» Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:33 pm
I dont think giving shotty and moli the ability to knock down up close is all that cheap. I mean firstly up close a shotgun in any game is always gonna be powerful, upclose is basically all a shotgun can do. If youve taken the time and risk to close the gap with someone who has had the chance to spot and stop you from range with ease as you cant fire back effectively with a shotty, then you should definitely be given some kind of upper hand once the gap is closed.
As for the molotov, I may be wrong here but firstly its something a soldier has to purchase as a skill? And as you get twenty skills altogether and we dont know what they all are yet it may be a fairly big decision taking the molotov and we may not see it being over used. Also you would only have a limited number of them over a period of time. And I suppose part of a soldiers main roll is slaying which i assume is why they have access to nades that other classes dont, so its not really unfair for them to have an advantage with the molotov.
In both cases, as wraith said travel in groups, if you get caught out alone by someone with a molotov and your name written on the rag then I dont see it being to cheap that you get knocked over by that and then easily finished off as you've got no covering fire.