Horse commands and Horse armor DLC
I am having a problem with Horse commands v4.8. Anytime my horse gets disabled, either by me trough the console or by a script such as the ones in the Horse armor DLC (which disable your current horse and enable another one with the armor models on), my game crashes almost immediately. In the changelog it seems this was fixed in version 4.3.
About the horse armor stuff: Are you familiar with ToggleCreatureModel? Because I'm having an idea where your mod could handle the horse armor through that command, since so far it seems like it has the best infrastructure for controlling horses. Instead of the current method of disabling your horse and changing it with an armored variant, GetCreatureModelPaths and ToggleCreatureModel could be used to control the appearance of horses, with detection of mods that add new armor and horse models such as Slof's, Ulrim's or harlanrm's Horse Armor revamped.
sorry, migck! i don't have any of the DLCs. so i didn't know Horse armour DLC worked that way.
so i don't think i ever addressed this issue in 4.3.
ToggleCreatureModel sounds like a pretty cool function.
Horse commands and fast travel
I have a question or two as well.
With Horse Commands - even if i tell the horse to stay at a stable and I then fast travel somewhere (on foot) the horse appears and then will follow me briefly and after about a minute will then start heading off - I'm assuming to return to where I told the horse to wait to begin with.
Is that expected behavior?
I think Kuertee is on a well deserved vacation from modding....Kuertee - if you do see this and are inspired - Horse Commands, to me, is buggy....If I command the horse to stay then fast travel myself somewhere then it still follows and then will try and wander back to where I told it to stay.
First reported and the next post offered a solution that you might want to check out.
hey psymon!
unfortunately, fast travel will always teleport your last ridden horse with you. this was the same in previous versions of horse commands (xebeth's v1, mine v2, harlanrm's v3, then mine again v4).
someone (i can't remember his name now, but he was a regular in the forums) suggested that i should remove player ownership of horses THEN add the horse and the player to a custom faction.
he thought that this may stop the horse from being teleported to you when you fast travel.
not sure when i'll be back in oblivion to add this, unfortunately. sorry.
Effect drain shader initial glow onlyThen Next with the shaders - does that optional/extra shader suppressor mod require the Battle fatigue mod be active all the time? When testing things out I will deactivate it but honestly either way the shaders persist on weapons. Not so much on people - but on weapons and armor. Was that intended
no. this separate mod should work without BFandI.
the shaders do persist on weapons - yes.
i didn't really look into supressing the shaders from anything except the player model.
note, however, that this mod only supresses the shaders that i use: DRAIN. it doesn't suppress the other shaders.
Auto-first/third person viewAuto-first/thrird person....I know your not a bash user so this may be something you cannot answer.I've set it so that normally I'm in 3rd person unless I look at something with my crosshairs. Therefore if I run up to a door to go through it I'm in first person mode. That is unless I have an active bashed patch and I run up to a door and it will always switch quickly from first to third before the cell transition....Is there a setting some where in bash (set by an other mod) that may be controlling that? I thought it normal behavior until I tested somethings out with bash and my eyes were like "ahh much better."...thanks for these too btw
not sure. sorry. but the first part of this is correct:
when any activatable object comes in range, the camera will switch to first person view - if that's how you have it set-up.
not sure why having an active bashed patch would turn the camera back to 3rd person view JUST before cell transition.
after cell transition, does it change the camera to your preference?
Auto-save and timeJust wanted to report that I tried the "real life timer" in Auto-save and Time, and it doesn't seem reliable at all. I could play several hours before it informed me that 1 hour was elapsed. I don't know if the counting is broken when I reload my game after dying, maybe?
For now I've switched to DS Time Manager for the timer part and it works properly in that regard. (I'm still using your autosave, it works great.)
hey gabba! you'll need pluggy for the timer.
pluggy is used to save the time between your different loaded games (e.g. when you load new games in).
do you have pluggy running?
horse commandsYou use NifScript, kuertee? I didn't know that. How are you using it? And what's the error here?...Sorry, I just came across this post in a search for the NifScript thread (usually faster than searching for it), and I was curious about this.
hey dragoon! no. horse commands does not have any new models.
the error that you see shouldn't be a showstopper. battle fatigue and injuries used to get that a lot - none now, however.
and it's caused by a variable that gets reset or nulled (maybe the actor has been removed from memory).
with the new obse (thanks obse team!) and with the let command, the script should just stop then restart again.
sorry, guys, about these delays.
and i'm not really sure when i can get back to oblivion.