Thanks, DD.

I'm done with the basic add-on. All the main classes, weopons, armor, and scripts are implamented. I wish I could have 100% completed it by today, as I could have uploaded it from this computer. But we'll have to settle with a later release date and a ton more content. Probably better this way anyhow. I didn't have Westlys mog heads anymore, or Smites gloves, or NK's mog temple (i like the weopons in it), or any of Rains sub-races (kage and forrest mogs) before today. So, expect all that to be included.
I can't seem to get the dancing and drunken mini-mogs to work for some reason.
Some features are:
- around 20 classes of mogs. I've excluded any law classes, like imperial legion and temple guards.
-merchents that sell mog stuff.
-pure and tainted breakers have different stats. tainted are more magika-usefull.
-beast boots, "shins", on the mogs, and Ians old iron boots.
-mogs are prone to spawn other mogs
-companions. 4 right now, probably ten or so in final relz.
-and some other usual stuff.
I don't think I'll be putting the mog voices in this one. I did give the mini-mogs a "on-hit" voice, though, from that mod. It's cute. I just hate the chore of adding new race voices.
I have to solve some video card thing that makes MW (and only MW) crash and restart my computer... makes testing very hard to do.
I still wish we had a mog bandana