Money - Skyrim Too Easy?

Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:32 am

These are the reason for this viewing.

* Weapons and Armor do NOT degrade. (This means no need to repair weapon/armor every 30 minutes).
* Dragon Shouts - One of the best methods to kill dragons, is totally free.
* Hunters can now make armour out of pelts and other animal remainings and sell them for a higher price.
* We now have smithing, warriors can make their own armor and weapons from remains they loot!!!
* Jobs like woodcutting which require no skill to effectively use!
* Mercantile skill likely has some pretty damn good perks, buy low sell high!
* We can catch fish practicaly with our hands = Profit, no loss other than time.
* Dwemer Ruins in Skyrim, normally contain dwemer equipment = One of the best and most expensive in the game.
* Being a thief/assassin is much easier. 9 Holds pracitally make assassinating/stealing NPCs 9 times easier than Oblivion.
* You can cook your own food and therefore receive a boost in health, one less reason to use restorative potions.
* You can sleep in the bed/house of the person you killed, one less reason to buy a house.

What do you think?

PS : I'm not pointing out an issue, game looks stunning and much real. Jobs, Dwemer ruins, catching fish, sleeping in the bed of the person you murdered. I'm just stating that making money in Skyrim seems very easy. This is not a complaint thread.
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April D. F
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:31 pm

If you kill someone can you like, completly own there house? aha
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:13 am

If you kill someone can you like, completly own there house? aha

Well, maybe not by law but what's the difference? You kill someone in their sleep no one will ever know what happened. You can sleep in their bed, do anything in their house and go about like you own the house, even steal things from the house and sell them!
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Scared humanity
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:44 pm

In what TES game has money or any other resource ever been hard to come by? Even in FO3 where you'd expect to have to work for resources, you're never really short of bullets or caps. I'm not expecting Skyrim to change that. Not before mods
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:20 am

I'm sorry but that is not a very factual thread.

It's 9 times easier to steal from NPCs? How??
Dragon shouts are free, so it doesn't cost money to kill a dragon?? Well if you loot a magic weapon, that's free too...what's the difference?

All the ways of saving money, like crafting stuff, takes time...and like in the real world time is money. If you don't want to spend the time, it will cost you money instead.

Dwemer stuff in Morrowind was never that expensive...only a bit more than steel, same as silver, far as I remember. How do you know it will be this time? Or if it'll be very common?

This thread is a very poor attempt to point out an issue that isn't really an issue...well, we have no way of knowing that yet.
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:24 pm

The game isn't even out yet. I will reserve my judgement until after 11-11-11....
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:06 pm

I never really thought about this, you make some good points. it does look pretty easy to have a bucket full of coins.
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jess hughes
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:23 pm

dont know yet.
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:40 am

" Dragon Shouts - One of the best methods to kill dragons, is totally free."

I can use my arm to swing a sword, and its completely free!
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:35 pm

Hmm. I'm going to assume money will be easy to come by just like any other TES game. Most of the points are in earlier games, except for new doodads like milling, woodworking, yada yada. Even smithing could be compared to enchanting and alchemy in earlier games. Invest ingredients to form better gears. [I also want to say that you need to kill dragon first to use shouts on the next dragon, but yea, shouts are pretty cool weapons and totally pay for themselves several-fold.]

More or less, we start off slow, and then the game snowballs into a fat wallet.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:01 am

In what TES game has money or any other resource ever been hard to come by? Even in FO3 where you'd expect to have to work for resources, you're never really short of bullets or caps. I'm not expecting Skyrim to change that. Not before mods

None of the TES games were hard on you about money, but Skyrim seems the easiest of them all, just saying.

I'm sorry but that is not a very factual thread.

It's 9 times easier to steal from NPCs? How??
Dragon shouts are free, so it doesn't cost money to kill a dragon?? Well if you loot a magic weapon, that's free too...what's the difference?

All the ways of saving money, like crafting stuff, takes time...and like in the real world time is money. If you don't want to spend the time, it will cost you money instead.

Dwemer stuff in Morrowind was never that expensive...only a bit more than steel, same as silver, far as I remember. How do you know it will be this time? Or if it'll be very common?

This thread is a very poor attempt to point out an issue that isn't really an issue...well, we have no way of knowing that yet.

How? Did you forget Oblivion's guards' magical spider tingle sense where the whole Cryodiil would be searching for you for stealing a silver plate? 9 holds = 9 times easier than Oblivion. Witness system = much easier than spider sense tingling thing than Oblivion. Do not forget that only the player can do Dragon Shouts, consider them a very nice free extra.

I'm not pointing out an issue, game looks stunning and much real. Jobs, Dwemer ruins, catching fish, sleeping the bed of the person you murdered. I'm just stating that making money in Skyrim seems very easy. You clearly misinterpreted me. This is not a complaint thread.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:11 am

We don't know anything yet about the money-balance. We don't know, how fast we're getting money and (most important) we don't know yet, what stuff will be there to buy (exclusively) and for what price.

Also I'd be very surprised, if you could win a dragon fight by just spamming shouts.
The assumptions made in the OP are presented as facts, while they are just guesses (some of them most likely wrong).
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:15 am

Dwarven armor is not expensive, and it isn't "one of the best armors". They are just in the middle.
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:09 pm

Time + common sense = money.

In all games usually the only thing that changes is the amount of time.

There likely won't be a great deal to spend your money on anyway, unless you like collecting everything.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:53 pm

In what TES game has money or any other resource ever been hard to come by? Even in FO3 where you'd expect to have to work for resources, you're never really short of bullets or caps. I'm not expecting Skyrim to change that. Not before mods

It should be fixed though.
People who wish to play as merchants will not find any joy in the game.
I always tried to do that, but would end up having 96462893689589479 gold in no time at all. >_>
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:23 pm

I don't think you've got enough information to draw any sensible conclusion. The things you bring up does suggest the economy will be easier to handle in relation to Oblivion's, but we ultimately don't know how much things actually do cost. To determine how rich you are there are more factors to consider than the amount of coins in your pocket. You need to also consider the value of the individual coins. After all, if a manor costs 500 gold, the guy with a 1000 coins is far richer than the one with 20.000 coins when the same manor costs 60.000.

Money sinks does appear to be limited though. Without the need to constantly spend money for repairs, healing and consumables it is only natural that your wealth will steadily increase. The question is whether you'll have something else to spend the wealth on though, because the Rich and the Poor when money is worthless are pretty indistinguishable.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:37 am

We don't know anything yet about the money-balance. We don't know, how fast we're getting money and (most important) we don't know yet, what stuff will be there to buy (exclusively) and for what price.

Also I'd be very surprised, if you could win a dragon fight by just spamming shouts.
The assumptions made in the OP are presented as facts, while they are just guesses (some of them most likely wrong).

Actuly they r not guess and only the one about dwemer stuff is wrong as it's not the best stuff but I bet he's right that there is plenty of good loot just like the stones in ayliad ruins in ob. The others are facts, well may not the 9 times bit but his kinda on the right track, in ob guards were omnipotent in sr the world has defferent boundaries for bounty, so if the guards are less rappie than ob it's mode than 9x easyer to steal. Why ppl defend defend defend like is there own mother on the chopping block, it's not like this is a change in trends, last night on nv I blue 100,000 on implants and goodies, sounds like a survival situation... In on I had so many gems I filled a barrel, shame the collision on them made the vibrate like crazy but on well. It's just another hallmark of beths, one they need to fix IMO. Some ppl care not for to much cash, I do when there [censored] all to buy with it.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:38 pm

It has been too easy to become wealthy in just about every single RPG released within the past 10 years.

I would certainly not expect Skyrim to be any different. However, we cannot judge this until we have a chance to actually play the game.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:16 am

I never really saw money in TES games "that needed," the only time you needed a lot of money was really if you wanted to buy a house. I rarely used money in Oblivion.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:07 pm

silly thread,as its pure speculation.

One of the only things I didn't like about the wonderful Morrowind, was that shops never carried enough money, this was corrected slightly on Oblivion, but it never made sense that a dealer in precious stones only has 1000 gold, should be more like access to 25,000.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:37 pm

None of the TES games were hard on you about money, but Skyrim seems the easiest of them all, just saying.

How? Did you forget Oblivion's guards' magical spider tingle sense where the whole Cryodiil would be searching for you for stealing a silver plate? 9 holds = 9 times easier than Oblivion. Witness system = much easier than spider sense tingling thing than Oblivion. Do not forget that only the player can do Dragon Shouts, consider them a very nice free extra.

I'm not pointing out an issue, game looks stunning and much real. Jobs, Dwemer ruins, catching fish, sleeping the bed of the person you murdered. I'm just stating that making money in Skyrim seems very easy. You clearly misinterpreted me. This is not a complaint thread.

It's not like you couldn't steal things in Oblivion...and you could murder people too without anyone knowing. You just had to be a sneaky character. In Skyrim it's not like you can run around murdering and stealing in heavy armor in broad's still gonna require some sneaking.
Like I said...Dragon shouts are free the same way loot is have to look for walls and kill dragons to unlock them. Might not cost gold...but it's hardly something you just do...takes time and effort to get those shouts.

I'm still not sure who 9 holds = 9 times easier than Oblivion...Oblivion had 1 hold? might not be complaining, but you are drawing conclusions from what seems to be random thoughts with no factual base at all :)
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:43 pm

As long as the game has money sinks like Oblivion.
I mean Rosethorn hall was expensive, 50'000 Gold or something.

Just price the most expensive player home at 1 million and you'll never feel rich enough.
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:15 pm

None of the TES games were hard on you about money, but Skyrim seems the easiest of them all, just saying.

Not really no...
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:48 pm

My only real worry is that there won't be much to spend money on. Daggerfall (I could not get Arena to Run) was the only TES game I played where the merchants would sell high quality gear on par to what I need (it scaled to my level.) Morrowind and Oblivion had an occasional merchant with an item or two of a high tier material but it was pretty rare and they were often inflated by having an enchantment that I neither needed or wanted. The only characters that really got any bang out of their gold were mages for buying spells and making them(can't do in Skyrim, though I don't mind since it's traded for better and more varied magic) and Enchanting(It's now a skill so might not require much gold anymore.)

I do have a problem in saying that Dragon shouts are free, they're going to require a lot of blood sweat and tears. You have to learn the word, most likely from a dungeon; activate the word, by killing a dragon and then do it two more times to get the maximum effect.
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