replacing dead NPCs...A crazy mod that repopulate Cyrodiil as NPC's dies is the general idea here...
hi locksley!
good ideas! but i'm not sure if this is doable.
i've not really looked into the actor ref systems of the game.
maybe a PlaceAtMe of or a CreateFullActorCopy from a random actor from several (50 men, 50 female) generic base actors can be used to spawn new npcs to replace non-evil dead npcs.
the dead actor's ai package can be applied to the new actor.
the problem is that because this ai package will be applied with a script, it won't stick on the actor: i.e. it needs to be reapplied over and over.
(someone, please correct me if i'm wrong.)
but speaking of dynamic towns, i'd still like to see a fully working "the settlers" system in the game.
i heard someone "denying" working on a mod like this. (i can't remember who it was.)
Wandering encounters,
resurrecting non-evil NPCs...So thats my dilemma. I like random encounters and brawls...but I dont like permanent deaths of my character npc's. I dont like losing out on quests and merchants, and i dont like empty ghost-towns. When i first installed this mod, I was envisioning that the baddies would cross some road and start fights with my (crowded roads) npcs, or approach a city and be fended off by the town guard...Solutions? Hmmmm...Is there a way to gimp the 'traveling baddy'? So that he shows up, mayhem ensues...but the valiant townsfolk fight him off? (because the baddie is handicapped). I suppose it would be way too much trouble to make the traveling baddies only do knockout damage....
hey snowball!
i'm not actually sure how to limit damage to "knock-out" damage only.
i think reneer does this in his Guard overhaul mod.
but i think the best solution is to resurrect non evil npcs (isActorEvil) after some time being dead.
and i think because resurrection doesn't happen immediately, any quests that rely on npcs dying will not be affected.
the quest will detect the npc's death and move forward its stages.
i think quests rely solely on its "stage" value to determine its progression.
however, some quest scripts may recheck the npc and move its stage down.
but this will more likely be quests from mods rather than from the vanilla game.
(someone, please correct me if i'm wrong.)
Alternatives to death and reload,
Death has penaltiesHaving problems with Alternatives To Death And Reload... You know kurtee, your mods doesnt seem too spectacular when first time looking at your thread but, every next one I check is a next one I cant live without. This one about Death is an art work...I promised to myself dont look more to your thread for some time, just for play a little bit and forget about OBMM and ini files.

...I had no succes with the ini file. When I disable good samaritan option, penalties are not permanent anymore. I finally installed your
Death_has_penalties_v0p52-22121. I suggest you dont forget this mod only because is included in "Alternatives"....
hey desertor!
thanks for your kind comments. and i do agree with you: i.e. my mods do have a rough exterior to them.

anyway, i've not really checked the permanent penalties fully. they work (as in i saw my stats get damaged) but i didn't really play them to the full.
but after reading your post and looking at the code, i think the problem is that the mod presents the "removal of death penalties" messages when it shouldn't - because the penalties should have been permanent.
is this how it was in your game? the player loaded another game...after some time a message pop-up notifying you that the penalties have been removed.
after that message, were your stats restored to their values before death?
anyway, i've released an update to the mod (Alternatives to death and reload) that does not present the "removal" message when playing with permanent penalties.
i've just thought of another way to apply "permanent" penalties to make them more appealing to those that don't want permanent penalties:
permanent penalties can be applied with unremovable tokens.
when so, the penalties will be permanent in-game.
but they can be removed by deactivating the mod or starting the mod from a "clean save".
currently they are applied with "SetActorValue".
i noticed that you've started to use the older Death has penalties mod.
however, if you're interested in still trying Alternatives to death and reload, let me know if the update doesn't address the issue.
here are the updates:
this second post will always contain details of recent updates to my mods:
Alternatives to death and reload
0.59, 29 November 2009:
- Bug-fix: Previously, the messages for when temporary penalties expire were being displayed even if permanent penalties were active.
- Tweak: Detecting Oblivion worlds.
Added a check against the display name to the current check against the reference name.
- New feature: penaltyPerDeathMultiplierMin and penaltyPerDeathMultiplierMax.
When set, the penalties for each attribute after death are multiplied by a random number generated from these values.
- Bug-fix: The mininum and maximum values for time lost due to recuperating from near-death is now fixed.
The previous versions limited all time lost to less than 24 hours.
This version randomises this time from the given minimum and maximum values.
Auto-save and Time
0.995, 29 November 2009:
- Tweak: Prevention of crashes that occured after Auto-saves.
In previous versions, the game would crash immediately after an Auto-save.
(The saved-games were usually intact and not corrupted by the crash.)
This version tweaks the start of the code to prevent these crashes.
Battle fatigue and injuries
0.63, 29 November 2009:
- New feature: HUD.
To use the HUD:
Install Pluggy, rename "Data\obse\plugins\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll" to "Data\obse\plugins\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy_HUD.dll".
Ensure that showHUDInGameMode or showHUDInMenuMode in the INI file is set to 1.
Its location on screen can also be configured in the INI file.
- Tweak: In regards to healing, when the player sleeps, all NPCs are assumed to also be asleep.
This should heal NPC's (especially companions') injuries at the same rate as the player.
- Tweak: Removed all health fixing features.
Constantly healing NPCs and over-max-health NPCs may have been caused by MMM's actor diversifaction features from OnLoadCSNPC scripts.
The new feature below disables these effects from MMM.
- New feature: An option to disable Health, Magicka and Fatigue effects (i.e. mesh-scale effects and and undead speed effects are kept) from MMM's diversifaction system.
Activate the "kuertee MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp".
MMM's diversifaction effects works by offsetting actors' Health, Magicka, Fatigue and other attributes by a random amount.
Unfortunately, negatively offsetting Health, Magicka and Fatigue causes the AI to "think" that these are damaged.
Actors with appropriate healing magic will try to heal these stats by continously casting and or consuming healing magic.
- Tweak: In addition to the above, Battle fatigue is now only applied to the player.
Similar to MMM's diversifaction system Battle fatigue caused NPCs to continously try and fail to heal themselves.
Not applying Battle fatigue to NPCs prevents this.
- Bug-fix: Removal of the BFandI scripts and effects from NPCs.
Another bug-fix/re-coded feature to ensure that the token scripts are disabled on inactive NPCs.
Inactive NPCs are those that have been unloaded from memory.
NPCs are usually unloaded from memory when the player moves too far away from them.
- Bug-fix: Fixed an OBSE error at the very end of the GameMode block when an actor other than the player dies.
Eat and sleep
0.60, 29 November 2009:
- New feature: Auto-eat. When set, this feature will either present the Food menu or automatically feed the player.
By default, Auto-eat triggers when the player has been hungry for 1 hour or at 6 am, 12 pm, 18 pm.
And by default, Auto-eat will try to keep the player satiated for 6 hours.
Configure auto-eat in the INI file.
Thanks to the contributors (particularly Delte) to the Idle Eating - A mod idea thread:
- New feature: Player's diet: 0=omnivore (default), 1=carnivore, 2=herbivore
This is used by the Food menu and Auto-eat features.
Set this in the INI file.
- Tweak: The messages in the Attibutes window now list both energy stored and penalties applied.
For hunger, the message will either be Satiation or Hunger.
For sleep, the messages will either be Energy or Exhaustion.
Previously, these messages are displayed only when Exhaustion and Hunger are already present.
- New feature: Energy gained from sleeping and eating are increased when done at home.
Thanks for the contributors in the Houses made useful thread:
With a particular thanks to Delte (for starting the conversation) and Locksley (because this actual feature was his idea).
- New feature: Food menu. A food menu is presented when the Food menu item (found in the Miscellaneous inventory) is clicked.
Only bought, cooked and cold food are included in the menu.
Each menu item will have a collection of food that offers a set amount (but not 1 more than the set amount) of energy.
Menu item 1 will offer up to 16 hours of energy. Menu item 2, 12. Menu 3, 8. Menu 4, 4. Menu 5, 2.
Note that eating from the Food menu bypasses the ingredient sampling mini-game and will therefore not increase the Player's Alchemy skills.
Also note that eating directly from the Ingredients list is still allowed.
Gold is an inventory item
0.59, 29 November 2009:
- Bug-fix: Support for Enhanced Economy's Misc Adjustment.
Previously, when Misc Adjustment is set to anything but 100 gold inconsistencies will present themselves.
This is now fixed.
Horse commands
4.6, 29 November 2009:
- Tweak: Detecting Oblivion worlds.
Added a check against the display name to the current check against the reference name.
- Tweak: FormIds that were at one time references to horses are checked before use.
String FormIds are used to index arrays that keep track of horse data.
Sometimes (for example when a load order changes), these FormIds change.
When they change, data in them become invalid for use.
In previous versions, the mod tries and fails to use these invalid data.
In this version, these data are removed.
- New feature: Saddlebag Miscellaneous item.
A Saddlebag inventory item will be added to all saddlebags.
When the Saddlebag item is put into a container, all the contents of the saddlebag it came from will be transfered into the container.
Only one Saddlebag item at a time can be carried by the Player.
Transferring items from one horse to another is possible.
- Bug-fix: Weight restrictions on horses now work.
By default, the total weight a horse can carry is half its base health.
This may seem light - but keep in mind that the horse needs to take the weight of the player also
Be careful when first accessing the saddlebags in this version: its very likely that the horse will be overburdened.
If you think the horse will be overburdened, take the horse home immediately and use the saddlebag item to dump all the items in a chest or cupboard.
Wandering encounters
0.53, 29 November 2009:
- New feature: The AI of all wanderers are reset when the player goes to sleep.
This prevents NPCs from travelling while the player is asleep.
This should prevent surprise appearances of NPCs in inns and cities when the Player wakes up or leaves an inn.
This should also minimise the occurence of NPCs killing friendly NPCs.