Mods that work with Nehrim

Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:49 am

i have dark darn, ift and robert's male installed and they seem to be working quite well so far. drop lit torches crashes the game for me tho. seems to be a problem on my end since its been reported to work with nehrim

edit: nvm. forgot to change the master for dlt

edit: anyone here using DP's SCA combat mods who can tell me if it'l work with Nehrim?
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:43 am

Alright tonight I ported a few mods over.

Dark UI Darn (or is it Darn UI Dark) - with the black and gold retexture, spiffy loading bar, no quest pop up (yay) ... later I may add the no sneak icon, dynamic crosshair mod, and the no enemy health bar mod.

What I miss and can't figure how to add back in (probably in the Nehrim BSAs) is the Nehrim loading bar and the initial Daedric looking N on starting the game. Black (looks blue to me) and Gold - I think fit better than dark red (subjective taste). And I only changed the font size and kept the Nehrim one as it looks cool.

I was able to port a few mods over, but not sure all work.
Kuertee Auto 1st-3rd person works (no master so right off good to go)
SM Encumbrance and Fatigue works (using the running revised ini).
These work both by seeing them work and with SM console messages saying initialized, but these next one's I'm not sure.

Phitts Phighting Phixes (without damage multiplier) - but not sure if it works.
Kuertee Attribute and Skills Damage Modifier - again not sure, but then my character is just starting out.

and finally ... Duke Patrick Combat Archery - which gave no console messages at all, but appeared to be working.
I'm going to try an see if ShadeMe's ConScribe will work to get more info.

Right now just been focusing on removing annoying aspects of vanilla and moving toward improving combat. Being the biggest fan of Duke Patrick's mods i wanted to bring them over, but thought about how some responses and areas seemed scripted, so am going to hold off the ones that deal with reactions and AI till I get more of a feel for how often those kinds of things happen.


Similarly - was thinking about what shouldn't be modded.
Definitely leveling shouldn't be modded (or at least no ports from Oblivion) - it is based on exp points like Oblivion XP, but tied to other things in the game. Likewise even though the level up menu seems vanilla there also seems to be a whole system of training skills that I don't want to mess with. So nothing like progress or level rate modifiers.

I don't think magic mods should be ported over either, but again I've not seen enough of it. Some spells are just renamed, their seems to be a lot less of it (which I'm liking a lot) and their seems to be implied a requirement to get training, so I'd say leave this area alone.

Totally uncertain of stealth but if I have to lock pick then I'm running straight to either zumbs or Morrowind lockpicking (that one I'm less certain would fit though).

.. will report back about ConScribe.

[edit] and yes ConScribe works, but as I suspected this is my only readout:
SM Enc and Fatigue Settings Configured
OBSE Drop Lit Torches Initialised (Ini)
So not sure it Phitts or Kuertee Attribute modifier mods are supposed to initialize or just work as they are. ini files are in place and masters reassigned.

Combat Archery is supposed to give notice it is booting up but it does not do that - yet the bows have the special Symbol {} and I upped the damage x2 (just to test) and they are more powerful, so it seems to work, but I did turn off about half the features.

Wanting to hear other people's attempts and thoughts.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:04 pm

i can confirm that kuertee's attrib and skill dmg modifier works on my game. i usually use DP's combat mods but tried kuertee's pending confirmation that Duke's works on nehrim. can people upload mods modified to work with nehrim on nexus? i mean like those that require changing the master from oblivion.esm to nehrim.esm. perhaps change the name to include "-nehrim" on them.

also wanted realism/survival mods but have tried only realistic fatigue so far. game starts but mod doesnt seem to have any effect. also reduced backward running-obse doesnt seem to have any effect. might just be doing something wrong so if anybody else can test and confirm...
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:27 pm

If you have OBSE installed works if you change the master.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:43 am

i can confirm that kuertee's attrib and skill dmg modifier works on my game. i usually use DP's combat mods but tried kuertee's pending confirmation that Duke's works on nehrim. can people upload mods modified to work with nehrim on nexus? i mean like those that require changing the master from oblivion.esm to nehrim.esm. perhaps change the name to include "-nehrim" on them.

also wanted realism/survival mods but have tried only realistic fatigue so far. game starts but mod doesnt seem to have any effect. also reduced backward running-obse doesnt seem to have any effect. might just be doing something wrong so if anybody else can test and confirm...

So far I'm liking which is working - I just need to dig into it's ini as it seems a bit harsh to start with.

I'm certain that a really quick and efficient method of gaining hate would be to upload other people's mods with only the master changed. I'd avoid that.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:30 pm

So far I'm liking which is working - I just need to dig into it's ini as it seems a bit harsh to start with.

I'm certain that a really quick and efficient method of gaining hate would be to upload other people's mods with only the master changed. I'd avoid that.

I can't imagine many of the original authors would mind much as long as they were asked first.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:16 am

QZEasyMenus - get the which has a takes all option.
Was just about to update it as I noticed it relied on Oblivion.esm (which isn't needed).
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:48 pm

So for DarkUI Darn, can it just be installed normally? I realize there may be some minor conflicts, but nothing game-breaking right?
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:15 pm

Another question...HGEC seems to work okay but, of course, none of the clothes are converted for it. Does anyone know if Nehrim uses a good amount of stock clothing so that something like EVE might work?
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Da Missz
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:50 pm

So for DarkUI Darn, can it just be installed normally? I realize there may be some minor conflicts, but nothing game-breaking right?

i installed dark darn shortly after i started nehrim and before i leveled up. it seemed to work fine but at level up, i got the vanilla screen asking me to put points into attributes, with multipliers for skill increases. is it supposed to work this way? reading the nehrim readme, it seemed to me that attributes should only increase by visiting trainers so the level up menu from dark darn might have something to do with this. if i shouldnt be seeing the level up menu, does anyone know what i have to do to fix i?
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:51 am

I don't have DarN installed, but I still get the vanilla level-up menu with the attributes. The thing they changed in game is the skills. They also added some rewards in game that increase attributes. I really would like to use DarN too. Their UI has some nice features, but it's not quite as nice.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:00 pm

so attributes get raised the same as in vanilla? not liking that if thats the case. will Deadlier creatures work? i just fought some wolves and remembered that problem in vanilla.

SM Encumbrance and fatigue is now crashing my game at start up for some reason.

edit: it seems SM E&F isnt the culprit. game seems to crash at random whenever i put activate or deactivate any mod (im using OBMM extended) and there doesnt seem to be any pattern). i currently have working:
a take all,
dark darn,
kuertee attrib & skill based damage, and
nehrim 3rd person camera fix.

whenever i try to add any or a combination of these mods: SM E&F, Symphony of violence (i can do without) and deadlier creatures, it MAY or may not crash the game at start up. but if it works, it will always work and if it does crash, it will always crash UNTIL i add or activate or deactivate some mods and try again. there is no mod combination other than the current working one that will predictably work or crash. i think it may be an issue with the activation or deactivation itself but what do i know.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:37 pm

Well I Pyffied the Oblivion and Nehrim BSAs and it didn't seem to help performance much but at least the stutters aren't as bad.. I may have to try out optimized distant land max and maybe enhanced vegetation to see if it can help my framerate out a bit. Is there anything else that I should consider trying?
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Wayne W
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:47 pm

i installed dark darn shortly after i started nehrim and before i leveled up. it seemed to work fine but at level up, i got the vanilla screen asking me to put points into attributes, with multipliers for skill increases. is it supposed to work this way? reading the nehrim readme, it seemed to me that attributes should only increase by visiting trainers so the level up menu from dark darn might have something to do with this. if i shouldnt be seeing the level up menu, does anyone know what i have to do to fix i?

No I got the vanilla level up with vanilla nehrim three times before adding a mod. I think trainers are necessary to raise skills.

Actually - that is a good question maybe ask in the main thread so that an author or translator can see that. I do recall the message to see trainers. Even before adding any mods I saw skill increases (form using skills) and attribute increases (from leveling). I think you can buy more increases by a certain allotted number according to points earned and gold, but I'm not spending what precious few I have to do that yet.

[edit] just went in game and loaded a save prior to leveling - the message reads open diary to level. Talked to the trainer in the inn and was only able to train according to a point ratio I got each level (so kind of like training max in vanilla oblivion). There are derived skills in this game though - haven't explored them.

Although I did see that the leveling number in the upper right was way off, so one of the mods is messing with that. Need to nail that down and take it out then go back to a save prior to adding it.

edited for clarity
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:23 pm

Well I Pyffied the Oblivion and Nehrim BSAs and it didn't seem to help performance much but at least the stutters aren't as bad.. I may have to try out optimized distant land max and maybe enhanced vegetation to see if it can help my framerate out a bit. Is there anything else that I should consider trying?

Yes, but at least you optimized some of the files, which are by far some of the worst optimized files I have ever seen released -> seriously some of the files lost over 70-80% of the over all file size from the optimization process there are several I remember that started off at 4 megs and dropped to less then 1 meg... plus it helps to free up memory removing as much bloat as possible.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:57 pm

What we could really use is a modder's guide to Nehrim conversion
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:16 pm

So after some playing and testing - I've surmised that Darn UI messes with the level up notice that appears in the upper right hand. Other than how that icon is displayed I'm not sure it does anything else. It seems to make a number appear above the pyramid that is in the 900 thousands. Reminds me of errors seen in the development of RL, but I'm not certain if that is actually just cosmetic. I'm guessing it is as Darn is mostly cosmetic.


As for leveling and training - read the readme found for download Pretty much what I posted - I quote:
In Oblivion your skills increased based on how often you used them. In Nehrim they
increase very slowly with use, therefore you must raise skills with the help of trainers. This
training costs you learning points (each time you level up you gain some) and gold (where
you get that from is up to you). The teachers can only train your skill up to the level of 90,
after that you must raise them by use.
You raise your level by gaining experience points. These you get by solving quests,
defeating enemies, discovering places, opening locks and crafting items or goods.

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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:10 pm

Another question...HGEC seems to work okay but, of course, none of the clothes are converted for it. Does anyone know if Nehrim uses a good amount of stock clothing so that something like EVE might work?

Compared to Oblivon, not so much.
Really would like to get Slof's robe replacer on this thing though.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:09 am


As for leveling and training - read the readme found for download Pretty much what I posted - I quote:

thanks psy,

i understood the part about skills and know you can level both thru usage and training. what i wanted info about was whether you get attributes raised the same way as in vanilla. it seemed that way to me:

when i levelled up with dark darn installed, i got the diary thing. when i activated it, i got the vanilla level up screen prompting me to choose 3 attribs to raise. the attribs had multipliers based on the skills i had levelled thru use (i hadnt gotten any training yet) so my strength, agi and endurance had x2 multiplier to them. is this the usual way of raising attributes in nehrim?
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:17 am

Best I can tell - it appeared the same to me after installing Darn as before. But then I've taken darn out again so I want to see if I get the level symbol funkiness again.

Really Darn needs to be edited. I really only want the inventory and some of the interactions with NPCs to be darn - I like Nehrim loading bars and it seems the loading bar I have with darn is interfering with the text on the loading screen.

So I may go through and edit out most of the stuff I don't want - and think of changing to the wooden Darn theme.


Then also I see illuminated windows and am wondering if they are illuminated by the AWLS method or the older heavier illumination within method.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:59 pm

Will it be possible to add JOG's Stealth Overhaul and Reneer's Guard Overhaul to Nehrim? Would like to see these 2 mods and a mod that focuses on an improved economy.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:04 am

I'm also curious about how the economy mods work in Nehrim.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:12 pm

I've never run Pyffi before. Which files should I use it on in Nerhim for the best results?
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:23 pm

I'd hold off on trying things like economy mods and guard mods. EE does a lot to change mercantile leveling, adds quests to merchants, adjusts the number of magic items, adds an economic effect from the Oblivion crisis, soul gems, and house prices all of which are not applicable at all to Nehrim. Play Nehrim all the way through before trying to change things like the economy, they may have it very well-balanced right out of the gate. Same thing with guards.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:43 pm

Has anyone gotten Wrye Bash to work? I dropped it in to the Nehrim folder and it doesn't want to launch.

How do you change a plug ins master reference from Oblivion.esm to Nehrim.esm?
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