They shot themselves in the foot with the attributes. I don't see what else they can do. Let you pick +5 to any attribute every level? What's the point. People will pump up endurance first, then Intelligence, then strength and then whatever else until they're all maxed. They never affected anything beyond a few things like fatigue, magic, inventory weight and health.
Oh well nGCD remove need Manually chose +5 already attributes advance with skills
- Each skill influences more than just one attribute.
- Attributes can start lower than the normal racial minimums.
- Level is calculated from all skills, not just class skills.
- Available training sessions carry over between levels.
- Low attributes increase quickly, but it's very hard to reach 100.
- Luck does not increase unless it is a class skill.
- The size of your magicka pool has no effect on its regeneration rate.
- Personality has an effect on both your magicka pool and regeneration.
- Extensive configuration options allow most of these features to be changed!
add to it
Skill Decay
And see how good attribute system are, since you no anymore grind attributes you just play game and still have attributes system what can be usable by other mods what add checks and saving thrown in game mechanic, for example
Doc Block Recoil Stagger
Or any other of hundreds mods thats use attributes as fundamentals for adding new features or improving old ones.