Be cruel or be kind, but I would like some sort of a response if you don't mind writing a few words.
Chapter One
The back door had been left ajar and every few minutes the gentle wind would push it so that is tapped against the door frame. One hour previously someone had crept into the house, someone who had the patience to wait for the right moment. Now the light of the waning moon was the only thing that lit the inside of the house, illuminating edges and shapes and leaving everything else in darkness.
The owner of the house was a dunmer man living on the outskirts of Ald-ruhn, he was an old man, and he also trained guars which he then sold to merchants and travellers. Fortunately for him the vampire in his house was not on a mission to kill.
The dunmer shivered as something cold swept past his bed but he did not stir from sleep, instead his dreams took a turn for a worst as cold fingers were placed upon his neck and two pointed fangs pierced his skin. The cold was numbing the bitten area, so the sleeper was not woken. Blood was slowly svcked out from the man's artery, causing less and less blood to reach his brain. The sleeper slipped into unconsciousness, but he would regain consciousness and be perfectly alright in the morning.
The vampire straightened up and put his fingers over the bite marks whispering the words for healing vampire bite wounds, the man would not be infected, he wouldn't even know what had happened to him.
The vampire silently turned away from the unconscious old man and left, careful to lock the door as it had been before he came in.
Outside in the moonlight his features were more visible; a tall slim man stood outside the house, he had high cheek bones and pale skin, his face was gaunt, and his thin but slightly muscular body was clad in a black leather, a cuirass, rough leather trousers, and a piece of thick black cloth tied around his middle as though it was a cape for his legs from the waist down. Chunky black boots adorned his feet as well as a hood which covered his soft silver hair. However the most distinguished of his features was his eyes, one was pale blue in colour and the other was completely white, no iris no pupil just white. It was how he had obtained his nick name: Moon-Eye. Past the nickname of Moon-Eye, the vampires name was Sirius, one of the oldest vampires to have lived, there were but one or two others beating him in age and one of them happened to be his very close friend; Valiarie, (val- ee- air- ree) who was also staying in Ald-ruhn with him.
With one smooth movement he raised his hand and wiped the tiny trickle of blood from the corner of his lip and he began to head back to the inn he was staying in that night. Not many roamed the streets at this hour except for the occasional drunkard trying to make their way home.
Sirius pushed open the door to the inn and nodded to the bar tender, he was about to walk up the stairs to his room but something, or rather someone caught his eye. At the bar sat a woman.
Sirius took his hood down and sat down at the opposite side of the bar.
"Bottle of flinn if you please." He muttered into the quietness of the empty room. He was not the sort of person to stop and stare and ladies, especially ones that weren't vampires, but this dunmer woman had such an aura around her that he suddenly couldn't focus on anything else.
She had ashen skin and crimson hair to match her red eyes. Her face was beautifully heart shaped and her body appeared to be quite skinny, as though she hadn't eaten for days. But that didn't make sense since she wasn't wearing beggar's clothes, what the dunmer was wearing; was a finely made purpley red dress with blue stitching, it was open shouldered and came into a shallow V shape just before the top of her cleavage and the skirt draqed down to her ankles.
She clutched the glass in front of her nervously and took a long gulp of whatever it was she was drinking. "It's not often that you see a woman like yourself drinking at this hour." Sirius said breaking the silence.
She looked at him sideways, her eyes studying him like an animal.
"No it's not." She replied simply before finishing her drink and motioning to the bar tender for another.
"I've not known many ladies to drink like you either." He said with a smile.
"I've had plenty of practice," She paused and downed half her glass "It's not really a skill, you just do it."
Sirius laughed, and watched her down the rest of her drink.
"This one's on me." He smiled, handing the bar-tender some coins "And I'll have what she's having."
"Flow. My name is flow." The woman said as she smiled. It did the most peculiar thing, that smile lit up her face, turning her from a depressed looking woman into the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Suddenly he could not take his eyes off that perfect face, the shape of her jaw line, her soft lips and those white teeth.
Sirius raised his glass, as though to propose a toast and so did Flow and then in unison they both drank from their glasses and Sirius was surprised to find they were drinking Ancient Dagoth brandy, the taste was raw and burned his throat and he grimaced as he put the glass down on the bar.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Flow" Sirius spoke before bowing his head and bringing his gaze back up to look at her. "My name is Sirius."
"Sirius...." Flow whispered as through trying it out on her tongue. "Unusual name for a Mystic elf."
"Good guess." Sirius grinned, he was indeed a mystic elf.
"Well, you're much too tall to be a bosmer, you could be a high elf but you don't have that general air of superiority that they walk around with, and you're definitely the wrong colour to be a dunmer." Flow giggled as she got the end of her sentence, the drink seemed to be going straight to her head. "I must say, I've lived in Ald'ruhn all my life and I have never before seen you here. You must be working for someone, or you're new in town."
"Neither of those are true." Sirius said truthfully "I've been here before, but a long time ago and I am my own boss, I don't work for anyone else."
"Oh really? What do you do?" Flow asked curiously, staring over her glass at him as she took a sip. Sirius hated it when people asked him this, especially strangers, it meant he had to lie or bend the truth. Luckily by now he was so used to it he could now think up new stories about himself on the spot.
"I work with some outcasts based in the Jeral Mountains I lead them and make sure we are safe from dangers which often brings my work to other parts of Tamriel." Sirius spoke smoothly
"What kind of outcasts?" Flow's eyes became thinner as though she was suddenly studying him.
"Diseased ones." Sirius let his fangs be seen, only for a second and finished the ancient Dagoth brandy left in his glass. For some reason he did not feel the need to hide the fact that he was a vampire from her. For a split second her eyes seemed to deepen, like a veil being lifted and he could see all the thoughts flying about in her head and then the veil came back down and her eyes returned to normal.
"Oh I see." She said in a tone that showed she understood but wasn't being obvious about it. "Do you want another drink?"
"More brandy, why not." Sirius replied with a grin, he began to reach for his coin pouch when Flow interrupted him
"Oh, let me pay for these ones." She protested
"I can't let a woman as beautiful as you pay for my drink, especially when we don't even know each other."
Flow blushed, and covered her mouth with her hand.
"You think.... I'm not beautiful." She stammered.
Sirius in response moved down the bar to sit next to her and handed over some coins to the bartender who placed another glass of Ancient Dagoth brandy in front of them. Flow immediately picked up her glass and downed half of it as she had done earlier.
Sirius' eyes moved over Flow, what had a woman looking like that got to be drinking about? She was still blushing from his compliment, clearly she had never been treated like this, she looked as though she came from a reasonably well off family perhaps she was due to be wed to someone she didn't love and this was where she came to escape. There were a million possibilities, but Flow was like a puzzle to him and he wanted to solve her. She was intriguing and unlike any woman he had ever met before there was something behind the depressed girl, something wild and unseen by most people.
"I ought to be getting back." Flow said, hopping off her seat and falling sideways onto Sirius. He stood up instantly and caught her by the shoulders.
"I'll walk you back." He said kindly but firmly
"There's no need I'll be fine." She insisted drawing back from him and stumbling.
"I beg to differ."
She studied him again through hazy eyes "Alright, I live in that big mushroom thingy in the middle of the plaza."
"That's what I meant." Flow replied, pointing drunkenly at Sirius' chest. He let out a sigh, with his eyes gazing at her almost helpless face and picked her up, hardly straining a muscle. She gasped and put her arms round his neck letting him carry her to the Skar. When they reached the door she hopped down and managed to keep her balance.
"I don't think my household will be too pleased to see me with someone. I can get to my manor from here."
"I'm staying at that inn for a few nights, should you need me." He said reassuringly. She looked up at him and blinked, the corner of her mouth twitched into a smile and then she turned and stumbled into the outside of the manor, Sirius watched her until she was out of sight and then headed back to the inn.
When in his room, he sat down at the table and took out his silver wakizashi and started wiping the blade with a cloth and a touch of sload soap. It was a very important weapon to him he had had it since he was 11, stealing it from the man who turned him into a vampire and he remembered it well:
At the age of eleven, he was so good at sneaking and pick pocketing people that he could do it completely undetected, and take anything he wanted. One day a merchant with horse came passing through the city. He had long black hair that looked as though it had never been washed or brushed. It was a think tangled mass that also had twigs and leaves in. The merchant looked as though he had literally walked through a thick forest and still had most of it attached to his body, hair and clothes. The merchant's appearance intrigued Sirius, who followed the merchant and his horse, keeping to the shadows. The merchant seemed reluctant to leave the horse but he also looked as though he was in desperate need to' relieve himself' so he walked down to the sewers, leaving the horse tethered to a lamp post nearby.
Sirius could not miss out on this oppertunity. He ran forwards, staying low to the ground and opened the saddle bags attached to the horse. Inside there were jewels of all colours, light reflected in them making them appear to be giving out light of their own. Among the jewels were coins, bits of silver, iron and gold. He dug around and buried at the bottom of the sack was a silver wakizashi. He pulled it out, and hid in under his shirt before running as quickly as possible to a space in the temple basemant that no one else seemed to know anything about.
He unsheathed the wakizashi and noticed immediately that it had an eerie glow, the blade was enchanted, but with what?
Sheathing the blade again, and hiding it under his shirt, he ran back home and placed it under his pillow.
When he reached the age of seventeen, he was desperate to move out of the house. His twin half brothers who were 15 years old, had signed up to join the imperial legion to fight for the empire. And their parents were proud of them, leaving Sirius yet again feeling unwanted unworthy and neglected. He hated his family and the house, he felt constantly trapped inside it, even the city was beginning to lose its appeal.
One day Sirius was waiting in the shadows, just watching the people of Mournhold, keeping a lookout for a merchant who looked like he had some good wares to sell, when he heard a voice behind him.
"I've been watching you for a while now." It said "You have real talent, and I have a deal I'd like to make with you." Sirius turned round and saw that it was the merchant who he stolen the silver wakizashi from 6 years ago, but now his hair was sleek, and shiny rather than the tangled mess it had been last time.
"I'm listening." Sirius said, intrigued but also rather scared incase the man wanted to harm him.
"It was you who stole that blade from me, wasn't it? But I do not mind, it was a test. You see from the moment you were born the Dark Blood guild new of your existence, they sent me to pass through Mourhold with a blade. If you took it, then you would be worthy of joining the guild, if you didn't then I was meant to pass through and never return. However, you took the blade a lot quicker than I imagined you would, you have some real talent." His face broke into a smile
Sirius looked at the man's beaming face, there seemed to be something a little less human about him. "So I'm in this new guild am I?" he asked
"Yes, but there is one other thing, that is required of you, I sure you will agree to it" He suddenly fell silent, as a Dummer woman walked right past them. "I was sent again to give you the gift that you must have to join us."
Sirius looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "What kind of gift?"
"Vampirism. You were marked down as a member from birth. Now if you agree, I am to visit you in your house tonight, and bite you, you will not wake, or even feel the bite, when you wake you will feel tired but that is merely part of the disease before vampirism sets itself in your veins. After 3 days you will be called a vampire, and I will wait by the statue in the Plaza Brindisi Dorom on the third day and you will meet me there."
Sirius nodded, "I want this gift." he said thinking it over "Yes, I would like you to make me a vampire."
"Good. I will visit you tonight, in your sleep.
That night Sirius lay down in his bed, he tried and tried but could not sleep. He could not stop thinking about what was going to happen, it was so exciting and nerve racking at the same time. There was no going back. After hours and hours of lying awake, he felt something cold move into the room. He shut his eyes tight, pretending to be asleep.
"It's ok, I know you're awake" Said the vampires voice softly. Sirius opened his eyes a bit and saw teeth shining in the moonlight that was falling in from his open window. Sirius froze, but he wasn't scared. Cold hands touched his neck and lifted his silver hair out the way. It felt as though two icicles were being pushed deep into his neck. They were freezing, and numbed his flesh even though he knew what they were fear gripped him. His entire body tensed up and the icy sensation paralyzed him. When the fangs had left his body, blood trickled down his neck.
"I'll clear it up for you." The vampire spoke softly. Then a hand press upon his neck again, and his skin was healed of the wounds but the ice cold feeling was now spreading though his body.
When he awoke, he felt shaky. He wasn't tired as though he wanted to sleep, but his body was fatigued, it hurt to try and lift his arms, and he didn't seem to be able to get up.
It was one of those events Sirius had never forgotten; the detail of that memory was so precise. There was a gentle knock at the door and Sirius looked up to see his close friend enter the room. Valiarie still had the same long waist length straight black hair that he had done when he had first stopped Sirius in Mournhold market place although at the moment it was tied in a long neat plait which he did to keep it out of the way. He had a stern face with a square jaw and bright eyes, yet there was something kind in his face, something trustworthy but then maybe Sirius only put that there because he had known Valiarie for such a long time. On his back was a large elven claymore, Valiarie's favourite weapon.
"Will you be ready in the morning Sirius? If we can leave just before sun rises we should be able to get to the cave to sort those hunters out."
"They won't expect us during the day." Sirius sneered. They had been tracking these hunters for about a decade. They were highly skilled in not being detected or traced and weren't too bad at fighting either. Sirius has seen them rip young vampires apart with ease; the numbers of the Dark Blood guild had gone steadily downwards in the past ten years and now Valiarie and Sirius had finally managed to track their base to an abandoned ebony mine near Ald'ruhn.
"I'll meet you downstairs in a few hours then." Valiarie replied before leaving the room. Sirius nodded and sheathed his wakizashi, as he looked out the window at the clear night sky. Flow was in his mind.
~Thank you for reading chapter one ~