One tip on the RAEVWD--if you do find that it ends up dropping your FPS significantly, then you can lower Oblivion.ini's uGridDistantTreeRange and uGridDistantCount settings to compensate. When I first installed RAEVWD and Qarl's I had massive slowdowns, but then I changed both of these settings from their defaults to 15 and that fixed me right up.
(That brings up another topic--if you know what you're doing you can directly modify Oblivion.ini to further increase game quality.)
the performance drop wasnt that dramatic, tbh, i wouldnt have noticed if i didnt have the tdt~debug window thing showing me fps, as i run SR_stutter remover, which keeps the fps at a constant 30-45 smoothness.
what was bad was when i forced oblivion to run aax16 with hdr on, it didnt like that (varied between 25-40, but was stuttering), but funnily enough if you do it via obgev2.3 using the shader, it's fine o_O
editing the ini: have done a bit, added reflections in water for everything for instance , threading support, shader 3, preload yadda yadda...
anything really important? not exactly a programmer, but a lot of lines seem comprehensible.
At this point, it is fact, especially if I only consider the past 12 months. I have yet to put more than two profiles through more than 100 hours of gameplay. I really cannot remember the last time I really tried to play through the game. I tried to get in some play time in December, but most of the free time I left for myself was spent trying to build a computer for someone (and Windows 7 kicked my behind until I had to leave without finishing it for a few months.) I have learned a lot this way, but I do hope to be able to play the game in few weeks. I want to put a new build together this summer, but that will not happen until early July. Summary: I do not know when I will next be playing this game only for fun. It is kind of frustrating sometimes, but...I don't know...
well it's very nice of you to help us newbs play our game ^_^
at this rate though, the next time i install oblivion youll still be here helping others, not having played yourself yet
how about, with the next big few updates, dr 6, un 2, fcom/obge/marts/ooo coming out of beta,
you decide what you want to play and take a break from the forums
edit: ran into another minor bug: necromancers have a robe called *black robe* which doesnt display, but lets their entire body dissapear and their shoes glow purple/pink :s
edit2: also strange, the normal black robe seems to work fine <_< its just the version the necromancers wear, which can be found travelling/ at various stables, kind of an immersion breaker.
found the line which fixes the bug in the sm ini:
set zzSMConfigurationQuest.bNoPoisonLevitationEffects to 1
edit 3: Mob pathing is much worse than in regular oblivion, basically, mobs are stupid now, they wont find stairs to run up, if i'm ontop of them, they'll just stand there looking up at me, or try running into the wall to get to me <_<