The screenshot looks great. Only problem to me is that unless they are really prominent shadows I really can't see any shadows, just the old way oblivion rendered environments.
Also another thing that seems to give it away that it's a console screen is the lack of shadow quality.
It looks realistic to me. Look outside on an overcast day(got one here right now) and you will observe an extreme lack of shadows. This gives me hope that their dynamic weather is going to actually be dynamic rather than faking it.
I'm not saying the pic looked bad, I think it looks great and if you look at my posts around the forums I've continually defended the graphics. I'm saying, that there are just some minute details that scream console. Mainly shadows and softer textures.
And what i'm saying is i wouldn't expect any greater detail in shadows no matter what it was on because what you see is realistic to real world lighting. If there were more shadow definition it would obviously be faked and then it's no longer dynamic.