I don't understand. As far as I am concerned House had the pre-war resources to accomplish pretty much anything and he chose to save Las Vegas of all places - purely for personal preferences. My point is that doing so, as he didn't set himself up with any other business, means that his income, and thus any plans he makes, relies on - after total nuclear war no-less - the existance of a state like the NCR and then requires this state to all but kick his front door in to supply him with clientele. He could have prepared for any business after the war, he - as a roboticist - could mock those people at Big MT; he could have set-up all kinds of automated manufacturing, mining or whatever other business he wanted and he chose to
try and make a gambling capital. Again, good job the NCR exists otherwise it would have been Caesar who first found him and then "all that good" would be completely lost again.
You're not American. While not required, I think an American could appreciate the concept of Vegas much more. After all, Vegas is basically an American concept.
Perhaps, IMO Vegas is an entire city devoted to anti-meritocracy and offers nothing of value.
And what exactly is that point? You're right, it isn't carbon-copied 21st century 'American democracy', but there are a lot of democratic countries that do not have term limits, and you would be hard pressed to convince someone from say the UK that they are not democratic because Winston Churchill spent a decade in the post of Prime Minister. It's rare, but extremely popular leaders can stay in office for a long time if there are no formal term limits (we instated them here in the states after FDR died while serving his fourth term in office.) Since when did it become a crime against democracy for a leader to do their job well again? We have no reason to believe that the NCR did not have regular elections in the timespan of Tandi's reign, so we can assume that Tandi had to overcome regular and numerous referendums of her performance, and that each time the voters supported her since she kept her office. So how is the NCR not a democracy again?
It's just anti-NCR smugness, the implication - from Caesar no-less - is that in the glory days of the NCR Tandi ruled for so long that the NCR was - essentially - ruled like a monarchy, he implies that nobody could ever, politically, stand-up to oppose Tandi because she was so popular to do so would be professional suicide; you see his point but so what? They had an effective leader, it wasn't democracy's fault that she died - bet nobody would live into their 100's in the Legion.
By the time New Vegas comes around, what he has been planning for centuries has been working! He has both the NCR and Legion svcking on his teats. How? If you ask him, he will tell you. The brass at McCarran will not risk a full-on assault on Vegas, because its' annexation is secondary compared to holding the dam. They're also very afraid of Caesar. Caesar won't launch an attack at Vegas, because the NCR has practically created a barrier all around New Vegas, not to mention the fact that Caesar's long-term goal is mainly the dam, while, just like the NCR, New Vegas' annexation (or conquering, in the Legion's case) is secondary.
None of which has been dependant on him doing a damn thing, he's justs insanely fortunate that Las Vegas was built somewhere that - after a nuclear war - would be in the right area for the emergence of two new countries to be too busy with eachother and not small timers like House; good job it wasn't built on the East Coast or House would have been [censored], nobody to gamble there is there.
Do you not see my point, chosing gambling as your main source of income - after a nuclear war. It pretty much demands that whatever House could have offered to human re-development has already taken place, it relies on the existance of an entity far greater than yourself settling in your area to provide you with regular customers or perhaps moving vast quantities of people into and out-of the area on a regular basis, i.e., soldiers.
House hasn't done a damn thing to safe-guard his position, just act snooty to the NCR - despite being aware that they want him dead - and having his own insubordinates betray him. Seriously, back to the casino point, he took these tribals to mould into his employees and was - again - so commited to his Vegas nonsense that he turned at least too of them, maybe three, into criminal organisations; and he could have tried to mould them into anything he wanted but no, back in the old days the Mafia had a significant presence in my precious Vegas so I'll rebuild the mafia as my employees, and a gang of Rat-Pack impersonators too whom clearly having criminal underpinnings.
So no, it's a fetish, House went completely out of his way to try and make it all like before, even resurecting the Mafia just to make it extra realistic. It's illogical, nonsensical and House's jam is nobody elses fault but his own. I had completely forgotten all about that, rebuilding it is one thing, putting your entire economy into the hands of post-nuclear mass gambling another, but intentionally creating disloyal and corrupt employees when an enemy is at your door - solely because that's what Vegas was like - is just stupid and all the families betrayals and easy corruptability is proof of that.
Aside from Benny the Tops is pretty easy-going, then again that's how they all are there.
Omertas Mafia are colaborating with Caesar and if the WGS return to canibalism they do the same.