if it's stronger? could it get some penalty due to the fear though?

why only when attacking the player? if i wander around with some companions that have torches out?
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 pm

I love "small" tweaks collections like this (small in speech marks because it probably wasn't small to you!). NPCs Yield is definitely the thing that most caught my eye, but there's a lot of great stuff in this thread. :goodjob:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:34 pm

re: Npcs yield
this means an animal will fight if it's stronger? could it get some penalty due to the fear though?...why only when attacking the player? if i wander around with some companions that have torches out?...
yeah i could make the creatures do that against npcs as well.
the one experience i didn't want for any from my mods is non-variety.
so i think a chance (not random chance, mind you) of creatures fighting addresses my concern.
i can also add a check for the creatures vulnerability to fire (is there such a thing?), to make it a little bit more interesting.

if you really want a combat penalty applied to the creature, what sort of penalty would it be?
i think an adjustment to their confidence is sufficient.
an attribute or skill penalty will be too subtle for the player to notice.
confidence, however, is something that can be seen/experienced in the game.

what do you think, side?

I love "small" tweaks collections like this (small in speech marks because it probably wasn't small to you!). NPCs Yield is definitely the thing that most caught my eye, but there's a lot of great stuff in this thread. :goodjob:
hey, princess stomper! thanks!
i kind-of try to follow google's mantra of "release early and release often".
so i release small, manageable mods with a tight target. and i build from that.
also, because of that i am saved from the usual occurence of mods not getting to a playable state.

re: mod sets
i now have a few sets that when packaged together give a more "rounded" experience.
i'm sure that if i packaged them properly, i'd be able to release an "overhaul" per se:
e.g.: NPCs yield (already a Survival instincts AI mod) and Wandering encounters (surprise encounters without new spawn points)

and some of the mods have features that can be a mod on their own. but due to its development, have been bundled with another whose name may not suggest it:
Clothing matters has a feature where players can infiltrate the different guard factions by simply wearing guard uniform.
but this doesn't come cheaply: the longer the player impersonates a guard, the more suspicious the guards become.
also, the more complete set of uniform the player is wearing, the longer they can impersonate a guard.
e.g.: a player wearing only a guard cuirass with no matching helmet would look out of place.
add Looting dead guards is stealing and Crime has witnesses, you'll have a different gameplay similar to but different from Reneer's guard overhaul.

(mind you, when i started to build my Reneer-type mods, i was very active in his threads.
and when i found that he couldn't fully address some of the things i needed (especially with Clothing matters), i started to build these.
so, it wasn't as if i tried to underhandedly release these to undermine his.
i even told him that i was building Crime has witnesses.
regardless if you ever get to read this: i apologise to you, reneer, for "overstepping the mark".)

i may, in the future, "pretty-up" (i.e. package, documentation, pictures, etc...) my list.
but i very much doubt it.
unlike some modders, i actually like playing the game. :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:31 pm

Hey Kuertee - does clothing matters contain any of the features that http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13638 does?
Such as having upper, middle, and lower clothes effect dispositions more.

Guess that would also need to factor things like whose disposition. Such as wearing upper class clothes in front a beggar having the effect of lowering disposition.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 pm

Hey Kuertee - does clothing matters contain any of the features that http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13638 does?
Such as having upper, middle, and lower clothes effect dispositions more.

Guess that would also need to factor things like whose disposition. Such as wearing upper class clothes in front a beggar having the effect of lowering disposition.

oh wow! a feature of Clothing matters does exactly what CLS Classy Clothes does. and that's from 2007!
pity. someone should have pointed me to that mod. i used to ask around (particularly in delte's thread), before i build anything.

but Clothing matters doesn't give you a rank or a class, but it does give bonuses or penalties to npc dispositions you interact with depending on yours and their clothes:
e.g.: -16 disposition because player has mage robe on but npc has high-valued clothing on: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/22653-3-1248953088.jpg

to recap features of CM:
1. bounty when wearing illegal apparel. e.g.: Dark brotherhood, Mythic dawn apparel
2. disposition changes in conversations depending on player's and npc's apparel
3. guard impersonation
that's a big chunk of new experiences (over several game mechanics) there in one esp. ;)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:46 am

re: Npcs yield
yeah i could make the creatures do that against npcs as well.
the one experience i didn't want for any from my mods is non-variety.
so i think a chance (not random chance, mind you) of creatures fighting addresses my concern.
i can also add a check for the creatures vulnerability to fire (is there such a thing?), to make it a little bit more interesting.

if you really want a combat penalty applied to the creature, what sort of penalty would it be?
i think an adjustment to their confidence is sufficient.

creatures can have special abilities like weakness or resistance to fire. a burning hell dog would most likely not flee from fire. but all 'normal' wild animals will, also the strongest - as long as they don't suffer from the rabies... but if they have a small chance to have the rabies they would be even stronger! what a surprice! this fatal desease is highly infectious too, so how would it affect the player? ;)

i think fire triggers the strongest survival instincts. even domesticated animals fear it. this should not depend on their attack damage or something. i would like that desease thing.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:25 pm

I'm interested in trying the Attribute-Based and Skill-Based Damage Modifiers mod, it looks awesome. However, I'm currently using Tejon's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11237 which adds resistance or weakness to magicka depending on your Willpower. Would these two mods conflict, as their magic-related functions seem redundant?

In other words, if using Willful Resistance, should I set kISASDMQuest.weaknessToMagicMultiplier to 0 in the .ini?

Also, would this mod work well with nGCD and Progress? I assume it would, since it has nothing to with leveling.

Finally, how would this handle skills and attributes above 100; if used together with Elys' Uncapper?

Thanks for any info on this!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 pm

Thanks for your mods, gameplay changes are the most important mods to me. These sound as creative and fun as mods from strategymaster or skyranger and plenty of other people I forget. Cutthroat Mods, JRoush, Tejon, Galerion, Markb50k, Tekurumoto. . . I feel the need to advertise for them because people are missing out on what they wrote. I missed out on your mods and have been playing oblivion since it was new.

I'm trying Npc's Yield and Wandering Encounters.

With FCOM, I once saw a group of guards at Cloud ruler temple fighting a frost titan outside the temple so I fought it but couldn't do much. So I lead it inside the temple and everyone went berserk. Maybe now these kinds of things will wander more into indoor places on their own. Leaving a similar ending with piles of bodies and havoc objects strewn all over the room. Brother Martin was the only survivor other than me in that one. I only knew that the fight was going on initially because my computer slowed down for no apparent reason. It was the AI action doing a lot of processing nearby, out of sight.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:31 am

Kuertee, if you come to pass by here:

I am installing your "kuerteeAutoSaveAndTime" mod. It has a function to purge cell buffers, but by default it is turned off in the .ini. Now, I am using Quarn's "Purge Cell Buffers" mod for that purpose anyway but I am just wondering if I could kick out Quarn's and use yours for PCB instead.

So why is yours not enabled by default? Not quite working as you intended? Any stability concerns? Do you know if your method for PCB is any different than what Quarn's is doing? I mean in terms of when to PCB, how often, where etc. Really just asking. :)

I am curious to try out the other features, especially the rotational auto-save. I used Streamline before, but I have disabled it now and was looking for a replacement of the Streamsave function. I think the rest of the features seem very nice too. I'm giving it a go right now.

Thanks for a brief comment on PCB.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 pm

Looking good as usual K. I'm off playing Oblivion untill I get around doing a reinstall or upgrade my computer.
I wonder, are there any Character Starter kits that would let you set your Level, skills, quests done, inventory, time played etc - I just shudder thinking about starting all over again ;)

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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:19 pm

I wonder, are there any Character Starter kits that would let you set your Level, skills, quests done, inventory, time played etc -

With Wrye Bash you can import a character from a previous save game to your present game, if I'm not mistaken. This may help some of your concerns? You may want to ask any specifics in the WB thread.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:16 pm

I am installing "kuerteeAutoSaveAndTime" mod. It has a function to purge cell buffers, but by default it is turned off in the .ini. Now, I am using Quarn's "Purge Cell Buffers" mod for that purpose anyway but I am just wondering if I could kick out Quarn's and use yours for PCB instead.

Thanks for a brief comment on PCB.

Kuertee has not come back in the last few days. Is any of you using the purge cells function from Auto Save and Time? I'd like to hear briefly what's your experience with it. Thanks very much for your time!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:42 pm

re: Attributes-based and skills-based damage modifiers
I'm interested in trying the Attribute-Based and Skill-Based Damage Modifiers mod, it looks awesome. However, I'm currently using Tejon's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11237 which adds resistance or weakness to magicka depending on your Willpower. Would these two mods conflict, as their magic-related functions seem redundant?...
no, they don't conflict. i played with tejon's Willful Resistance and the magic resistance feature active in my Attributes-based and skills-based damage modifiers (A&SBDM). the sum of both effects work both "in the game" and "on paper".

...Also, would this mod work well with nGCD and Progress? I assume it would, since it has nothing to with leveling.
yes, A&SBDM work with both nGCD and Progress. i have all three in my load order.

...Finally, how would this handle skills and attributes above 100; if used together with Elys' Uncapper?
i'm not sure actually. i assume that it will work as normal because A&SBDM directly change global variables and settings used by the game to calculate damage. but i can't be sure.

re: NPCs yield and Wandering encounters
Thanks for your mods...I'm trying Npc's Yield and Wandering Encounters...Maybe now these kinds of things will wander more into indoor places on their own.
thanks, localhosed! note, however, that Wandering Encounters do not actually make "wanderers" enter interior cells. the default Oblivion AI however may allow them to follow prey indoors - providing that the door or gate isn't locked against "evil" actors.

re: Auto-save and time
...So why is yours not enabled by default? Not quite working as you intended? Any stability concerns? Do you know if your method for PCB is any different than what Quarn's is doing? I mean in terms of when to PCB, how often, where etc. Really just asking. :)...
hey tommy_h! after talking to other developers (and thinking about this function at some length), i concluded that forcing a PCB may due the game session more harm than good. it may clear data that the current game (i.e. due to active mods) may still need. i'm not sure if Quarn's function is different. the PCB feature in my mod simply triggers the PCB console command at the set intervals.

...I am curious to try out the other features, especially the rotational auto-save. I used Streamline before, but I have disabled it now and was looking for a replacement of the Streamsave function. I think the rest of the features seem very nice too. I'm giving it a go right now....
i built Auto-save and time to actually remove my need of Streamline 3.1. i've posted my concerns about Streamline and my preference to Streamline beta (before the streamline angel feature) in the streamline thread.

sorry for the delay in my responses, guys.
its been several weeks since i played the game. and i'm not sure when i can play it next.
but i'll try to keep an eye on this forum and answer any questions.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 pm

Cool, thanks for the response, Kuertee!

I also recently added Wandering Encounters to my load order, and was pleasantly suprised by a large bandit raiding party busting into Hoarfrost Castle when I least expected it! The group even included a Francesco's boss bandit leader. It was chaos in the Hoarfrost lobby, as guards poured out of the barracks to combat the invaders! Heh, that was great!
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm

sorry for the delay in my responses, guys.

Hey Kuertee, that's not a problem!! My thread subscription was coming to it's 5-days end so I decided to bump it. :)

Thanks for your time and reply re PCB feature. I see. Well, I think I must reread again about the .ini settings available with yours. I'm using Qarn's mod ATM for that, and I have no issues at all with it so I might as well just keep it.

BTW I tremendously like all the other things your AS&T provides. Before installing it I was a bit skeptic about the time functions being maybe just dandy but rather pointless, I now find them actually really useful and enhancing the gaming fun! :)

Thanks again for coming by. And enjoy your weekend!!
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:47 am

I am having a problem with Horse commands v4.8. Anytime my horse gets disabled, either by me trough the console or by a script such as the ones in the Horse armor DLC (which disable your current horse and enable another one with the armor models on), my game crashes almost immediately. In the changelog it seems this was fixed in version 4.3.

About the horse armor stuff: Are you familiar with ToggleCreatureModel? Because I'm having an idea where your mod could handle the horse armor through that command, since so far it seems like it has the best infrastructure for controlling horses. Instead of the current method of disabling your horse and changing it with an armored variant, GetCreatureModelPaths and ToggleCreatureModel could be used to control the appearance of horses, with detection of mods that add new armor and horse models such as Slof's, Ulrim's or harlanrm's Horse Armor revamped.
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