The region would always have survived but he'd be waiting a hell of a lot longer if it had been somewhere other than were it was. Nobody in the saved Vegas certainly cared enough to do anything more than become tribals. Christ say what you want about D.C. but at least there weren't too many genuine tribals there aside from the Church of Atom freaks.
That's the point. It's such a derpy and risky kick-starter for a man of House's capabilities, there area multitude of things which would be greater winners in a post-apocalyptic economy that he fully had the dollars and resources to establish before the war but he chose to rely on Vegas for what reason? Because he loved it, and he resurrected the Mafia for the same reason; he wanted it all like it was before the war and that's fine as an objective but a logical and pragmatic man it does not make.
Besides RobCo didn't make conveniency items, it made terminals and robots that could do everything from be butlers to make stuff; he could have made a huge hydroponics facility tended to by robots or a mining/manufacturing plant. He had so much money before the war, how do governments and people turn paper money into long-term investments IRL? They buy gold or jewlery or other physical investments. However House managed to predict the end of the world 15 years in advance I refuse to believe that he squandered everything he and RobCo had on a few hundred Securitrons and an anit-ballistic missle defence system; in all those years it never occured to him to convert that soon to be useless money and material into something that would be other similar value after the war?
Besides RobCo didn't make conveniency items, it made terminals and robots that could do everything from be butlers to make stuff; he could have made a huge hydroponics facility tended to by robots or a mining/manufacturing plant. He had so much money before the war, how do governments and people turn paper money into long-term investments IRL? They buy gold or jewlery or other physical investments. However House managed to predict the end of the world 15 years in advance I refuse to believe that he squandered everything he and RobCo had on a few hundred Securitrons and an anit-ballistic missle defence system; in all those years it never occured to him to convert that soon to be useless money and material into something that would be other similar value after the war?