More craftable weapons should be available.

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:17 pm

I like the idea of being able to craft a homemade weapon of each main category (pistol/smg/shotgun/rifle/etc) like in this mod but would also welcome more special recipes in the sense of for example the dart gun or railway rifle.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:32 am

Little Bear's has one flaw in his argument. FO3 had the recipes and the in game version's a;ready made. one was in a random in counter which was a guy with a railway the other was Vance the vamp clan leader who had a shishkebab, Both weapons in game both as recipes as well. I say they should add that system again. Personally I want the recipe more than an NPC having it as not everyone should know how to make the weapons. I.e you need the schematics so what Obsidian and Bethesda want to say is that a tribe of uneducated and savage tribal and lobotomized insane psychos can both figure out how to make a weapon out of random crap but a scientific genius that my character is cant put 2 and 2 together???

To be fair, there's nothing to say that these people didn't purchase those weapons off some crazy inventor type. It would nicely explain why they're so rare.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:02 pm

Level 8-The Flamer Kid-You can craft a hamemade Flame thrower-Repaier45 Energey Weopons 30
Level 16-It Looks Better on My Hand-You can craft a deathclaw gauntlent-Repaier60
Level 10-It Goes Boom-You can craft Firebombs and Nuka-Grenades-Exposivses70 Science50

I do not think individual perks for individual weapons would be worth taking up a perk slot (unless those weapons are beyond awesome). However, there was a perk in Fallout 3's Broken Steel which allowed the user to more or less obtain all the schematics. If they made a solitary perk that gave us all of the FO3 weapon recipes I would not mind, though I would rather them implement the recipes through an update or the download of the upcoming DLC in a similar fashion like Honest Hearts.
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:42 pm

They can make it so there is only one of a item in the game required to make a weapon (like the skill books in OWB).

i wouldnt mind the "one recipe, one use" thing but if they do that they should treat it like weapon mods where theres a chance a merchant will sell more every so often

i couldnt agree more with the OP, I love NV but i prefered FO:3 craftable items (crafting, not cooking or reloading recipes) most of the recipes for craftables dont really have much of a point. there could have been a lot more craftable weapons and armor in NV, for example HH added items that clearly looked crafted but they did not add recipes for them.

-crafting recipes consist of mostly recharging EW ammo, which is a great touch but thats not crafting,
-another large list of recipes is making belts out of hides. we can make belts but not armor :blink: .
-skill books dont count
-there are only 4 craftable weapons (DM weapons dont count you cant gather items for them outside of the sierra madre, although they could have done something in OWB to make it so you could "make" or "gather saturnite" to make cosmic knives for the DM recipes, and making FIDO doesnt count)
-bottlecap mine
-dogtag fist
-gas bomb
-time bomb
-gecko backing could have been a great but the relatively low resistances make it not worth wasting resources

the only thing that seems to be getting attention is cooking and as of now we have more than enough food
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:17 pm

I do not think individual perks for individual weapons would be worth taking up a perk slot (unless those weapons are beyond awesome). However, there was a perk in Fallout 3's Broken Steel which allowed the user to more or less obtain all the schematics. If they made a solitary perk that gave us all of the FO3 weapon recipes I would not mind, though I would rather them implement the recipes through an update or the download of the upcoming DLC in a similar fashion like Honest Hearts.

The only problem I see with scamatics is that they cant spred them around the mojave now. Maybe they could make you bie the scamitics or the weopeons themselves(Ralph needs to stop teaseing me :violin: )
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Karl harris
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:06 pm

the only thing that seems to be getting attention is cooking and as of now we have more than enough food

Though I am sure there will be more food that we will get in recipes, I agree that we have got enough of it.

The only problem I see with scamatics is that they cant spred them around the mojave now. Maybe they could make you bie the scamitics or the weopeons themselves

They could always hide the schematics somewhere in the DLC by some notes that explain what the reason for making the weapon was. They could always add a inventor-merchant guy who also provides the schematics in the DLC or even the main game.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:03 am

Though I am sure there will be more food that we will get in recipes, I agree that we have got enough of it.

The problem with food items are that they're vastly inferior to stimpaks, which are in abudance - absurdly so after DM. The only real benefits are the occasional buff, though it seems they have more penalties than benefits (rads in particular). And they take up weight allowance, which stimpaks don't.
Also the escalation to make newer items useful has gotten silly: at Survival 90 my current character gains something like 600HP off a black blood sausage, which is about 50% more HP than he actually has in the first place!
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:52 am

The problem with food items are that they're vastly inferior to stimpaks, which are in abudance - absurdly so after DM. The only real benefits are the occasional buff, though it seems they have more penalties than benefits (rads in particular). And they take up weight allowance, which stimpaks don't.
Also the escalation to make newer items useful has gotten silly: at Survival 90 my current character gains something like 600HP off a black blood sausage, which is about 50% more HP than he actually has in the first place!

The main advatage of food is how cheap and avlabie it is but I do agrre there is to much focus on survial that should be put to the workbeach
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:42 am

The problem with food items are that they're vastly inferior to stimpaks, which are in abudance - absurdly so after DM. The only real benefits are the occasional buff, though it seems they have more penalties than benefits (rads in particular). And they take up weight allowance, which stimpaks don't.
Also the escalation to make newer items useful has gotten silly: at Survival 90 my current character gains something like 600HP off a black blood sausage, which is about 50% more HP than he actually has in the first place!

I believe the Blood Sausages and Red Pastes have become an equally good replacement for Stimpaks, though they are DLC-specific and not everyone has or is going to get OWB, so I can see why they will probably add more food recipes in LR. I just hope they add in weapon schematics as well.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:47 pm

Craftable weapons shouldn't have been removed from the game to begin with. But then gain Bethesda has to keep up with it's mantra of "We don't give a rat's a_s what the players want." It's useless asking for or even suggesting improvements because they don't care. Crafting simple stuff like a bow, dart gun, crossbow, molatov cocktail, beef jerky, and others are so common sense that the evil folks at Bethesda can't wrap their heads around it.

Patches are supposed to improve the game experience, fix bugs, and at best ADD to the game. They don't take away from the game (ie the stupid cap restriction).

Bethesda didn't make the game, Obsidian did. Also, Bethesda made Fallout 3, which is where those weapons got introduced anyway. I agree that it shouldn't have been removed in the first place though. There was nothing more satisfying than shooting someone and watching their limb get impaled onto a wall :P
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 pm

I really do miss the railway rifle, the dart gun, and the nuka-grenade, however if the devs don't want a return of those items let's use the vaccums, and steam asseblies to make other useful items. Seeing how there is only one more announced dlc, this is the last chance to ask.

There are a number of mods on nexus that add F3's workbench recipes to F:NV, bottlecap mines, railway rifles etc. You don't need to wait for Bethesda or Obsidian to do anything.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:43 pm

There are a number of mods on nexus that add F3's workbench recipes to F:NV, bottlecap mines, railway rifles etc. You don't need to wait for Bethesda or Obsidian to do anything.

You do if you have an X-Box or PS3
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:02 pm

You do if you have an X-Box or PS3

Completely forgot about console owners :sadvaultboy: ( :hubbahubba: )
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:33 am

The main advatage of food is how cheap and avlabie it is but I do agrre there is to much focus on survial that should be put to the workbeach

The reason why there's so much focus on Survival in the workbench, is because you're in the desert. Crafting weapons doesn't matter much when you're slowly dying from starvation and dehydration.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:10 pm

Warmonger-Level 18 Intelegence 8 and repaier 90
Rank one-You can craft the railway rifle,the dart gun,deathclaw gunlent,rock-it lancher,and fire bomb grenade
Rank two-You can craft the nuka grenade(nuka cola victory),the home made flamethrower,and the hame made grenade lancher
Home made flamethrower
x1 leaf blower
x1 motercycle gas tank
x5 turbantine,r:0,s:0&tx=111&ty=38 Not what I have in mind but it works
Home made grenade lancher
x1 stem gague assembly
x1 vacum clener
x1 fire ectengueser
x2 paper waght
Fire Bomb Grenade
x1empty soda bottle
x1Cant think of any thing to use as clouth
Sorry about the spelling
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:28 pm

Warmonger-Level 18 Intelegence 8 and repaier 90
Rank one-You can craft the railway rifle,the dart gun,deathclaw gunlent,rock-it lancher,and fire bomb grenade
Rank two-You can craft the nuka grenade(nuka cola victory),the home made flamethrower,and the hame made grenade lancher
Home made flamethrower
x1 leaf blower
x1 motercycle gas tank
x5 turbantine,r:0,s:0&tx=111&ty=38 Not what I have in mind but it works
Home made grenade lancher
x1 stem gague assembly
x1 vacum clener
x1 fire ectengueser
x2 paper waght
Fire Bomb Grenade
x1empty soda bottle
x1Cant think of any thing to use as clouth
Sorry about the spelling

You could use pre-war clothing? Say you get back one destroyed pre-war clothing, which can be used once more for another fire bomb. Or I guess books could work, under the right circumstances.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:29 pm

The main advatage of food is how cheap and avlabie it is but I do agrre there is to much focus on survial that should be put to the workbeach

Cheap, sort of. FO3 food is certainly cheap, but very heavy. Then you've got plants growing everywhere, and most animals drop meat in ridiculous quantities. For example, farm a herd of half a dozen Bighorners and you'll end up with ~20 bighorner meats, to take you from the verge of dying from starvation to being completely full.

I actually started a mod to add more depth to food creation - using crafted items like the steaks as ingredients for more advance recipes - but to compete with what's already present the buffs would have to be overpowering, so I never really got into it. I personally would have liked to see a crafting system like WoW (wait, hear me out) where you can create intermediate components that are then crafted into other items. Could easily have worked for armour as well; another recipe I cooked up (no pun intended) was creating Leather Armour from hides, then creating Reinforced Leather Armour from Leather Armour and scrap metal.

EDIT: I should add to that last point that this also turned out to be pointless, since it's trivial to get enough caps to just buy the things outright rather than creating them yourself. This is something FO3 crafting had going for it, you had to make those weapons yourself.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:34 am

Deathclaw Gauntlet :(
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:05 pm

I'd like to see the old recipes come back. It may be nice to have the weapons be availble from drops or in cases and stores, but building them was satisying too and a good way to make money if you sold them.

I want to see more craftable weapons. We got some cool armor and bomb crafting, and the amazing food and ammo crafting, but lost a lot of weapons crafting.

Additional craftable weapons might be a pipe rifle musket. You could craft "pipe rifle cartridges" out of scrap and gunpowder. Maybe even use lead for the more powerful subtype.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:18 am

I think they should add the railway rifle at least. They don't need to make it a recipe it could be unique. And the could add the railway spikes as a recipe using scrap metal as ingredients. U could even use the spikes in some sort of craftable bomb even.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:00 am

maybe we could have craftable energy weapons using like say fission batteries and some other stuff.......ugh i hate crafting but i think its a good idea to add some more stuff
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:53 pm

I actually started a mod to add more depth to food creation - using crafted items like the steaks as ingredients for more advance recipes - but to compete with what's already present the buffs would have to be overpowering, so I never really got into it. I personally would have liked to see a crafting system like WoW (wait, hear me out) where you can create intermediate components that are then crafted into other items. Could easily have worked for armour as well; another recipe I cooked up (no pun intended) was creating Leather Armour from hides, then creating Reinforced Leather Armour from Leather Armour and scrap metal.

EDIT: I should add to that last point that this also turned out to be pointless, since it's trivial to get enough caps to just buy the things outright rather than creating them yourself. This is something FO3 crafting had going for it, you had to make those weapons yourself.

I made a crafting mod as well, and in my case the 'pointless' issue came up when HH and OWB hit, since they added recipes that either were almost identical to the ones I had added myself or used items for which I had made recipes. Had I known, I would have waited on that mod until I saw what was still unused. I haven't made any new food recipes, but I did change some ingredients here and there as some items just don't fit some recipes IMO.

You're right about the issue with escalating buffs, I considered making recipes to use some of the crafted items and realized that I really didn't need even more healing factor or sustenance than what the current stuff already gives. Many of the crafted food items are already much better than Stimpaks despite the latter being weightless, and the items I had planned would have needed levels well beyond that and/or needed to use multiple crafted items to make, so the project got shelved. I also considered Armor recipes, but discarded the idea as that would have just exacerbated the already fragile economic situation by flooding the market with Leather and/or Metal armors, not to mention the Gecko-backed varieties.
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