[relz] mods by kuertee (thread 5)

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:37 am

Have you tried setting the ini to allow a map-marker that always points to the backpack? By default it is off.

I dont want to add map markers neither. I want to play realistic so, if I lost the backpack and I cant find it running around, Im [censored]. My question is if it will be somebody there selling a new one, as it will be unplayable if not. In the readme at the nexus says that weapon smiths start to offer one at the moment you have not yours in the inventory but this is not happening, at least not in the Imperial City. Are there other places selling it? Sorry for asking so much.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:14 pm

re: inventory is a backpack
I need some help with my lost bakpack. I cant find it and I cant buy a new one. Nobody in the IC offers me one. What can I do?
I dont want to add map markers neither. I want to play realistic so, if I lost the backpack and I cant find it running around, Im [censored]. My question is if it will be somebody there selling a new one, as it will be unplayable if not. In the readme at the nexus says that weapon smiths start to offer one at the moment you have not yours in the inventory but this is not happening, at least not in the Imperial City. Are there other places selling it? Sorry for asking so much.
hey desertor! no probs re: questions.
sorry that i've not managed to respond quickly enough.
anyway, the mod actually adds the backpacks to merchants EVERYTIME you drop the backpack.
the backpacks are removed from merchants EVERYTIME you acquire (i.e. pick up or buy) the backpack.
when you buy a new one, the contents of the previous backpack are removed.

in the ic, these vendors should have a backpack each for sale:
					MaroRufusRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1					RindirRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1					RohssanRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1					UrbulgroOrkulgRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1					VarnadoRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1					ViatorAcciusRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1
anyway, it seems something must have gone wrong in your game.
can you check two variables from me please?
type these in the console:
show kuerteeIIABQuest.functionModeshow kuerteeIIABQuest.backpackStatusshow kuerteeIIABQuest.addedToList
in the normal circumstance of not having the backpack, the values should be:
functionMode = 0, backpackStatus = 1 and addedToList = 1

let me know how you go, please.

EDIT: actually, don't worry.
the script that adds the backpack to the merchants is bugged.
i'll look at it and release a fix in my next round of releases.
sorry, desertor.

EDIT2: i think i've found what the problem is.
the backpack is added to the merchants (mainly weapon and armour-smiths) correctly.
and weapon and armour smiths do not sell "clothing" items - which the backpack is.
the previous backpack (the version before jannix quinn's model) was a "miscellaneous" item - which weapon and armour-smiths sell.
i'll add a fix to this.

re: wandering encounters
Where is it determined what Intelligence level creatures are? I have the big guide book, but it doesnt include Intelligence in the creature stats....Heres an idea...what about an ini setting for creature Level? Maybe include both a minimum and maximum threshold Level for traveling baddies. This could make it more configurable for how dangerous we want our encounters to be.
all actos (creatures and npcs) in the construction set have the intelligence stats.
further limiting wanderers with their level is a great idea, snowball!
i'll add it to the mod.
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victoria gillis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 am

re: inventory is a backpack
hey desertor! no probs re: questions.
sorry that i've not managed to respond quickly enough.

EDIT: actually, don't worry.
the script that adds the backpack to the merchants is bugged.
i'll look at it and release a fix in my next round of releases.
sorry, desertor.

EDIT2: i think i've found what the problem is.
the backpack is added to the merchants (mainly weapon and armour-smiths) correctly.
and weapon and armour smiths do not sell "clothing" items - which the backpack is.
the previous backpack (the version before jannix quinn's model) was a "miscellaneous" item - which weapon and armour-smiths sell.
i'll add a fix to this.

Dont worry man, the mod is great even if vendors dont sell backpacks!
And you provided some others ways for have it back. It is me, like I said, Im a bit friki :cheat:
Thank you!
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:03 pm

re: inventory is a backpack
Dont worry man, the mod is great even if vendors dont sell backpacks!
And you provided some others ways for have it back. It is me, like I said, Im a bit friki :cheat: Thank you!
hey desertor! sorry for the delay. i'm still working on a fix.

re: eat and sleep and battle fatigue and injuries
anyway, i've found a bug in Eat and sleep: gaps between auto-eating increases instead of sticking with the "hunger points to trigger auto-eating" value set in the INI.
i'm testing a new version.

and there is update coming for Battle fatigue and injuries. the current auto-healing doesn't take into consideration fortify or drain effects on health.
i'm also testing a new version that fixes this.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:14 pm

Hey Kuertee,
I'm not sure if this is your cleaning mod working, but my game has the nasty habit of purging my items right behind my back, in my house and anywhere that I have been a few seconds ago.
I end up losing lots of loot, unique items and immersion like this.
Could this be your mod?

I already turned of Streampurge a while back, but since that didn't help, I thought your mod might be overcleaning.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:15 pm

re: Clean-up
Hey Kuertee,
I'm not sure if this is your cleaning mod working, but my game has the nasty habit of purging my items right behind my back, in my house and anywhere that I have been a few seconds ago.
I end up losing lots of loot, unique items and immersion like this.
Could this be your mod?

I already turned of Streampurge a while back, but since that didn't help, I thought your mod might be overcleaning.
hey artfact!
yup. sounds like my mod!
the mod would usually not clean-up cells owned by the player.
but some house mods were reported not to have the player ownership tagged in the construction set.
in this case, you can set a "safe" area by calling the Clean-up console.
check the read-me on what this actually is.
let me know if this doesn't help.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:16 pm

re: Clean-up
hey artfact!
yup. sounds like my mod!
the mod would usually not clean-up cells owned by the player.
but some house mods were reported not to have the player ownership tagged in the construction set.
in this case, you can set a "safe" area by calling the Clean-up console.
check the read-me on what this actually is.
let me know if this doesn't help.

Ah good to know.:)
I'll have a look into it, thanks!
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:46 pm

I just tried out the latest version of your horse commands mods, and within a few seconds of hopping on a horse I got these error messages. I'm using OBSE 18 beta 5.

parsing ini values
scribe mode : 3 | 24hr clock : 0 | incString : | excString :

Game Instance : 1 | Time : 12-09-2009 04-49-19 PM

EE:Updated values from ini file in data\.
MMO:Updated values from ini file in data\.
** Dumping Array #40 **
Owner 39: Map Marker Overhaul.esp
[ 0.000000 ] : (Array ID #1064)
[ 1.000000 ] : (Array ID #1190)
[ 2.000000 ] : (Array ID #1478)
[ 3.000000 ] : (Array ID #1563)
[ 4.000000 ] : (Array ID #1790)
attack button == 256
RL: loaded RealisticLeveling.ini
RL: recalculating all attributes
Better Blocking initializing...
Better Blocking initialized from .ini file
Supreme Magicka Initialised Succesfully
All Natural SI: Initialized
All Natural Tamriel: Initialized
IsForest? 0, Location House
RL: recalculating all attributes
IsForest? 0, Location Castle
IsForest? 0, Location Castle
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
RL: recalculating all attributes
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
IsForest? 0, Location House
getav health
GetActorValue: Health >> 250.00
IsForest? 0, Location Default
Error in script 4700080a
Operator := failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: kuerteeHorseCommands.esp Offset: 0x0000298B Command: Let (0x1765)
Error in script 4700080a
An expression failed to evaluate to a valid result
File: kuerteeHorseCommands.esp Offset: 0x000029A3 Command: (0x1B00)
IsForest? 0, Location Default

Also, is there nothing you can do about the last-ridden horse teleporting to the player when fast travel is used? I only noticed that in the readme after getting my mod list all set up for horse stuff, and it's a deal-breaker for me. It means I can never use a horse, ever. :(
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:40 pm

I get errors with horse commands too:

Error in script 2300080aAttempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object	File: kuerteeHorseCommands.esp Offset: 0x00002D7F Command: Let (0x1765)

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Ebou Suso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:42 am

re: Horse commands
I just tried out the latest version of your horse commands mods, and within a few seconds of hopping on a horse I got these error messages. I'm using OBSE 18 beta 5....Also, is there nothing you can do about the last-ridden horse teleporting to the player when fast travel is used? I only noticed that in the readme after getting my mod list all set up for horse stuff, and it's a deal-breaker for me. It means I can never use a horse, ever. :(
unfortunately no.
that is one hard-coded feature that Horse commands of any version (xebeth's 2006, my 2007, harlanm's 2008, and my 2009) does not fix.
the only way i can fix this is to detect when the player uses fast travel then teleport the horses back to where they were.
let me see if i can achieve this.
however, i don't know the game's messaging system so i don't think i can remove the message "your horse is stabled outside the city".

I get errors with horse commands too:...
Error in script 2300080aAttempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object	File: kuerteeHorseCommands.esp Offset: 0x00002D7F Command: Let (0x1765)
all these errors stem from my use of the horse's formId as StringMap ids.
as we all know, the formId's first 2 characters is the mod's index.
so any movement in the load order of the mod will result in the horse's formId to change.
therefore their new formIds will not sync with their data in the StringMaps.
i've built a fix. let me test it out.
for now, the best way is to restart the mod with a clean save.
note that any items in the saddlebags will be lost - so clean them out first.

cheers, all!
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:42 am

How does the command to go to the nearest city stable work? If I bring my horse(s) to a stable and then give that command, will they stay put when I fast travel? That would probably work for me. See, my only reason for looking into horses is that I'd like an immersive way to haul more loot home. I like the idea of investing in pack horses for this, and the fact that your mod lets me open the saddlebags while inside an area is very convenient. I find Oblivion's horses annoying otherwise and I'd need to be able to leave them somewhere until I need them.

Oh, do you know whether MD Saddlebags will work with this mod if I disable your saddlebags component? I really like the saddlebag model it adds to the saddle. Then again, I like the fact that your mod scales the capacity with horse health, which gives me a reason to spend money on better horses.

Thanks for looking into this stuff.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:26 am

Hey kuertee,
I have a tiny request. You know the sound it makes when the clothing tokens are added & equipped when using eat and sleep and battle fatigue and injuries. I was wondering if they could be muted?
I guess it's only possible by muting them in a general way so all equip clothing sounds are muted but I thought I'd ask anyway. I find the "puff of red smoke" a fine indicator for the penalties but somehow the sound makes the penalties seems a little un-immersive (since I can't help thinking about the mechanics of the mod).
Anyway if it's possible: awesome. If not, then no sweat I'll certainly manage. :)
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Stryke Force
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:07 pm

re: horse commands
How does the command to go to the nearest city stable work? If I bring my horse(s) to a stable and then give that command, will they stay put when I fast travel? That would probably work for me. See, my only reason for looking into horses is that I'd like an immersive way to haul more loot home. I like the idea of investing in pack horses for this, and the fact that your mod lets me open the saddlebags while inside an area is very convenient. I find Oblivion's horses annoying otherwise and I'd need to be able to leave them somewhere until I need them....Oh, do you know whether MD Saddlebags will work with this mod if I disable your saddlebags component? I really like the saddlebag model it adds to the saddle. Then again, I like the fact that your mod scales the capacity with horse health, which gives me a reason to spend money on better horses....Thanks for looking into this stuff.
hey onmyojiomn!
the horse getting transported to the stable of the city you fast travelled to works on the last horse you rode.
any commands (including "go to nearest city") given will work on all the horses: they will travel or stay depending on your command.
but once you use fast travel to a city, the last horse you rode, regardless of where they are at) will be teleported to the city's stable.
does that answer your question about how the mod works with oblivion's fast-travel system?

re: md saddlebags.
there are a score of bugs in MD's.
my posts in his relz thread start here and goes to the end of the thread (1 page onward): http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=855419&view=findpost&p=13685295

the most destructive of the bugs is when the horse dies.
MD disables the horse when it dies resulting in a "frozen in place" and unactivatable horse: i.e. you can't access its saddlebags.
he had, i believe, an unreleased version for the mod that fixes this death bug.
also, he presented a change users can apply to a script to fix it somewhere in his thread.

re: battle fatigue and injuries
Hey kuertee,
I have a tiny request. You know the sound it makes when the clothing tokens are added & equipped when using eat and sleep and battle fatigue and injuries. I was wondering if they could be muted?
I guess it's only possible by muting them in a general way so all equip clothing sounds are muted but I thought I'd ask anyway. I find the "puff of red smoke" a fine indicator for the penalties but somehow the sound makes the penalties seems a little un-immersive (since I can't help thinking about the mechanics of the mod).
Anyway if it's possible: awesome. If not, then no sweat I'll certainly manage. :)
that's a good idea, mercer!
i'll look into this.
but as you said, this will be a global change - so the equipping sound effect will be removed from any equip/unequip action.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:51 pm

that's a good idea, mercer!
i'll look into this.
but as you said, this will be a global change - so the equipping sound effect will be removed from any equip/unequip action.

Sounds good to me :: Thanks for looking into it.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:06 pm

does that answer your question about how the mod works with oblivion's fast-travel system?

Not quite. I was talking about the Horse Commands option to go to the nearest city. I was hoping that the horse would stay near the city afterward , even when I fast traveled, but unfortunately that's not the case. A horse that I've told to stay will follow me at walking speed when I fast travel anywhere, leaving the horse somewhere between my starting point and destination. Then it'll slowly walk back to where it's supposed to be. It'll also teleport to a city's stables when I travel to that city, as you've said.

I fiddled with your scripts, and it seems like the solution is to set ownership of all PC horse references to a dummy faction with a required rank of zero, then add the player to that faction. The mod would manually teleport the horse around when needed. I think you'd have to modify the references, because there's no function to set required use rank dynamically and leaving the required rank at NONE (which I assume is what you get when you change ownership to a faction) supposedly causes problems. That would work, right?
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Laura Samson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 am

on the topic of horse commands v4, any idea if it's compatible with Ulrim's Horses? Ulrim's supports Horse Commands Revamped and MD saddlebags, but since MD saddlebags is bugged... it seems like kuertee's version should be compatible with pretty much everything?
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:45 am

re: horse commands
Not quite. I was talking about the Horse Commands option to go to the nearest city. I was hoping that the horse would stay near the city afterward , even when I fast traveled, but unfortunately that's not the case. A horse that I've told to stay will follow me at walking speed when I fast travel anywhere, leaving the horse somewhere between my starting point and destination. Then it'll slowly walk back to where it's supposed to be. It'll also teleport to a city's stables when I travel to that city, as you've said....
oh! so the horses follow you even after you've commanded it to stay?
this could be a "valid" bug: as in it may be a bug in my mod rather than oblivion or another mod influencing the horses.
i'll look into it.

there are several other considerations about fast-travel:
  • as we've known already, the last ridden horse will always fast-travel with you regardless of what you commanded it to.
  • when you have a train of horses, only the last ridden horse will fast-travel with you. will having them in the same faction as you transport them automatically, really? i'll need to check this.
i think the best solution is still code-base:
  • save the horses positions when the player opens the map.
  • if the player fast-travels,
  • horses commanded to follow will be teleported to the player
  • any other horses will be teleported to their saved positions. their previous ai packages will still be valid and the horses will act accordingly.
on the topic of horse commands v4, any idea if it's compatible with Ulrim's Horses? Ulrim's supports Horse Commands Revamped and MD saddlebags, but since MD saddlebags is bugged... it seems like kuertee's version should be compatible with pretty much everything?
yup. harlanm's "revamped" version (3) made "horse commands 2" compatible with any horse via "dude, where's my horse?" mod. but that disabled the "horse train" feature of "horse command 2".

horse command 4, with the power of obse, can be used on any creature tagged as a horse: i.e. GetCreatureType == 4.
also i returned the "horse train/caravan" feature.
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Glu Glu
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:19 am

that's great. can't wait to see how they all play together :)

one last question about how the horse commands lesser power works: it tells the horse to stay OR follow depending on how far it is from player, and the default value is 500. but... 500 what? :D
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:51 pm

will having them in the same faction as you transport them automatically, really? i'll need to check this.

Ownership, not faction. It seems the game is hardcoded to move the last horse you rode to the stables when you fast travel to a city interior, but you can prevent this by setting ownership of the previously-ridden horse to something other than the player. That's why I think the simplest solution is to just set ownership of all legally ridable/buyable horse refs to a faction, set up the required rank so the player can ride them legally, and just leave them there. This way, aside from any packages set, horses will always stay where they're supposed to be and you can handle any kind of movement or travel exactly the way you want. There's no reason for the player to actually own any horses.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:21 pm

re: horse commands
one last question about how the horse commands lesser power works: it tells the horse to stay OR follow depending on how far it is from player, and the default value is 500. but... 500 what? :D
500 distance-units. :D.
i think, a wall or object immediately next to the player to the point that the player cannot move any closer is about 200 to 250 units distant.
so 500, is just about double that.
the Horse command Lesser Power is quite handy to quickly tell all horses in the immediate vicinity of the player to "stop following".
also, once the player has cleared a safe passage, they don't have to return to the horse. the same Lesser Power will command all horses to "follow the player".
sorry, that i can't give you a more accurate representation of 500 units.
and i'm not even sure if my "guess-timate" is correct.
Ownership, not faction. It seems the game is hardcoded to move the last horse you rode to the stables when you fast travel to a city interior, but you can prevent this by setting ownership of the previously-ridden horse to something other than the player. That's why I think the simplest solution is to just set ownership of all legally ridable/buyable horse refs to a faction, set up the required rank so the player can ride them legally, and just leave them there. This way, aside from any packages set, horses will always stay where they're supposed to be and you can handle any kind of movement or travel exactly the way you want. There's no reason for the player to actually own any horses.
oh! i understand!
i'll need to look at this.
the move to this system may take time because the player ownership tag is actually used. two examples are:
  • Stolen horses can be owned over time,
  • Simple saddlebags + Enhanced Economy: when the horse dies, all items in the saddlebag is transfered to its carcass.
    Enhanced Economy doesn't run its scripts when looting your dead horse because it detects the player ownership tag.
regardless, i think what you suggest is quite a good system.
i'll need to look at it more.
thanks, onmyoji!

anyway, i've updated these mods:
this second post will always contain details of recent updates to my mods:

Battle fatigue and injuries http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24604
0.64, 16 December 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Drain and Fortify Health effects are now taken into account in determining Battle fatigue and injuries and in healing health.
  • Tweak: This note added:
    MMM OnLoadCS scripts with disabled Health, Magicka, Fatigue effects
    MMM's diversifaction system uses ModActorValue to vary the Health, Magicka, and Fatigue of actors.
    Unfortunately, this causes I think, some unusual effects to the actors in the game.
    Two examples are:
    1. Health is healed rather than lost when physical damage is inflicted.
    2. Actors continously casting healing spells because their AI detects a loss of health due to the modified base Health with ModActorValue. This was confirmed by shadowborn: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1049752&view=findpost&p=15272211
    "kuertee MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp" disables these effects from MMM's scripts.
    Note, however, that MMM's diversifcation system on other attributes (e.g. Strength, Intelligence, etc...) are still intact.

Eat and sleep http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24605
0.61, 16 December 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Previously, the gaps in times to auto-eat when hungry increases at every auto-eat.

Horse commands http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8766
4.7, 16 December 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Tracking horses with their 6-character Form Id:
    Previously they were tracked with their 8-character Form Id.
    The first 2 characters of the Form Ids of all objects is the load-order of their originating mod.
    So when the load-order of the mod the horses are from changes, their 8-character Form Id changes.
    This will cause the data in Horse commands to be out of sync with the horses.
    Tracking the horses with their 6-character Form id will ensure that the horses and their data are in sync regardless of the load-order of the mod the horses are from.
  • Note: Save your game before switching to this version.
    If you find the items in your saddlebags have gone:
    1. revert to the old version,
    2. clear your saddlebags of items,
    3. switch to this new version

Inventory is a backpack http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21721
0.65, 16 December 2009:
  • Bug-fix: Backpacks are now added to general-item merchants.
    Previously they were sold by armour and weapon smiths who do not sell clothing apparel.
    The backpack item changed from a miscellaneous item into a clothing apparel when i started using Jannix Quinn's model.
    So the previous armour and weapons smiths would never sell the backpack.
    These general-item merchants now sell the backpack:
    GunderRef, NorbertLellesRef, BogrumGroGalashRef, SkjortaRef, BorbagraUzgashRef, SeedNeeusRef, ThoronirRef, GundalasRef.
  • Bug-fix: Buying a new backpack will now remove items from the lost backpack.
    Previously, there was a bug where you can recover items from the lost backpack by buying a new backpack.
    This bug was introduced when I added the "dump items into a container" feature.

a couple more in testing:
1. newly re-programmed NPCs yield (Creatures flee, Fight or fly). (this has been in a very long testing phase.)
2. alternatives to death and reload: permanent penalties via enchanted tokens rather than SetActorValue
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 pm

i've released bug-fixes for
Battle fatigue and injuries http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24604
0.65, 21 December 2009:
  • Bug-fix: The INI file was incorrectly archived outside the INI folder.
    This resulted in some values not getting initialised properly.
    This could also be the cause of non-appearing HUDs.
    The INI file should be located in the Data\ini sub-folder.
  • Bug-fix: As of 0.63, Battle fatigue should only be applied to the player.
    However, there was a bug which applied Battle fatigue to anyone BUT the player.
    This is now fixed.

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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:23 pm

Updating as we speak. Haven't played for weeks; only updated mods as they become available. Will do some questing today though and your updates is most welcome :D

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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:16 pm

Hey Kuertee-

Does you horse mod handle this issue: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1063058 ... truthfully I never knew that this was an issue and that horse thievery was reported by the horse itself.

If it doesn't then perhaps it could be integrated.


I've had little play time too - so that is why no reports - hopefully soon.
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John N
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:29 pm

re: Horse commands
Hey Kuertee-...Does you horse mod handle this issue: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1063058 ... truthfully I never knew that this was an issue and that horse thievery was reported by the horse itself....If it doesn't then perhaps it could be integrated....thanks...I've had little play time too - so that is why no reports - hopefully soon.
good find psymon.
i knew horses reported themselves stolen but i didn't know that it was because their reponsibility score.
i'll change their responsibility via script in the next release.
it's effect on Stolen horses can be owned over time will be minimal.
as in, when there's no one around, the player will not get the bounty for stealing the horse.
the horse's ownership will still randomly change from being player owned to not player owned, as normal.

my game time has also been limited.
but to report on my progress with the game: i've never been as far into the main quest as i have now: i'm on my way to Sancre Tor!
so oblivion is new and fresh to me in the small amount time i find myself in it. :D
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:40 pm

Haha, does that mean that an irrisponsible horse will be more likely to let itself be robed away?:D

about NPCs Yield,
I had enabled the kNPCsYieldQuest.dialogueEffect and am using Vows and Covonants.
Now, I was protecting Hackdirt from getting eaten by a troll, when the rest of the town that wasn't fighting the creature attacked me for lingering in town for too long.
So, a few of them yielded, some had mercy, others lost their heads.
After combat, one of them steps up to me, to start conversation directly enters into and out of Persuasion mode and blocks my mouse from clicking anything(though I could still move it).:S
Had to quit the game.
Was this a fault due to the kNPCsYieldQuest.dialogueEffect?
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