» Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:05 am
One thing they could do which might be cool, is to add a sort-of Strategy Game mini-game in (obviously too late to do this for Skyrim, if they haven't already), where you become Lord of a City/Region, and have to develop and pay for an guard/militia to guard the city, perhaps an army to go conquer other strongholds. Sort of like Heroes of Might and Magic, maybe. You could also upgrade your castle/palace? Maybe you could build a "hospital" for your city, and other services?
I dunno. It's something I remember thinking in Oblivion, that I wished once I got really high level and rich there was more stuff to spend the money on (most of your gear ends up being looted and/or crafted, so you don't really need to buy much gear in Elder Scrolls games - at least the ones released so far).
Maybe some powerful/rare consumables which are very expensive - the tricky part is balancing the game with such powerful consumables being available. Not to mention that with Alchemy, you already have one system for acquiring powerful consumables that aren't that rare or expensive (since you craft them yourself from relatively common ingredients).
You know, it's be cool if there was more of a "Philanthropy" system in the game - once you are very rich, you could start helping to rebuild towns which have been attacked - even towns which you aren't the "Lord" of, just to help them out. You could give money to the Temple (or similar organization) to pay for potions/healing for the poor, help to renovate districts like the Waterfront in the Imperial City or Bravil. Pay for research which would help both your character, and perhaps the world-at-large. Would be kind of cool to make a name for yourself through philanthropy, and actually change the game world thereby.