Moments that make you go 'whoa...'

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:12 pm

Fast travelled to the BADTFL building. As the scene came out of the loadup blankness, I was just across the street from three raiders fighting a deathclaw in broad daylight. After a moment's assessment, I lobbed a grenade in the middle of the furball and me and MacCready started firing away at it. The deathclaw felt our shots and turned towards us to get ready to charge us, but just then one of the raiders must have hit it pretty solid and grabbed its attention back, because it turned around on them again and grabbed the closest one. Then the 'whoa' moment happened- instead of the usual swat/splat/dead thing they do to mere mortal men, this time it picked up the raider in both 'hands', lifted him into the air and shoved him up against a pillar, grunted for a moment, then pulled him apart in a bloody spray. Just... ripped him apart like somebody tearing a tomato in half with both hands. If your hands had 9-inch tyrannosaurus claws on them. After the battle ended (we won), I went over and checked out the remains of that raider- there wasn't a part left attached to another. Even the torso was gibbed into little chunks. Looked like the tomato had been hurled thru a chicken-wire fence.

Glad I'm not a melee build.

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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:55 am

Every moment of the game.

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:48 am

The first time I saw a Cat and Dogmeat yawn though that was more of an AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:07 am

The Museum in Concord from the moment I stepped inside, till I killed my first Deathclaw.

And the final stage of Danse's first mission where I turned on the core. It felt in character, though I kind of wish his face got [censored] up for the rest of my playthrough as a reminder that that is not only what I did, but what he would have wanted.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:25 am

Lynn Woods abandoned settlement. Got up in the tower and a bunch of raiders showed up. Started up the siren and a bunch of Deathclaws came rushing over. The battle between them was intense. Even a legendary raider in the mix. I took out my sniper and watched the action, while taking shots at both. Most raiders were hardly recognizable after the action. Impressive carnage and fighting. Some raiders went down fast and were literally ripped apart, but that Legendary one was tough and resourceful.

Of course, this scenario was made possible because it was the second time I experienced it. The first time I was surprised by the raiders and then hustled up the tower. I had read about the siren's effect and started it up. While taking my shots of opportunity, I was just about to take out the last survivor (a Legendary Raider, who was tough as nails and soaking up a lot of damage), when I unceremoniously fell from my precarious firing perch and saw the familiar vault dweller death scene. I was reminded yet again of the need to save often.
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