» Sat May 28, 2011 9:14 pm
Much, much harder. For me, I want the economy and such to be fully realistic and alive. Other people, I'm sure, would not like that.
I don't want shopkeepers to spend all their money on buying my 11 iron cuirasses and 7 iron daggers. A real shopkeeper would buy one or two of each, unless demand is high for them. If the shopkeeper doesn't think he can profit off something he shouldn't do it; in this case, he wouldn't buy 11 cuirasses when he knows he'll only sell 2 of them.
I would also like shopkeepers to have much less money. In the self-owned businesses of TES, their capital is equal to their actual spending money. Why do shopkeepers then have thousands of septims to buy useless junk, when septims are supposedly worth much more than an earth dollar in terms of what it can buy?
These things would make dungeon diving a much less money-oriented activity, and something you would do for fun/exploration/roleplaying purposes. And that works for me, though I understand not for many of you.
Basically what I want is a semi-advanced/intelligent economy AI.