» Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:25 am
I too prefer the Morag Tong to the Dark Brotherhood. The Morag Tong had a lot of structure. I appreciated the fact that you could not just kill anyone, you had to have a writ of execution to hand out justice, and sometimes, yes the writs were a little skewed, but that added to moral dilemmas one found themselves in inside Morrowind. The Dark Brotherhood did have a unique storyline and was generally inclided to the evil side of things, one that led to an epic end, and I enjoyed playing it very much, but the Morag Tong, each of its targets generally had their own story. If I remember correctly you could even talk to your targets before killing some of them to get their "side" of things. It added to the ambiguiaty and mystery surrounding the Morag Tong.
I would absolutely LOVE if TES V incorporated the ability to join both of these factions, perhaps with a war between them, or competition in assassination of targets, stopping the other from assassinating targets, or even framing one another. Maybe they could even throw the Camonna Tong into the mix to make things REALLY interesting (Not sure if this is lore friendly though, someone can edumacate me on this if they wish). I would buy a game just for this any day.
Heh, now I want to play Morrowind and run through the Morag Tong questline again....