PC Mods to Xbox 1 [Topics Merged]

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:43 am

What are your feelings and opinions about?

I have mixed feelings, from a certain point of view I am happy because now my consolle friends can try my mods, on the other , it kind of turns the owners of the pc game into workhorses for the consolle users that understand nothing of how mod works and will lament etc .
Also The Pc game will be loosing one of its winning factors when deciding on the purchase , wich will lower a lot the number of people that will get the game for pc and so I guess also the mod creators . Apart that the other issue might be that the very large mods will be blocked to go on Consolles, because of several conditions due to the performances and limits of download . I I expect some kind of limits like the early 100 mb max of previous steam mods.

Also how are supposed to test mods on consolles pc owners ?

If we buy a pc version will we get a free download of the game on consolle if we make it available on consolle?

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:01 am

There's already a thread about Mods on Consoles. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1522010-pc-mods-to-xbox-1/

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:12 am

Bear in mind there's going to be a lot of mods the consoles won't be able to run.

Anything that requires a script extender for example.

Any kind of new animation since you need a third party tool.

Graphic overhauls that push up the hardware demands.

Chances are the mods allowed on the consoles will be limited to basic esp types. Maybe BSA's as well. But they will be limited to just what can be done with the CK.

PC will still get the whole shebang.

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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:13 am

but most console users won't know .

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Matt Gammond
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:20 am

Sooner or later they will. Chances are whatever system ends up being used for getting the mods onto the consoles will be like Steam and restrict to only certain types of upload.

Any console user that circumvents that and tries to get an unusable mod onto his system and breaks his game would only have himself to blame.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:10 am

nice for xbox users but sad news is , do not expect the big game changing overhauls or the grand immersive mods, most of them use the script extender and what i read from some people on these forums doubtfull console users can change that

o the other hand yes the modding community usually comes up with some really nice armour and weapon packs that bring so much more variety in the game

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:33 am

I think people are overblowing the limitations console mod users will face. Sure there will be some restrictions and outright limits on what can and can't be done with console mods either due to policy decisions (lack of script extender support) or technical reasons stemming from the hardware of the consoles. Within those limits there are many mod types that can be done such as gameplay tweaks, new items including weapons and armors, new areas and dungeons, new followers, perhaps even quest mods and so on. Of course it won't be the full experience possible with PC mods but it'll probably give a good representation of what is available.

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