How we're doing this (How it works)
Depending on the success of this thread we're going to attempt to run a monthly short-story writing competition. Every month, on the first of the month, a theme will be given and then it shall be up to the writers of our happy little forum to write a piece based on their interpretation of the theme. Any of the readers are free to leave their comments and critique. There shall be a panel of judges each month who will judge the pieces and declare a winner.
And for winning you get... bragging rights and the power to choose next months theme.
-Piece must be long enough to be judged but not excessively so
-It must be relevant to the theme
-It must meet the deadline (end of the month)
Feel free to submit more than one entry and to edit your entry anytime up to the deadline.
This months theme is Self-Doubt
And this months judges are: Gavril, Not Provided, gaiusimperator and
Anonymous entries should be submitted to me (Athell).
Get to it.