More craftable weapons should be available.

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:59 am

I really do miss the railway rifle, the dart gun, and the nuka-grenade, however if the devs don't want a return of those items let's use the vaccums, and steam asseblies to make other useful items. Seeing how there is only one more announced dlc, this is the last chance to ask.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:35 am

*CRIES* i just want craftable weapons OLD and NEW :spotted owl: :turtle: :turtle:
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:47 pm

Agreed, but by now its unlikely your request will be answered with the prefered content as the devs undoubtly are rounding up developement. Besides, they dont listen to requests unless they are targeting bug fixes, and even then it is questionable that they do something with it.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:55 am

Yeah I think everyone would be happy with more craftable items and personally I would love to see new ones.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:01 am

i just want the rock-it launcher back got 35 gold bars just sitting on a table collecting dust :gun:
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loste juliana
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:18 pm

Craftable weapons shouldn't have been removed from the game to begin with. But then gain Bethesda has to keep up with it's mantra of "We don't give a rat's a_s what the players want." It's useless asking for or even suggesting improvements because they don't care. Crafting simple stuff like a bow, dart gun, crossbow, molatov cocktail, beef jerky, and others are so common sense that the evil folks at Bethesda can't wrap their heads around it.

Patches are supposed to improve the game experience, fix bugs, and at best ADD to the game. They don't take away from the game (ie the stupid cap restriction).
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:48 pm

Those weapons were cool, it's to bad Obsidian made this game, hopefully Bethseda makes F4 and brings those weapons back
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:23 am

I not here to slam the devs. It is just that those weapons really added to the overall mood to the wasteland in a way that a plasma pistol doesn't. I like the way that the LW good MacGiver his/her way through the wasteland. Some new craftable items would have been great, but even one more item would be nice. I know my request will go unheeded, but I posted this topic just get a sense that others felt the same way.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:23 pm

I can understand players wanting to see some of those FO3 workbench weapons return, but if they're going to come back at all, I'd personally prefer them to be reintroduced as unique weapons that the player has to acquire somehow rather than as workbench recipes. What do you need to craft 50 Railway Rifles for? Money? It's easy enough to make money in this game. You can run out of Time Bombs. It's pretty hard to run out of Railway Rifles unless you're role-playing an action film star and dropping your guns on the ground every time you run out of ammo. Just adds unnecessary clutter to have to scroll through in the workbench recipe list, IMO.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:06 am

I can understand players wanting to see some of those FO3 workbench weapons return, but if they're going to come back at all, I'd personally prefer them to be reintroduced as unique weapons that the player has to acquire somehow rather than as workbench recipes. What do you need to craft 50 Railway Rifles for? Money? It's easy enough to make money in this game. You can run out of Time Bombs. It's pretty hard to run out of Railway Rifles unless you're role-playing an action film star and dropping your guns on the ground every time you run out of ammo. Just adds unnecessary clutter to have to scroll through in the workbench recipe list, IMO.

They can make it so there is only one of a item in the game required to make a weapon (like the skill books in OWB).

As far as bringing back some of these weapons they will need adjustments. For example, the Dart Gun should be able to use poisons, but lose the whole "cripple legs" ability (way to easy to kill things with that gun, and enemies like Deathclaws and Yao Guai become target practice).
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:18 pm

I find people [censored]ing hilarious. The crafting in F:NV is a thousand times better than FO3. Do I hope Bethesda make F4? Yes, but for different reasons. I want everything that was in F:NV in F4. I just want the Bethesda style development. Bethesda are great at making crazy open world games. Obsidian did a good go at making F:NV, and given the style, it couldn't have been any better. New Vegas wasn't the Capital Wasteland. It's just that I preferred the Capital Wasteland. I want F:NV in the Capital Wasteland for F4... if you get my meaning.

I don't want to go back to the Capital Wasteland for F4, though I wouldn't mind a DLC to go back to it in F:NV. I just want a FO3 styled story (full of weird, zany science), with F:NV style gameplay/crafting/features. There aint much really that can be done of the Fallout series on this gen of consoles... F:NV did just about everything possible
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:18 am

They can make it so there is only one of a item in the game required to make a weapon (like the skill books in OWB).

That's even worse. Recipes that become useless after the first craft, cluttering up the recipe list. Not that I'm suggesting we should have been able to craft skill books endlessly as that would imbalance the game, but now I have to march through bunch of useless one-time-only recipes in my list of workbench recipes. Unnecessary clutter. I wasn't fond of that implementation.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:19 pm

That's even worse. Recipes that become useless after the first craft, cluttering up the recipe list. Not that I'm suggesting we should have been able to craft skill books endlessly as that would imbalance the game, but now I have to march through bunch of useless one-time-only recipes in my list of workbench recipes. Unnecessary clutter. I wasn't fond of that implementation.

If it is going to be a creatable weapon it is either going to be a reusable recipe or a one time thing. Besides, you can just look at the recipes at the appropriate crafting area. Looking through that messy clutter known as our notes just seems like a hassle due to no known categorization available without mods.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:35 pm

If it is going to be a creatable weapon it is either going to be a reusable recipe or a one time thing.

Yes, but I'm arguing that these don't need to be creatable weapons in the first place. We have the Shishkebab in the main game, and we now have further instances of them in OWB. Does the Shishkebab need to be workbench recipe at this point? No, it doesn't. So if they were to introduce those other weapons like the Rock-It-Launcher, and the Railway Rifle in similar fashion, they wouldn't need to be implemented as workbench recipes.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:46 am

they had a craftable weapon before the first patch. Rock-it launcher, or something.But when you got the blueprints, it was never craftable.So instead of fixing it,they just removed the blueprints.Haven't revisited my very first playthrough.I had it in inventory,wnder if its still there.But it is very annoying that little muggy, or the toaster can't tear apart the conductors (have over a hundred)or the vaccuums,etc. Maybe the next dlc will allow us to use the leftover useless crap for something.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:55 pm

Yes, but I'm arguing that these don't need to be creatable weapons in the first place. We have the Shishkebab in the main game, and we now have further instances of them in OWB. Does the Shishkebab need to be workbench recipe at this point? No, it doesn't. So if they were to introduce those other weapons like the Rock-It-Launcher, and the Railway Rifle in similar fashion, they wouldn't need to be implemented as workbench recipes.

You have a point. The past craft weapons do not need to be recipes if they can simply be found in game, but that does not mean they cannot be recipes either for the sake of just using useless junk to make something worthwhile.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:37 pm

The lore o the Divide just seems pefect to but craftable weopens if theydont want to do scmatics make them perks or somthing
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:38 pm

The lore o the Divide just seems pefect to but craftable weopens if theydont want to do scmatics make them perks or somthing

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:14 pm

You have a point. The past craft weapons do not need to be recipes if they can simply be found in game, but that does not mean they cannot be recipes either for the sake of just using useless junk to make something worthwhile.

Hey, I'm all for recycling useless junk into usable, worthwhile things, but just so long as these worthwhile things are things I might actually run out of and therefore need to make more of (like bombs, doctor bags, weapon repair kits, etc). There ought to be a practical reason for making the same thing over and over and over again at a workbench besides selling-for-profit, at least, IMO.

By all means, put the Rock-It-Launcher in the game. I'm not at all opposed to that. Just... leave it lying around somewhere for me to find, or whatever.
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:10 pm


LORE what we have heard and read about it. There could be a perk for each weopon or a perk for sets of wopons and each rank would effect the conditon when you make them.
Like level 4 (Cant think of a name)-You can craft The Railway Rifle and Dart Gun-Repaier30 Guns-45
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:03 pm

You have a point. The past craft weapons do not need to be recipes if they can simply be found in game, but that does not mean they cannot be recipes either for the sake of just using useless junk to make something worthwhile.

Little Bear's has one flaw in his argument. FO3 had the recipes and the in game version's a;ready made. one was in a random in counter which was a guy with a railway the other was Vance the vamp clan leader who had a shishkebab, Both weapons in game both as recipes as well. I say they should add that system again. Personally I want the recipe more than an NPC having it as not everyone should know how to make the weapons. I.e you need the schematics so what Obsidian and Bethesda want to say is that a tribe of uneducated and savage tribal and lobotomized insane psychos can both figure out how to make a weapon out of random crap but a scientific genius that my character is cant put 2 and 2 together???
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:23 pm

Hey, I'm all for recycling useless junk into usable, worthwhile things, but just so long as these worthwhile things are things I might actually run out of and therefore need to make more of (like bombs, doctor bags, weapon repair kits, etc). There ought to be a practical reason for making the same thing over and over and over again at a workbench besides selling-for-profit, at least, IMO.

By all means, put the Rock-It-Launcher in the game. I'm not at all opposed to that. Just... leave it lying around somewhere for me to find, or whatever.

And I agree that the weapons should at least have one in-game already pre-made so players can obtain one without having to make it (they may lack the proper skill level to make the item, such as a high Repair). Plus if one does not take Jury-Rigging and does not want to pay for repairs having the ability to make a replica weapon to sacrifice to the one being used would be very useful, and can save on having to use a WRK on it.

Little Bear's has one flaw in his argument. FO3 had the recipes and the in game version's a;ready made. one was in a random in counter which was a guy with a railway the other was Vance the vamp clan leader who had a shishkebab, Both weapons in game both as recipes as well. I say they should add that system again. Personally I want the recipe more than an NPC having it as not everyone should know how to make the weapons. I.e you need the schematics so what Obsidian and Bethesda want to say is that a tribe of uneducated and savage tribal and lobotomized insane psychos can both figure out how to make a weapon out of random crap but a scientific genius that my character is cant put 2 and 2 together???

I do remember, and yes it would only make since that if people with little technological knowledge or lack of a brain can make something like a Shishkabob that we could could also do so.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:09 am

LORE what we have heard and read about it. There could be a perk for each weopon or a perk for sets of wopons and each rank would effect the conditon when you make them.
Like level 4 (Cant think of a name)-You can craft The Railway Rifle and Dart Gun-Repaier30 Guns-45

Level 8-The Flamer Kid-You can craft a hamemade Flame thrower-Repaier45 Energey Weopons 30
Level 16-It Looks Better on My Hand-You can craft a deathclaw gauntlent-Repaier60
Level 10-It Goes Boom-You can craft Firebombs and Nuka-Grenades-Exposivses70 Science50
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:04 am

Little Bear's has one flaw in his argument. FO3 had the recipes and the in game version's a;ready made. one was in a random in counter which was a guy with a railway the other was Vance the vamp clan leader who had a shishkebab, Both weapons in game both as recipes as well. I say they should add that system again. Personally I want the recipe more than an NPC having it as not everyone should know how to make the weapons. I.e you need the schematics so what Obsidian and Bethesda want to say is that a tribe of uneducated and savage tribal and lobotomized insane psychos can both figure out how to make a weapon out of random crap but a scientific genius that my character is cant put 2 and 2 together???

I'm still waiting for you to point out the flaw in my argument. All you're saying here is that FO3, in some instances, had NPCs equipped with pre-existing copies of recipe-based weapons. You're saying that they shouldn't have been carrying such weapons. Sounds like you just have a problem with the presentation of in-game lore, but I fail to see how that has anything to do at all with what I was talking about.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:52 am

LORE what we have heard and read about it. There could be a perk for each weopon or a perk for sets of wopons and each rank would effect the conditon when you make them.
Like level 4 (Cant think of a name)-You can craft The Railway Rifle and Dart Gun-Repaier30 Guns-45

Not talking about "lore" when I said "huh". You are too excited while typing, the point you are trying to make seems garbled at times.
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