Ballowers, I know your against paid mods, and you can take that stance if you want, but don't give out false info you may not have actually experienced..
the paid mod scene on Sims worked very well for quite a long time, actually from the Sims 1 House Party expansion (at least, thats when i noticed it was starting to become more common) all the way up to up until the release of the Sims 2 Bon Voyage expansion to be exact, it was the paid mod scene that was at the forefront of Sims modding and was responsible for many innovations within..
the paid mod sites were the first to figure out how to get custom models in the game, and how to create 100% custom animations (prior to that people were only able to reuse stock animations in creative ways). A person wants to learn how to make user generated content? well it was those that made mods for the paysites that were the first to try and help them learn or would type up beginner guides.. if you were looking for a kind friendly and accepting community, you were better off with some of the pay sites (heck, the leading paysite "The Sims Resource" had one of the friendliest communities I have ever seen on the web.. the leading free site "modthesims2" had a somewhat larger community, but was actually was somewhat toxic towards new users or those that thought differently on issues, sort of an "old boys club" so to speak)..
sure, the free sites like modthesims2 usually had the advantage in more script heavy content (a mod that allowed you to pick how many kids your sim had at the time of birth being a big one, a guy also made this sort of "potion crafting system" that was really indepth as well), but the paid sites had the advantage almost everywhere else
the paid mod scene worked extremely well, and the only reason it fell apart was because a website called "paysitesmustdie" showed up, which was stealing paid mods off sites servers and giving them out for free..
now, I know I have had to tell you this Dozens of times at this point, but stop saying "it didn't work with sims" because it actually did really well, and quite well until paysitesmustdie showed up.. you saying it didn't work is pretty much lying to support your claim..
if your against pay mods Ballowers, hey great for you, and I will support your right to take that stance. however please do not use false info as proof to support it.. if it wasn't for that site essentially pirating stuff from paysites (pirating mods, just saying it sounds funny imho) it would still be going to this day..