It seems that everyone forgets that they didn't removed attributes
They simply decreased number of them
Now we have only Strength, Inteligence and Agility (well, ok, lets call them for example health, magicka and fatigue, who cares!)
This games becomes more simillar to bad RPG games (Diablo, Dungeon Siege), only from 1st/3rd person pov
Necesity for more attributes is dictated not by need, but mostly by common sense (Agility=/=Endurance, Endurance=/=Strength, Iinteligence=/=Willpower, and for God's sake where is Luck now?)
Attribute system was broken indeed, but instead of fixing it (after FO3 and FO:NV I was possitive they were going in right direction), developers simply removed them
So this is mostly bad thing, whatever most people think, whatever Bethesda claims, no matter about few positive things it have, this is bad
If this will continue in the TES6 we will have only 2 atributes (fatigue is annoying anyway right?), and few skills
Combat (axes, swords, hammers and bows are all the same anyway right- they hurt?)
Magic (hey every spell works simmilar- you wave hands say few words and stuff happens, right?)
Stealth (security and pickpocket was already merged against every sense, why stop here right, lets throw sneak and speechcraft in?)
Crafting (alchemy, armorer and general crafting also serves same purpose- they make better things from worse things, right?)
So here we are, perfect roleplaying formula 2stats+4skills
Diablo had something similar and it worked, right?
Even more, Fable proved that we can throw out also magicka- we can simply replace it, for example, with spell cooldown (besides
cooldown sounds cool, right?)
Anything else can be perfectly replaced by perks.
Want to use dual weapons? Perk. Want to carry more weight? Perk. Dumbed down and totally flat character developement? Once again perk.
There is nothing perks can't do. Perks can replace role system. Perks can boost graphics or UI.
Damn I suspect even more- perks can heal cancer, perks can stop wars, perks can feed the world and solve lack of energoresources.
PERKS- ultimate answer!!!
Perfect future for TES, right?
Developers are starting to ruin this series (for sure this time).
I really hope that TES6 will be more hardcoe RPG, like it should be.
But it looks like wishful thinking, because we have 2 games that proves that role system is being dumbed.
In TES4 they misused role system and flatened it, and now they claim that it was broken in first place. Liars!!!
P.S. Sorry for ranting, but it is so hard to watch, how something dear to you is being ruined. And it hurts