I agree, it was hard to be any sort of evil other then "stupid, kill random people, evil"
I agree. Other than the Dark Brotherhood... There were no other questionable questlines.
agreed. another thing though, we need "good" resolutions to the evil quests. Instead of having to kill someone you could say "the Dark Brotherhood is after you and if you stay here you will die. Get your family and leave town immediatly if you want to live. Here I'll just take your signet ring to "prove" I killed you"
I like that idea. Many more paths to choose from.
Eh, I'm honestly not a big fan of hugely black-and-white moral choices like "blow up Megaton or save it", etc.
What Skyrim needs isn't more "evil" choices, but more shades of gray.
Yes, more shades of grey. In fact, at least 2/3 of the characters and quests should be gray/questionable. People are
not white or black in real life (good or bad).
I would rather they don't have clear-cut good or evil choices. Rather, I would prefer that they have a myriad of outcomes and they can be good or evil based on the character which you are roleplaying.
So all in all, more choices!