Do you think the Molecular Transporter will turn back on? Where would you like to go if it could?
Do you think the Molecular Transporter will turn back on? Where would you like to go if it could?
Maybe a little less spoilerish title. Also, maybe.
Moved this thread to the Spoilers section. The spoiler is right there in the title, after all.
What do you mean? Does it turn off in the institute ending?
Cause I mean it's kind of destroyed in the others.
If you side with the Institute it continues to work fine.
Tinker Tom could probably rebuild it based upon the information he has available. The BoS certainly could.
If you use the Network Intrusion holotape against the Institute and give the resultant data to any of the other factions, combined with the schematics from Virgil, surely you could build another system.