Ps3 - It had the private beta for BRINK on it... and alot of the gameplay shown is for the ps3. But the ps3 is said to be less competitive in the FPS genre compared to the 360. The win side for the PS3 is that it was the console that got the private but the down side is " its not as competitive for FPS "
X360 - It did NOT have a private beta for brink. Very little of the gameplay shown is for X360 but is known for its competitive nature for FPS. Win side is that its said to be more competitive but the down side is that not necesarilly did SD favor the PS3 but the 360 did not get the BETA so does SD think PS3 should be the way to go for this game?
So I guess when you look at both side it kinda evens out. So im asking for the community's opinion.