Mods on steroids (playing on novice)
Prides of skyrim- when i run into a pride its usually 10 that attack with several males. Often i run for high ground and hope i have enough healing potions. Is this normal
Immersive patrols-battles of 10 vs 10? Sometimes patrols go off road and will clean out the outside inhabitants of fort? Often i come across dead bodies as though i just missed a battle
Run from vampires mod-riften people are constantly running inside.
Mods that seem sleepy
Ufo- right now i have 4 followers (serana is quest follower) i have lydia and 2 mod followers. When i try and select other vanilla followers they say ok but dont follow?
Cerwiden- her volume seems low and not sure if it tied to ufo but she went outside inn but then goes back in and wont follow. I did get option for her to follow. I also have a battle command for her?