mods with voices

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:05 pm

I'm fairly new to modding Oblivion and would like to know if there are any great mods that have their own dialogue with voice acting. I have been modding out Morrowind for some time now but I like mods to fit in the world, and obviously, with oblivion a mod would need voice acting in order to be seamless.

So are there any?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:29 am

The Lost Spires, Verona House Bloodlines and The Heart of the Dead are some i enjoyed. Bloodlines does not start until after the main quest though, if I remember right.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:13 pm

Bloodlines does not start until after the main quest though, if I remember right.

Correct, you have to be the Champion of Cyrodill before that quest kicks in.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:28 pm

Vilja - companion mod with lots of voiced dialogue and bunch of cool features,
Thievery in the Imperial City - series of quests from a trader in IC, fits perfectly into game,

Storytellers brothers - mini-mod but nicely voiced

Werewolf - Legends of the north - I haven't advanced far here, but voicing was quite good.

Old man on the mountain- I think it is also voiced
Thieves arsenal - I think ths one is also

Mr.Siika's Dwemer skyship - a guy that sells it has voice acting, although that's all voice in the mod! :)

Khettienna's Anvil helping hands - voiced girl that can be your servant in Anvil house.

I can't remember more right now, but I'm sure there is more.
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:29 am

Blood & Mud is a major overhaul of Bravil into a traditional medieval town/"wretched hive of scum and villainy". It has some decent voice acting and fits in surprisingly well.

Bartholm is a new city added to Eastern Cyrodiil. It adds a lot of quests, but I can't honestly recommend using the voice acting in it.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:31 am

*2 cents*
personally I find that voiced dialogue severely limits the amount of dialogue, thus you often times end up with 1 dimensional characters who obviously exist for the sole purpose of giving some quest, or fufilling some role. in the end for me it makes things less seamless because something that should be a person in need, or a friend becomes a generic talking job board, or an obvious plot point. A lack of depth and character can easily turn even a voice acted NPC into an annoying immersion breaker. One pretty spot on comparison is Integration: The Stranded Light, and BladeSong.
Integration has no voice acting, but over 24 hours of silent dialogue fleshing out the characters, offering multiple solutions to quest, and overall just going massively in depth and in detail.
BladeSong is an okay mod, but over exaggerates some of its features. It refers to itself as an epic quest mod, when really its more of a small quest mod, and it also boasts of a romance which basically consists of three conversations afterwhich you are somehow made to be truly 100% give your life for her, and purely in love with her. You even go through a ritual where you know you'll die if your love is not "true". All that after three smal conversations, but it does have voice acting for those three conversations :rolleyes:.

Anyway, there are some good voice acted mods:
Ruined Tails Tale (the recent overhaul has none if I recall)
Tears of the Fiend
Servant of the Dawn
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:36 am

Let us not forget 'Et in Arkay Ego', a nice if shortish non-violent quest mod. The Gore Relleis Priory and Chapel it places along the Yellow Road is a frequent stop-over for my avatar. The various Giskard mods are voice acted, but those are better researched elsewhere. Companion Neeshka is also voice acted. Oh, the stand-alone version of Gold Horse Courier is partially voice the Better Cities version?

I believe AFK_Weye was at one time slated to include voice acting.

While I understand the point of voiced dialog being limiting, I still prefer it to non-voiced dialog.

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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:08 am

*2 cents*
personally I find that voiced dialogue severely limits the amount of dialogue, thus you often times end up with 1 dimensional characters who obviously exist for the sole purpose of giving some quest, or fufilling some role. in the end for me it makes things less seamless because something that should be a person in need, or a friend becomes a generic talking job board, or an obvious plot point. A lack of depth and character can easily turn even a voice acted NPC into an annoying immersion breaker. One pretty spot on comparison is Integration: The Stranded Light, and BladeSong.
Integration has no voice acting, but over 24 hours of silent dialogue fleshing out the characters, offering multiple solutions to quest, and overall just going massively in depth and in detail.
BladeSong is an okay mod, but over exaggerates some of its features. It refers to itself as an epic quest mod, when really its more of a small quest mod, and it also boasts of a romance which basically consists of three conversations afterwhich you are somehow made to be truly 100% give your life for her, and purely in love with her. You even go through a ritual where you know you'll die if your love is not "true". All that after three smal conversations, but it does have voice acting for those three conversations :rolleyes:.

Not only can it restrict writing, but spoken dialogue is hard to do. Even Oblvion's stock voice acting leaves a lot to be desired. I think this really highlights one of the big differences between Oblivion and Morrowind. If you really want in-depth characterization, there are some decent mods for Oblivion, or you can go install the totally amazing LGNPC mods for Morrowind. There is an amazing amount of content in LGNPC, some of it very well written.

Of course with the success of Dragon Age and Mass Effect, people are starting to become aware of the possibilties of voice-acting...

Anyways, not to de-rail the thread too much, but I will second the recommendations for Vilja and The Lost Spires. They are exceptionally well done.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:07 am

Glenvar Castle has an addon with voice acting.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:48 pm

I have remembered another one: The Other Spheres - Prelude. I haven't done anything except speaking with a guy at Market District.
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