Harder bartering system to make selling more difficult
Modify leveling of areas to make some areas too difficult for low level characters.
Probably modify damage tables to increase damage across the board.
- Depends on AI, blocking system, damage effects out of the box
Something to create non-vanilla characters at start
- Fast character, strong character, intelligent character ... yes, I know that attributes are out, but they are still represented in the game
Modify NPC equipment to keep the good stuff rare.
NPC AI modifications?
- I did them for Ob with (for me) great success. Will Skyrim need them?
Perk modifications
- User made perks.
UI changes
- Compass that points NESW and nothing more.
- Eliminate text
- Eliminate icons
Dual wield blocking - even if it is with the right hand.
Mod in the weapons that I made for Oblivion