» Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:52 am
"Corundum" looks awfully copper-like to me. In the real world, corundum is aluminum oxide and the basis of many gemstones (ruby and sapphire being the primary examples). Obviously the stuff in the game is not even remotely what we know as corundum.
Regarding currency, the actual name of the coin is "septim" or "drake". Calling it "gold" is a kind of slang that has crept into popular usage. Perhaps at one time there was a gold coin in common use, perhaps by the Ayleid, and it just stuck.
I have long argued that the "gold" in the game is not actually gold, but bronze. It visually doesn't look like gold, and the value of the coin is so low next to the value of any real gold you find that there's clearly some shenanigans. Even the collector's edition coin doesn't look like gold (obviously it wouldn't BE gold, but if it was supposed to be really shiny they would have made it out of brass).