Judging by dialogue in game, I'd say yes. The game makes a point to show the Legion is the ruler of it's regions, but it still has citizens who arent in the Legion war effort, despite what unfounded claims NCR fans will claim. It's like saying all NCR citizens are in the NCR army.
We see many 'civilians' of the ncr though, Dale Barton isn't a Legion civilian, if you talk to him he's an independant merchant who prefers woking with the Legion.
Given the very nature of the Legion I find it highly unlikely that they actually have civilians at all, they would serve no purpose.
Caesar cares about conquest and only conquest. He has an army of fighters and an army of slaves to do the regular 'work'..
Every time you hear a LEgionary or anyone wearing the Legion skirt they talk about killing or enslaving.
I'm sure the Legion fans would like to think that back in Arizona there are civilians and actual honest to goodness signs of a Legion civilisation, but there is no basis for it, it doesn't actually even make sense when you think about what the legion is and what it does..