inventory is a backpackI need some help with my lost bakpack. I cant find it and I cant buy a new one. Nobody in the IC offers me one. What can I do?
I dont want to add map markers neither. I want to play realistic so, if I lost the backpack and I cant find it running around, Im [censored]. My question is if it will be somebody there selling a new one, as it will be unplayable if not. In the readme at the nexus says that weapon smiths start to offer one at the moment you have not yours in the inventory but this is not happening, at least not in the Imperial City. Are there other places selling it? Sorry for asking so much.
hey desertor! no probs re: questions.
sorry that i've not managed to respond quickly enough.
anyway, the mod actually adds the backpacks to merchants EVERYTIME you drop the backpack.
the backpacks are removed from merchants EVERYTIME you acquire (i.e. pick up or buy) the backpack.
when you buy a new one, the contents of the previous backpack are removed.
in the ic, these vendors should have a backpack each for sale:
MaroRufusRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1 RindirRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1 RohssanRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1 UrbulgroOrkulgRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1 VarnadoRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1 ViatorAcciusRef.AddItemNS theBackpack 1
anyway, it seems something must have gone wrong in your game.
can you check two variables from me please?
type these in the console:
show kuerteeIIABQuest.functionModeshow kuerteeIIABQuest.backpackStatusshow kuerteeIIABQuest.addedToList
in the normal circumstance of not having the backpack, the values should be:
functionMode = 0, backpackStatus = 1 and addedToList = 1
let me know how you go, please.
EDIT: actually, don't worry.
the script that adds the backpack to the merchants is bugged.
i'll look at it and release a fix in my next round of releases.
sorry, desertor.
EDIT2: i think i've found what the problem is.
the backpack is added to the merchants (mainly weapon and armour-smiths) correctly.
and weapon and armour smiths do not sell "clothing" items - which the backpack is.
the previous backpack (the version before jannix quinn's model) was a "miscellaneous" item - which weapon and armour-smiths sell.
i'll add a fix to this.
wandering encountersWhere is it determined what Intelligence level creatures are? I have the big guide book, but it doesnt include Intelligence in the creature stats....Heres an idea...what about an ini setting for creature Level? Maybe include both a minimum and maximum threshold Level for traveling baddies. This could make it more configurable for how dangerous we want our encounters to be.
all actos (creatures and npcs) in the construction set have the intelligence stats.
further limiting wanderers with their level is a great idea, snowball!
i'll add it to the mod.