details of changes (if any are of note) will always be in the 2nd post - the one below this.
orange: new or updated since the last time i edited this post.
? and bold: affects combat in one way or another - i.e. a combat mod.
BETA / WIP mods
(the major features of these mods are known to be working.
but they are in beta, so please save your game in a safe slot before using.)
Actor behaviour mods
- ?NPCs yield (beta 0.65, 3 January 2010)
Applies these behaviors to actors: Creatures flee, Fight or fly, NPCs yield. Supports Vows and Covenants' Demand Surrender game-play. - Horse commands v4 (4.8, 3 January 2010)
Horse commands, Horse speed equals player speed, Own stolen horses over time, Simple saddlebags - Wandering encounters (beta 0.53, 29 November 2009)
NPCs spawned in the wilds may decide travel to one of the cities. - Clothing matters (beta 0.58, 3 November 2009)
What the player wears may affect the Disposition of NPCs they interact with. Some apparel are illegal and will draw the attention of guards when within cities. Wear the distinctive uniforms of guards and join their ranks (i.e. faction) temporarily. - Crime has witnesses (beta 0.53, 22 May 2009)
The player can remove Bounties for crimes by either: 1. killing the witnesses or 2. coercing (Disposition 100) the witnesses to not report the crime. - Looting dead guards is stealing (beta 0.54, 14 March 2009)
The distinctive armour and weapons of guards are set as being stolen when taken from a dead guard. Wearing guard armour in cities the guard armour originates from will make the guards in those cities suspicious of the player. Eventually, the player will be arrested for impersonating a guard. - ?No looting during combat (beta 0.51, 10 January 2009)
The player can't loot while in combat. Melee opponents will stop you from looting. But ranged combatants will not when protected from their missiles. I.e.: LOS checks are done to allow / disallow looting. NPCs are suspicious (beta 0.5, 15 February 2009)
NPCs will investigate suspicious sounds/disturbances that the player can create by using Oblivion's default grab and throw functionality on items.
This has now been made obsolete by shadeMe's Enhanced grabbing: forum thread (may be closed in the future due to post limit):
Realism mods
These mods are best played with other mods that more closely simulates: Encumbrance, Fatigue, Hunger, Sleep, etc. than normal Oblivion.
Currently, I have played these with Abo's Realistic Fatigue, Battle fatigue and injuries, and Eat and sleep.
- Inventory is a backpack (beta 0.66, 3 January 2010)
The player's inventory is a backpack item. Dropping it, will drop everything but equipped and hot-keyed items. But without it, the player won't be able to carry much. - ?Alternatives to death and reload (beta 0.60, 3 January 2010)
Alternatives to death and reload: Good samaritan, Reset button, and/or Death has penalties. - Eat and sleep (beta 0.62, 3 January 2010) Source:
Requires the player to both eat and sleep. Has features that suit high Timescales. - ?Magicka-based magic jewelery limits (beta 0.53, 3 January 2010)
The player's Magicka determines the number of magic jewelery they can wear. - ?Battle fatigue and injuries (beta 0.65, 21 December 2009)
Battle fatigue (psychological damage from getting near death from combat) and injuries (physical damage of cuts, bruises, ligament sprains) are incurred in combat. - Gold is an inventory item (beta 0.59, 29 November 2009)
Gold is an inventory item. It is weighted. And can be dropped or put in containers. This is an alternative to Reneer's Gold Mod. Full-credit for the idea to Reneer. Reason for building my own is in the read-me. Another alternative is Derek Baker's DB's Weighted Gold Plus. - ?Attribute-based and skill-based damage modifiers (beta 0.54, 3 November 2009)
This mod increases damages of weapons based on the wielder's attribute and skill levels. With the default settings of this mod, a character with 100 Strength and 100 Blade can inflict five times more than a character with 0 Strength and 0 Blade. - Encumbering loot armour and weapons (beta 0.54, 8 June 2009)
Any armour and weapon that are not equipped has encumbrance penalty. - Sittable rocks (beta 0.54, 7 March 2009)
Rocks are sittable. Just go up to one and activate it. - Ignoring the main quest has consequences (beta 0.5, 20 February 2009)
Gates to the planes of Oblivion will start to appear if the main quest is ignored. ?Death has penalties (beta 0.52, 10 February 2009) has been made obsolete by Alternatives to death and reload.
The penalties will be applied to ANY character in ANY game that is loaded after the player dies.
Miscellaneous mods
- Actor details (1.1, 5 January 2010)
Prints out to the console a list detailing the current state of an actor. - Silent equip/unequip clothing (1.0, 3 January 2010)
This ESP ensures that the equip and unequip sound effects of clothing items are silent. Useful if you have mods that use enchanted tokens to apply their penalties. E.g.: Battle fatigue and injuries, Eat and sleep, Magicka-base magic jewelery limits - Auto 1st-3rd person view (beta 0.983, 3 January 2010)
Learns your point-of-view preferences in these situations: combat, running, sneaking, swimming, in doors/dungeons, in cities, in the wild. And switches the camera to those preferences. - Auto-save and time (beta 0.995, 29 November 2009)
Auto-save, clock, alarm, PurgeCellBuffers, and "crucified poses" remover run at intervals set in the INI file. An alternative to Streamline's auto-save, PCB, and "crucified poses" remover functions. - Clean up (0.55, 3 November 2009)
Prevents saved-game file-size bloating by cleaning the game of actor and item references that are no longer required. - Customisable HUD components (beta 0.57, 8 September 2009)
Six additional bars (two of each orange, purple, and yellow) can be configured to track in-game variables.
Stable mods
(if time suggests fully working / bug-free mods, then these mods can be listed as being bug-free.
unfortunately, i still can't guarantee that.

?Combat timescale (1.1, 8 June 2009)
Timescale is automatically halved while in combat. Duration of fights are more acceptable. And it makes the default Timescale of 30 feel better. This mod is not really necessary when Timescale is set really low. (Some have mentioned they play with Timescale set at 1.)
This has now been made obsolete by Auto-save and time, above.Horse speed equals player speed (v1.7, 2 April 2009)
Riding the horse at walk speed is not a penalty to the player anymore. Actually, the horse's speed equals to 110% the player's speed. So there is a benefit to riding a horse. Note that this bonus is applied ONLY to the ridden horse and ONLY when it is walking. Gallop speeds are unchanged. Direct your horse through doors without dismounting.
This has now been made obsolete by Horse commands 4, above.
(these mods should be small enough that listing them in one thread is sufficient.)
Direct link to my TESNexus mods: