right above your previous post.
right above your previous post.
So sorry, I couldn't see it for looking lol!
Certainly an interesting idea. Although I don't know how well that would fit in with the research carried out by http://imgur.com/gallery/lFIxR/new?forcedesktop=1 group. They seem to have triangulated a ton of locations seen in the footage.
What's really interesting about your theory is the fact that there is actually a real world cryogenic research facility around 4 miles away from the park, as seen http://www.janis.com!
EDIT: the 'direct route' to the cryogenic facility would only be around 2 1/2 miles
thats the thing I still think they got it right, but then theres that concept art showing the bomb hit Sumerville. But if they got it wrong.... then the next best place seems to be a triangle formed by Smelts brook and Feld brook for your Old home. (the alternat point for me is close Smelts Brook and Lincoln Road....but in a way that would be almost too freaking obvious. . . .
BOOM headshot
Ok now im worried I may be on to something
Leading the design, development, and production of cryogenic equipment since 1961
mommy the bad man is scaring me with unintended coincidences. . .
ok Im Semi convinced that if the Other Location was wrong then I may be in the ball park.
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-76694092/stock-photo-red-water-tower-in-middlesix-falls-reservation-outside-boston-massachusetts.htmlnot sure that is still standing because I could not find it in the map
https://youtu.be/ju01QbTNIGg?t=528your heading west northwest on the compass and arive faceing East south east, aparently you get turned around because the FLASH aparently happens to the east and slightly north. . . sigh I think we just proved thats not where the vault it lol
Oddly enough, this location would also tie in perfectly with my suggestion in http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1523172-is-vault-111-built-like-a-submarine/?p=24108496 thread, that the vault is built with a fail-safe tunnel to be used as an emergency exit. The tunnel would lead out of the bottom of the vault (via a decompression chamber) in the event that the lift-access would become blocked or damaged. The escapees could then reach relative safety with the help of a submersible (as shown in the concept art, see OP).
This would also explain how the Institute managed to bypass all of the vault security protocols so that they could abduct the protagonist's spouse and child.
EDIT: there could even have been two major detonations in the greater Boston area, as suggested by the two missing rockets from the crib when we see the protagonist's home during post-war. Note that the actual rockets from the crib would not necessarily have been directly involved in said detonations.
You actually see him again at 4:06 with what looks like a plasma pistol. He's on the extreme left under a Mirelurk drawing.
Oh cool, I didn't notice that one. It's definitely the same person, meaning that he clearly has some significance. This adds further weight to the idea of this being Maxson, and would then further open the door for other 'big players' from FO3 and NV to be brought into gameplay.
Note that the image you mention is directly after the face shot as noted in the OP. I make your image to be at https://youtu.be/HTq3q8e8nhA?t=4m55s in the video I posted.
Thought it would be a suitable place to mention this: the image at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTq3q8e8nhA&feature=youtu.be&t=4m29s in the OP showing the submersible also shows a submarine mine. This could well be critical to the formation of the Glowing Sea, as detailed http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1526246-the-glowing-sea/?p=24148696.
Info added to OP of this thread
Nice research, but I think it's pretty clear that the location of Sanctuary Hills and Vault 111 is either north, northwest, or west of Concord.
In the footage, we can see a statue in the background https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo?t=25m26s that is actually the same as https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7517/15289914494_315f9d3581_c.jpg statue in the Minute Man National Historical Park just https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Minute+Man+Monument/@42.4689224,-71.351293,1202m/data=http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1524192-more-clues-in-the-concept-art/!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0xe099cf8fcf5fbe7a!6m1!1e1 of Concord.
Note that the Statue in the footage has been moved to the other side of the river, and the location/choice of bridge has also been modified. The bridge in the footage runs NW to SE, and so may even be the one we see on Monument Street, which would actually be quite fitting. This would put the location of the vault right in the centre of the large round driveway we see on Cedar Way, just west of the junction between Liberty Street and Monument Street as seen on the map.
EDIT: even though this statue does not appear to be in the concept art, look at the similarity between the statue itself and a number of images featuring our protagonist, including the one seen at https://youtu.be/D5esyZPt5Jo?t=3m39s in the footage.
The problem I ran into Is I found that there were no less than 3 Actual "Sanctuary X" housing developments back in the late 1940-1950s that seem to match what you need for it to match what you see in the Video (excluding the monument marker), ( a Nob type Hill, (which in retrospect I could have ignored because the Vault structure may have made the nob)The Boston sightline and a Legitimate target in the 1950s that was in the apparent direction of the detonation based on said sightline)
Wow, really nice work. That's gotta be where Sanctuary Hills is indeed located, just north of Concord. The bridge and the monument and their proximity to Concord is way too real.
From this information, we can actually calculate a great many other details regarding the overall map, such as the specific locations of all three nuclear detonations as explained http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1526246-the-glowing-sea.
Also, I have just added some brand new information to the OP of this thread. Specifically that the power armor and the cloak pin seen in images I have linked bear the Lyons insignia as per https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn0UuTSE5XM video. This is the same insignia seen on the airship shown at the end of the E3 demo, and would therefore suggest not only direct involvement from Arthur Maxson, but a start date of 2285. During this year, he would be 18 years of age, and would therefore be old enough to engage on the battlefield. This also ties in with the individual we see in the concept art who bears a striking resemblance to the younger Maxson from Fallout 3.