I believe the baths are located in the NE market district but I might be wrong, I don't use better imperial city anymore just impeREAL city.
It is in the market area with the entrance stuck down a side "alley" / pathway. It is basically a pool shallow pool. I seem to remember reading that a mod making it have a deep end.
I have been spending more time reading and finding more immersion stuff, seeing all the "real health/eating/sleep...and it gave me an idea for those even more 'anol', pardon the pun, about having every day things affect the game:
What about a mod, "Real Relief", where you have to relieve yourself, #1 and #2, and the longer you go that you don't. the rules I quickly thought up are:
1. You don't pee you start to lose agi, since you have have to concentrate on holding it; you lose fatigue: its tiring trying to hold it! It will get to the point where you just eventually can't hold it any longer and lose endurance (all those toxins building up) then bam!...you just have to let go and become immobile as you breath a big sigh of relief!

2. #2 - really bad. You don't want to get backed up! (which brought to mind another mod with the real eating: Eat your vegetables/grains/fruits or risk constipation - but don't eat too much fiber all at once or risk losing personality for you know what! LOL) You lose agi, have to take merchant sold relaxers (can be alch made), etc.
On top of all this it can have sound files for the appropriate "relief" actions

, and maybe even animations (I saw a sixy girl bank mod that one of the pictures seemed to show a girl squatting over a floor urinal; I don't know what that would be doing in a bank unless the author was into that sort of wierd stuff). I thought the sneaking animation for squatting if there is no squatting animation. An idle animation for standing male urination...
The imagination runs wild

Too bad I am not a modder with time on his hands. I don't know anything about this stuff.