[relz] mods by kuertee (thread 5)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:45 am

My character does not currently use a horse either - maybe related to absence of horse.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 am

re: effectDrain persistent shader
Okay, the "effectDrain" "Fill/texture effect - Presistant Alpha Ratio" is getting reverted to 1.00 (Oblivion default) by the bashed patch....What's the best way to fix this? Just make a mod that does nothing but change that back?...BTW, the Particle Shader one is set to 1 in my copy of BFI as well (Oblivion default) instead of zero like in the image you linked. Is that a problem?
ahhh. i have a separate esp in TES called: Effect drain shader initial glow only: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25707
try adding that outside and after the bashed patch.

if that doesn't work, check out psymon's suggestions. they are linked in my post above under "Wrye Bash set-up".
i don't use bashed patches, so i cannot guide you on this, unfortunately.

re: Customisable HUD components
Quick question about the HUD Components, I was looking at the structure of a Pluggy HUD element and I got a bit confused on how the width/height is determined. Am I correct to say that the width and height is directly controlled by the texture that is used and only the ScaleX/ScaleY affect this (but not directly controlled it)? :unsure:...[edit]If so, then I assume the base (or max) width of a HUD bar is 200 (that's the width of the textures that come with the mod)? [/edit]...[edit2]Multiplied with the kCHUDC.scaleN setting I think.[/edit2]-kyoma
all correct - i think. i don't remember hard-coding any of the dimensions in my mod.
i rely on the scale values in the INI to size the textures.
so...if the images are replaced with something that is 400 wide (and the ini is not changed), the bars will appear twice as long in-game.
(but i'm not 100% on this - i can't remember. but a quick scan of the code suggests that the above is correct.)

re: Horse commands
about the horse commands v4 package, I was wondering if it's compatible with Ulrim's horses and Qarl's Harvest :)
i'm not sure. i don't have either mod. but i built Horse commands to detect and use ANY horse. so, hopefully it is.
the mod doesn't attach any scripts to horses, so 3rd-party mods with scripts on horses "should" be compatible with mine.
however, my mod does apply an AI package to the horse. if another mod changes the AI package of a horse, my mod will detect the change and reapply its AI package.
if the 3rd-party mod detects THAT change and reapplies its own AI package, then you'll experience the horse act erratically.

re: Horse commands
Kuertee, I wish I was as smart as Showler...but no, this is Snowball99 ;-)...And yes, i did have Horse Commands 4.41 installed. Im switching to 4.5 now, and will check my Conscribe log when I get a chance....EDIT: Does the new Horse Commands nullify the need for Horse Speed Equals Player Speed mod?
Hi Kuertee!...Ok, I installed Horse Commands 4.5, uninstalled HorseSpeedEqualsPlayerSpeed, rebashed and ran the game. Checked my console...and sure enough...Horse Commands is stuck in an error loop. ...
My character does not currently use a horse either - maybe related to absence of horse
i think you guys are right.
it could be a missing horse or a reference that used to be a horse and now is not.
and thanks for the log, those Offset numbers look correct now. it points to a line with a "Let" statement.
i'll look into this.

(and sorry snowball and showler for mixing you guys up.
and thanks locksley for the hand.)
cheers all!
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 pm

re: Horse commands
i'm not sure. i don't have either mod. but i built Horse commands to detect and use ANY horse. so, hopefully it is.
the mod doesn't attach any scripts to horses, so 3rd-party mods with scripts on horses "should" be compatible with mine.
however, my mod does apply an AI package to the horse. if another mod changes the AI package of a horse, my mod will detect the change and reapply its AI package.
if the 3rd-party mod detects THAT change and reapplies its own AI package, then you'll experience the horse act erratically.

if you're interested in improving your "horse experience" even more I suggest you give those a try ;)

Ulrim's horses integrates Slof's horses and Horse Armor Revamped, keeping it saddlebags friendly, while Qarl's Harvest lets you feed your horse with hay ( Shadowmere is carnivorous though :P ) .
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:01 pm

I'm kinda curious why battle injuries uses drain tokens.... why not just use modav2 damage? That way people can "heal" the damage with "restore attribute" spells, and there should be no nasty shader effects...
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:06 am

re: Battle fatigue and injuries
I'm kinda curious why battle injuries uses drain tokens.... why not just use modav2 damage? That way people can "heal" the damage with "restore attribute" spells, and there should be no nasty shader effects...
short answer: control issues. as in, i have them. :P
i wanted full control of the effects of the mod: i didn't want any other mod messing with them and didn't want my mod messing with effects from other mods.

long answer:
  • initially, battle fatigue and injuries was released with ModAV2s.
    very shortly after, i started getting reports of broken stats.
    even if my mod tracked its changes properly - other mods didn't.
    (i know now that it was Pure Immersion. did the author of PI ever reply to my query in his RELZ thread?
    note that this refers to a-long ago report of broken stats.
    not the more-recent report that led me to finding that other mods were actually breaking the stats.)
  • even if BFandI was released initially with ModAV2s, i always intended its effects to be tokenised.
    i was enjoying Ryujiin's Real Injury (i think it was recommended to me by either you, ABO, OR ThumperZ).
    and as i looked into it, i realised that its own ModAV2s would cause some problems.
    (i reported my findings in Ryujiin's RELZ thread.)
  • also, at the time, i wanted to see how far i can push tokenised effects.
    before BFandI, i already had tokenised encumbrance effects (encumbering loot armour and weapons), tokenised magicka effects (magicka-based magic jewelery limits) and the beginnings of tokenised "fatigue effects" ;) (eat and sleep).
    but all of them didn't have the same volume of tokens used in BFandI.
    BFandI has about 400 or so tokens. (i set this up while waiting at a car-wash - so no real time wasted.)
game-relevant answer:
in-game, i wanted my battle fatigue to represent the mental/physical fatigue that sets in after getting a beating.
and i wanted my injuries to be major and long-lasting injuries like sprains, broken bones, large cuts, bruises.
basically, i wanted to impose rest on players that take a beating.
i didn't want these effects to be restored with a simple spell or potion.
but i do have a similar feature in the mod: magical but temporary relief from injuries.

of course, and as per our previous conversations, there other "functional" benefits of tokenised effects.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:11 am

http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/Screenshot9.jpg?t=1258814020, http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/Screenshot10.jpg?t=1258814022....some nice screenshots of the HUD bars I've been working on for kuertee. I still gotta make the scripting part but I did my best to have all parameters and input for such a bar the same as how it works with Pluggy. So you don't have to deal with different numbers or systems, only use a different function to set them. :)

Something else I thought of last night, a nifty expansion to the ini plug'n play system. Currently CHUDC cannot be used directly to display the health/magicka/fatigue of a specific actor cause the GetAV (and others, etc) cannot be called in a MyQuest.MyRef syntax. So the only way would be for the mod that adds the actors to add three quest variables you can check with CHUDC, correct?

But there is another way that will allow you to use any reference function on a specific actor as long as you know its formID and the name of the mod it comes from. How you might ask, simple: with the bRunOnRef flag on the http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#RunScriptLine function :)
RunScriptLine - runs a line of script as if it were called from the console. If bRunOnRef is 1, the line of script will be executed on the calling object, if any.
(nothing) reference.RunScriptLine formatString:string var1 var2 ... var20 bRunOnRef:bool

Lets say we have a reference variable holding an actor and we want to know its health, as stated above you cannot do something like this because of bad syntax:
set kCHUDC.evaluateString to sv_Construct "SomeQuest.SomeRef.GetAV Health"RunScriptLine "Set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString
But if we do it using bRunOnRef like this (skipping the part on getting a local reference, that comes later :P):
set kCHUDC.evaluateString to sv_Construct "GetAV Health"YourRefVar.RunScriptLine "Set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString 1
The result is that kCHUDC.value is set to the current health of whatever actor is held in YourRefVar. Finally there is the part on how to get such a ref, well again very simple with http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#GetFormFromMod. All you'd have to do is add a refVar for each component that the user can set through the ini, then when updating the values check if it is non-zero (a valid reference) and use the stuff above. Like this:
	 if sv_length evaluateString1		  sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString1 scriptLine	 else		  sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest1 variableName1 scriptLine	 endif	 RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	 sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue1 stringValue2	 RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2
	 if sv_length evaluateString1		  sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value to %z" evaluateString1 scriptLine	 else		  sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value to %z.%z" quest1 variableName1 scriptLine	 endif	 if evalRef1		  evalRef1.RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine 1	 else		  RunScriptLine "%z" scriptLine	 endif	 sv_Set "Set kCHUDC.value2 to %z" maxValue1 stringValue2	 if evalRef1		  evalRef1.RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2 1	 else		  RunScriptLine "%z" stringValue2	 endif
Hope it made sense and that you'll consider adding it. I'm sure some people will find it useful. :)

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:52 am

if you're interested in improving your "horse experience" even more I suggest you give those a try ;)...Ulrim's horses integrates Slof's horses and Horse Armor Revamped, keeping it saddlebags friendly, while Qarl's Harvest lets you feed your horse with hay ( Shadowmere is carnivorous though :P ) .
ahhh! i'll need to check these. i've always wanted to be able to heal the health of horses like how my BFandI mod heals npcs.
i've been doing the wait 1 hour trick/cheat to heal them.
i'll check out qarl's harvest because i assume that feeding them heals them.
also, unofficial armoured horses would be very helpful. i don't have the official DLC.

http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/Screenshot9.jpg?t=1258814020, http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l243/Kyoparadox/Screenshot10.jpg?t=1258814022....some nice screenshots of the HUD bars I've been working on for kuertee. I still gotta make the scripting part but I did my best to have all parameters and input for such a bar the same as how it works with Pluggy. So you don't have to deal with different numbers or systems, only use a different function to set them. :)...
looks good kyoma!

...Something else I thought of last night, a nifty expansion to the ini plug'n play system. Currently CHUDC cannot be used directly to display the health/magicka/fatigue of a specific actor cause the GetAV (and others, etc) cannot be called in a MyQuest.MyRef syntax. So the only way would be for the mod that adds the actors to add three quest variables you can check with CHUDC, correct?...
excellent idea.
this would be useful in tracking the stats of companions.

so, we'll need to new variables for each bar, right: formId and modESP?
(like how i get users to list non-default clothes that are illegal in my Clothing matters mod.)

so, how are we going to do this NEW mod of yours?
you're welcome to edit my code as you fit and release it as a "revamped" version or something.
and i can add a "note" in my mod thank links to yours.

OR you're welcome to release as a brand new "alternative" mod.
and i can add a "note" in my mod thank links to yours.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:14 am

Hi kuertee! What will 'Wandering Encounters' do to our npc population? Will we start finding our villages and inns depopulated? I installed it a few days ago and have been looking out for what happens. Just today, I was in Faregyl Village (arthmoors village mod) and a troll and goblin wandered into town just as I completed escorting 2 npc's out of a mine. In several seconds, one of them was dead along with a town resident and a guard. Then in Faregyl Inn, I stopped for a nap...when I awoke several inn denizens were fighting off some baddy, leaving the innkeeper, and an npc quest-giver dead (fortunately I had just completed that quest) .

Im not sure if this is something I like. I dont know if I want to find all my villages turned into ghost-towns and empty buildings because the monsters come in and kill off the npc's. Now, the respawning npc's...thats ok...but many of the npc's...once they are dead...thats it. Any advice for me?

EDIT: MORE monster madness! I was finishing up the Let The People Drink quest, and came into the waterworker's house, to find him fighting off two goblins and a troll. I helped kill the goblins, and went outside to rest. Sneaked back inside and the troll was engaged in a looping fight with the elf (whom the author apparently made 'essential'. The elf would pull out a dagger and go for the troll..who would swipe him down in one stroke!The elf would get back up in 10 seconds and do it all over! Is this sadistic or what?! LOL
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:39 pm

excellent idea.
this would be useful in tracking the stats of companions.

so, we'll need to new variables for each bar, right: formId and modESP?
(like how i get users to list non-default clothes that are illegal in my Clothing matters mod.)
It's probably good enough to just have one new refVar for each bar, no need to have the user supply the formID and modESP seperately only to have the code combine it with GetFormFromMod. Then again using such a function directly in the ini might cause confusion for some. :shrug:

so, how are we going to do this NEW mod of yours?
you're welcome to edit my code as you fit and release it as a "revamped" version or something.
and i can add a "note" in my mod thank links to yours.

OR you're welcome to release as a brand new "alternative" mod.
and i can add a "note" in my mod thank links to yours.
Ewr.....hehe.....I'm kinda doing exactly that. :embarrass: Rewriting everything using OBSE v18 and looping, the biggest advantage of this is that it's alot easier to add more bars. All that is required is another set of variables, the actual code for each bar doesn't have to be duplicated. I was planning to offer the mod to you once I got it working but I guess a revamped or alternative mod might be better to avoid. I'll leave that up to you! :)

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:33 pm

Hi kuertee! What will 'Wandering Encounters' do to our npc population? Will we start finding our villages and inns depopulated? I installed it a few days ago and have been looking out for what happens. Just today, I was in Faregyl Village (arthmoors village mod) and a troll and goblin wandered into town just as I completed escorting 2 npc's out of a mine. In several seconds, one of them was dead along with a town resident and a guard. Then in Faregyl Inn, I stopped for a nap...when I awoke several inn denizens were fighting off some baddy, leaving the innkeeper, and an npc quest-giver dead (fortunately I had just completed that quest) ....Im not sure if this is something I like. I dont know if I want to find all my villages turned into ghost-towns and empty buildings because the monsters come in and kill off the npc's. Now, the respawning npc's...thats ok...but many of the npc's...once they are dead...thats it. Any advice for me?....EDIT: MORE monster madness! I was finishing up the Let The People Drink quest, and came into the waterworker's house, to find him fighting off two goblins and a troll. I helped kill the goblins, and went outside to rest. Sneaked back inside and the troll was engaged in a looping fight with the elf (whom the author apparently made 'essential'. The elf would pull out a dagger and go for the troll..who would swipe him down in one stroke!The elf would get back up in 10 seconds and do it all over! Is this sadistic or what?! LOL
unfortunately, this is the effect of Wandering encounters.
the Skingrad stablery and winery population has been nearly wiped out in my game: only the Transportation network guy, the guard, and the horse seller are alive. :'(
and everytime i wake up at the kvatch camp, several bandits have already invaded it.

however, note that no fighting actually starts until you enter GameMode and the cells of the combatants become active.
e.g. when you wake up in the inn, oblivion's travel ai will move any actors that were triggered by the mod to move to where they need to be.
as anyone knows, any travelling ai occuring in inactive cells happen very, very fast: this is why players usually see the actors already in town.
when you leave the inn (exit the interior cell), then oblivion's combat ai will start the actors fighting.

in regards to the essential npcs v troll...that's a normal oblivion behaviour. it may be good for the player to intervene at this point. hahaha! :D

any suggestions, anyone, on how to save the NPCs?

currently, i have the actors look for a random door that leads to an interior cell.
this could be a door to an inn, a hourse, a cave, a gate to oblivion, etc...

i can change it (or have an option) to change that behaviour simply to a random point away from the actor's location.
i can also cancel any travelling ai when the player sleeps.
this should also preven any actors that were travelling before sleep to seem to "teleport" to their destinations.
what do you guys think?

(to be honest, however, i don't mind the killable NPCs dying.
is just anoher dynamic in the game.)

...Ewr.....hehe.....I'm kinda doing exactly that. :embarrass: Rewriting everything using OBSE v18 and looping, the biggest advantage of this is that it's alot easier to add more bars. All that is required is another set of variables, the actual code for each bar doesn't have to be duplicated. I was planning to offer the mod to you once I got it working but I guess a revamped or alternative mod might be better to avoid. I'll leave that up to you! :)...-kyoma
i still want to rewrite my code for v17 (arrays, while...loops) etc...
i just don't know when i could do it.

and it may be best to differentiate the title of the mods (rather than an extended title like "revamped" or "updated" or whatever).
and using "alternative" can be misleading in the future. i.e.: my mod is an alternative to yours and your mod is to mine.
this is because i'd like to rewrite the mod with 0017 and maybe add other features.

e.g. kyoma Customisable HUD components.esp is quite good. ;) (an acronym of kCHUDC would definitely confuse everyone! hahaha!)
i can rename my mod to "kuertee Customisable pluggy HUD components.esp" to fully describe the differentiation.
with the vanilla HUD system not needing a "name", kyoma Customisable HUD components.esp" would work.

regardless, i'll leave this up to you. :thumbsup:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:26 pm

any suggestions, anyone, on how to save the NPCs?

Not really a suggestion just a few idle thoughts I've had about NPC's and population.

1. Problem: When a NPC dies nobody replaces him/her.
2. Solution: Marking as essential (unimmersive).
3. Better Solution: Replacing NPC with a new person but with a copy of all the schedules and quest triggers.
4. Problem: No way to automate the marking of what NPC's should stay dead (for quest purposes) or knowing what quests break what.

If one starts of with the Original Oblivion characters and sort them for who can return to life without breaking quests. Then one has a bunch of premade NPC's that can get swapped into place of the dead one and they get the schedules/dialog and ownership of the one who died. Names can be changed unless the dialog introduces them with name - unless one use it as a family name and not surname.

A crazy mod that repopulate Cyrodiil as NPC's dies is the general idea here. It's too complex to do everything maybe (and not even possible - the copying of schedules on the fly to randomize it all?) but something that keeps track of certain very endangered NPC's and can keep on replacing them with new NPC's (family members, friends, new immigrant etc) thus bypassing the immortal essential tag solution. The problem being the depopulation of Cyrodiil and none to replace the dead ones.

And since one is replacing dead NPC's instead of adding a bunch of new ones maybe on can keep down the CPU overhead with additional schedules that comes with just adding stuff?

Yes, a nutty idea but maybe something can spring of it.

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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:16 pm

While that idea is far more interesting than just adding NPCs with no purpose (crowded ____), I still say let them die.

not a fan of g rated games.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:12 am

I guess Im a player who likes to keep all my options alive. I dont like not knowing what quests i'm missing out on because some npc just died. I have the Theivery mod that adds a blackjack and I much prefer sneaking up behind my victim and knocking him out. Then the next day I walk into his store where I wiped him clean, and start up a chat,,,he is never the wiser it was ME hahahaha!

This was also the fatal flaw of a brilliant mod that added bar fights. The author added several bar denizen npc's that were respawnable, and used clutter items such as bottles and forks and bread loaves as weapons. You could either cast a 'Spell of drunken ass-woopin', or just wait for a tigger-happy brawl to start. The Inn-keppers were re-classed as essential. But the flaw was that other npc's would be at the bar too. Shopkeepwers and such would be caught up in the fight and next thing you know are dead...permanently! A fun bar-room-brawl mod should not have such permanent consequences.

So thats my dilemma. I like random encounters and brawls...but I dont like permanent deaths of my character npc's. I dont like losing out on quests and merchants, and i dont like empty ghost-towns. When i first installed this mod, I was envisioning that the baddies would cross some road and start fights with my (crowded roads) npcs, or approach a city and be fended off by the town guard

Solutions? Hmmmm

Is there a way to gimp the 'traveling baddy'? So that he shows up, mayhem ensues...but the valiant townsfolk fight him off? (because the baddie is handicapped). I suppose it would be way too much trouble to make the traveling baddies only do knockout damage. Y'know...even though many players dislike the idea of all character npcs being essential...i am not terribly opposed to that. Could you add into your mod a 'G-rated' setting that would switch all npc's to essential or respawnable? EDIT: On 2nd thought...that would probably break a lot of quests.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 pm

Having problems with Alternatives To Death And Reload... Well, yes, It was me and the ini file, again. Solved.

You know kurtee, your mods doesnt seem too spectacular when first time looking at your thread but, every next one I check is a next one I cant live without. This one about Death is an art work.

Im trying to configure ini file in a maner that I have permanent penalties in luck with a 100% so I lost 1 point of luck every time I dead. This remind me a old board game called Advanced Hero Quest where your character had "Destiny points" between their atributes and he could use their destiny points for avoid terrible things, but he had a finite number of chances.

I promised to myself dont look more to your thread for some time, just for play a little bit and forget about OBMM and ini files. :P

Great work. Thank you!

EDIT: I had no succes with the ini file. When I disable good samaritan option, penalties are not permanent anymore. I finally installed your Death_has_penalties_v0p52-22121. I suggest you dont forget this mod only because is included in "Alternatives". Is perfect in my opinion, some configurable punishement when you die and really easy to tweak (Well, I know Im a little bit friki so maybe Im the only thinking that :nuts: ).
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:05 am

re: replacing dead NPCs
...A crazy mod that repopulate Cyrodiil as NPC's dies is the general idea here...
hi locksley!
good ideas! but i'm not sure if this is doable.
i've not really looked into the actor ref systems of the game.

maybe a PlaceAtMe of or a CreateFullActorCopy from a random actor from several (50 men, 50 female) generic base actors can be used to spawn new npcs to replace non-evil dead npcs.
the dead actor's ai package can be applied to the new actor.
the problem is that because this ai package will be applied with a script, it won't stick on the actor: i.e. it needs to be reapplied over and over.
(someone, please correct me if i'm wrong.)

but speaking of dynamic towns, i'd still like to see a fully working "the settlers" system in the game.
i heard someone "denying" working on a mod like this. (i can't remember who it was.)

re: Wandering encounters, resurrecting non-evil NPCs
...So thats my dilemma. I like random encounters and brawls...but I dont like permanent deaths of my character npc's. I dont like losing out on quests and merchants, and i dont like empty ghost-towns. When i first installed this mod, I was envisioning that the baddies would cross some road and start fights with my (crowded roads) npcs, or approach a city and be fended off by the town guard...Solutions? Hmmmm...Is there a way to gimp the 'traveling baddy'? So that he shows up, mayhem ensues...but the valiant townsfolk fight him off? (because the baddie is handicapped). I suppose it would be way too much trouble to make the traveling baddies only do knockout damage....
hey snowball!
i'm not actually sure how to limit damage to "knock-out" damage only.
i think reneer does this in his Guard overhaul mod.

but i think the best solution is to resurrect non evil npcs (isActorEvil) after some time being dead.
and i think because resurrection doesn't happen immediately, any quests that rely on npcs dying will not be affected.
the quest will detect the npc's death and move forward its stages.
i think quests rely solely on its "stage" value to determine its progression.
however, some quest scripts may recheck the npc and move its stage down.
but this will more likely be quests from mods rather than from the vanilla game.
(someone, please correct me if i'm wrong.)

re: Alternatives to death and reload, Death has penalties
Having problems with Alternatives To Death And Reload... You know kurtee, your mods doesnt seem too spectacular when first time looking at your thread but, every next one I check is a next one I cant live without. This one about Death is an art work...I promised to myself dont look more to your thread for some time, just for play a little bit and forget about OBMM and ini files. :P ...I had no succes with the ini file. When I disable good samaritan option, penalties are not permanent anymore. I finally installed your Death_has_penalties_v0p52-22121. I suggest you dont forget this mod only because is included in "Alternatives"....
hey desertor!
thanks for your kind comments. and i do agree with you: i.e. my mods do have a rough exterior to them. ;)
anyway, i've not really checked the permanent penalties fully. they work (as in i saw my stats get damaged) but i didn't really play them to the full.
but after reading your post and looking at the code, i think the problem is that the mod presents the "removal of death penalties" messages when it shouldn't - because the penalties should have been permanent.

is this how it was in your game? the player died...you loaded another game...after some time a message pop-up notifying you that the penalties have been removed.
after that message, were your stats restored to their values before death?

anyway, i've released an update to the mod (Alternatives to death and reload) that does not present the "removal" message when playing with permanent penalties.

i've just thought of another way to apply "permanent" penalties to make them more appealing to those that don't want permanent penalties:
permanent penalties can be applied with unremovable tokens.
when so, the penalties will be permanent in-game.
but they can be removed by deactivating the mod or starting the mod from a "clean save".
currently they are applied with "SetActorValue".

i noticed that you've started to use the older Death has penalties mod.
however, if you're interested in still trying Alternatives to death and reload, let me know if the update doesn't address the issue.

here are the updates:
this second post will always contain details of recent updates to my mods:

Alternatives to death and reload http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23862
0.59, 29 November 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Previously, the messages for when temporary penalties expire were being displayed even if permanent penalties were active.
  • Tweak: Detecting Oblivion worlds.
    Added a check against the display name to the current check against the reference name.
  • New feature: penaltyPerDeathMultiplierMin and penaltyPerDeathMultiplierMax.
    When set, the penalties for each attribute after death are multiplied by a random number generated from these values.
  • Bug-fix: The mininum and maximum values for time lost due to recuperating from near-death is now fixed.
    The previous versions limited all time lost to less than 24 hours.
    This version randomises this time from the given minimum and maximum values.

Auto-save and Time http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22136
0.995, 29 November 2009:
  • Tweak: Prevention of crashes that occured after Auto-saves.
    In previous versions, the game would crash immediately after an Auto-save.
    (The saved-games were usually intact and not corrupted by the crash.)
    This version tweaks the start of the code to prevent these crashes.

Battle fatigue and injuries http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24604
0.63, 29 November 2009:
  • New feature: HUD.
    To use the HUD:
    Install Pluggy, rename "Data\obse\plugins\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll" to "Data\obse\plugins\OBSE_Elys_Pluggy_HUD.dll".
    Ensure that showHUDInGameMode or showHUDInMenuMode in the INI file is set to 1.
    Its location on screen can also be configured in the INI file.
  • Tweak: In regards to healing, when the player sleeps, all NPCs are assumed to also be asleep.
    This should heal NPC's (especially companions') injuries at the same rate as the player.
  • Tweak: Removed all health fixing features.
    Constantly healing NPCs and over-max-health NPCs may have been caused by MMM's actor diversifaction features from OnLoadCSNPC scripts.
    The new feature below disables these effects from MMM.
  • New feature: An option to disable Health, Magicka and Fatigue effects (i.e. mesh-scale effects and and undead speed effects are kept) from MMM's diversifaction system.
    Activate the "kuertee MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp".
    MMM's diversifaction effects works by offsetting actors' Health, Magicka, Fatigue and other attributes by a random amount.
    Unfortunately, negatively offsetting Health, Magicka and Fatigue causes the AI to "think" that these are damaged.
    Actors with appropriate healing magic will try to heal these stats by continously casting and or consuming healing magic.
  • Tweak: In addition to the above, Battle fatigue is now only applied to the player.
    Similar to MMM's diversifaction system Battle fatigue caused NPCs to continously try and fail to heal themselves.
    Not applying Battle fatigue to NPCs prevents this.
  • Bug-fix: Removal of the BFandI scripts and effects from NPCs.
    Another bug-fix/re-coded feature to ensure that the token scripts are disabled on inactive NPCs.
    Inactive NPCs are those that have been unloaded from memory.
    NPCs are usually unloaded from memory when the player moves too far away from them.
  • Bug-fix: Fixed an OBSE error at the very end of the GameMode block when an actor other than the player dies.

Eat and sleep http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24605
0.60, 29 November 2009:
  • New feature: Auto-eat. When set, this feature will either present the Food menu or automatically feed the player.
    By default, Auto-eat triggers when the player has been hungry for 1 hour or at 6 am, 12 pm, 18 pm.
    And by default, Auto-eat will try to keep the player satiated for 6 hours.
    Configure auto-eat in the INI file.
    Thanks to the contributors (particularly Delte) to the Idle Eating - A mod idea thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1057100.
  • New feature: Player's diet: 0=omnivore (default), 1=carnivore, 2=herbivore
    This is used by the Food menu and Auto-eat features.
    Set this in the INI file.
  • Tweak: The messages in the Attibutes window now list both energy stored and penalties applied.
    For hunger, the message will either be Satiation or Hunger.
    For sleep, the messages will either be Energy or Exhaustion.
    Previously, these messages are displayed only when Exhaustion and Hunger are already present.
  • New feature: Energy gained from sleeping and eating are increased when done at home.
    Thanks for the contributors in the Houses made useful thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1052639&st=20&gopid=15294384&#entry15294384.
    With a particular thanks to Delte (for starting the conversation) and Locksley (because this actual feature was his idea).
  • New feature: Food menu. A food menu is presented when the Food menu item (found in the Miscellaneous inventory) is clicked.
    Only bought, cooked and cold food are included in the menu.
    Each menu item will have a collection of food that offers a set amount (but not 1 more than the set amount) of energy.
    Menu item 1 will offer up to 16 hours of energy. Menu item 2, 12. Menu 3, 8. Menu 4, 4. Menu 5, 2.
    Note that eating from the Food menu bypasses the ingredient sampling mini-game and will therefore not increase the Player's Alchemy skills.
    Also note that eating directly from the Ingredients list is still allowed.

Gold is an inventory item http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21881
0.59, 29 November 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Support for Enhanced Economy's Misc Adjustment.
    Previously, when Misc Adjustment is set to anything but 100 gold inconsistencies will present themselves.
    This is now fixed.

Horse commands http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8766
4.6, 29 November 2009:
  • Tweak: Detecting Oblivion worlds.
    Added a check against the display name to the current check against the reference name.
  • Tweak: FormIds that were at one time references to horses are checked before use.
    String FormIds are used to index arrays that keep track of horse data.
    Sometimes (for example when a load order changes), these FormIds change.
    When they change, data in them become invalid for use.
    In previous versions, the mod tries and fails to use these invalid data.
    In this version, these data are removed.
  • New feature: Saddlebag Miscellaneous item.
    A Saddlebag inventory item will be added to all saddlebags.
    When the Saddlebag item is put into a container, all the contents of the saddlebag it came from will be transfered into the container.
    Only one Saddlebag item at a time can be carried by the Player.
    Transferring items from one horse to another is possible.
  • Bug-fix: Weight restrictions on horses now work.
    By default, the total weight a horse can carry is half its base health.
    This may seem light - but keep in mind that the horse needs to take the weight of the player also
    Be careful when first accessing the saddlebags in this version: its very likely that the horse will be overburdened.
    If you think the horse will be overburdened, take the horse home immediately and use the saddlebag item to dump all the items in a chest or cupboard.

Wandering encounters http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25449
0.53, 29 November 2009:
  • New feature: The AI of all wanderers are reset when the player goes to sleep.
    This prevents NPCs from travelling while the player is asleep.
    This should prevent surprise appearances of NPCs in inns and cities when the Player wakes up or leaves an inn.
    This should also minimise the occurence of NPCs killing friendly NPCs.

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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:29 pm

First, THANKS for all those updates kuertee. :) :) :)

i've just thought of another way to apply "permanent" penalties to make them more appealing to those that don't want permanent penalties:
permanent penalties can be applied with unremovable tokens.
when so, the penalties will be permanent in-game.
but they can be removed by deactivating the mod or starting the mod from a "clean save".
currently they are applied with "SetActorValue".

This sounds like a good idea!! I hope you implement that in the next version.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm

is this how it was in your game? the player died...you loaded another game...after some time a message pop-up notifying you that the penalties have been removed.
after that message, were your stats restored to their values before death?

I think it was o.k. when loading a new game. The problem was when starting a new sesion, going out from oblivion and restarting again so, yes, afther around 5 seconds a message pop-up (something poetic about death and a soul) and afther the stats were restored.

I hope this helps. I used last month in install, tweak and check mods. I finally started a game some days ago and I will just play and enjoy the game for some time without think in nothing more so I will run with the old Death Penalties. The funniest of this mod is that it have a strong psychological effect. You automatically play really carefully afther to install it. I love it :wub:
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:04 am

but speaking of dynamic towns, i'd still like to see a fully working "the settlers" system in the game.
i heard someone "denying" working on a mod like this. (i can't remember who it was.)
QQuix ? But I don't think he ever denied it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:05 am

Hey kuertee! What effect does tweaking the intelligence threshold of traveling baddies in the Wandering encounters ini, have in the game?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:55 pm

re: Alternative to death and reload
...This sounds like a good idea!! I hope you implement that in the next version.
will do! (in hindsight, i really should have done it this way.)
I think it was o.k. when loading a new game....
ahhhh...now i get it.
i'll overhaul the permanent penalty systems to the semi-permanent method of non-removable enchanted tokens.

re: the settlers in oblivion
QQuix ? But I don't think he ever denied it
yeah. i thought qquix started a prototype.
but there was another modder that chimed in a thread about "the settlers" in fallout 3 and "flatly" denied working on (or gave a "no comment" about) such a mod.
i believe it was done in jest - suggesting that THEY were working on such a mod for oblivion.

re: Wandering encounters
Hey kuertee! What effect does tweaking the intelligence threshold of traveling baddies in the Wandering encounters ini, have in the game?
creatures with an intelligence higher than that set in the INI has a chance to travel.
those with lower will not get the AI packages of the mod.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 pm

I need some help with my lost bakpack. I cant find it and I cant buy a new one. Nobody in the IC offers me one. What can I do?
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:17 am

I need some help with my lost bakpack. I cant find it and I cant buy a new one. Nobody in the IC offers me one. What can I do?

8. You can type "set kuerteeIIABQuest.functionMode to 255" in the console to get back lost backpacks.

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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:22 pm

That I know but I dont like too much. I would like: 1. Find the bakpack searching by myself or 2. Buy a new one, without the console. It is posible?
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 pm

Have you tried setting the ini to allow a map-marker that always points to the backpack? By default it is off.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:30 pm

re: Wandering encounters
creatures with an intelligence higher than that set in the INI has a chance to travel.
those with lower will not get the AI packages of the mod.

Where is it determined what Intelligence level creatures are? I have the big guide book, but it doesnt include Intelligence in the creature stats.

Heres an idea...what about an ini setting for creature Level? Maybe include both a minimum and maximum threshold Level for traveling baddies. This could make it more configurable for how dangerous we want our encounters to be.
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