Hello everyone,
I'm searching for the plugin that changes the animals behaviour because the creatures in game are to aggressive even passing by on couple of metres makes them attacking you....
I.e the bear should attack when you cross his path or territory.
I recommend the www.tesnexus.com site for other great mods such deadly reflex 5 my prefered one ;D.
Well, OOO does this, but it also does a lot of other (good) stuff which you may or may not want.
OOO makes it so that most animals will run away from you unless you continue chasing them, in which case they will turn and attack you, or unless you hurt it, where it will attack you. They will also run away if they get too hurt whilst attacking you. It does some other stuff with them as well.
If you ONLY wanted that, and not the rest of OOO, you'd have to find out which mod was incorporated into OOO for that effect (as OOO is cromprised of many mods joined together), but I dont know what mod that is.