I think one gamebook considered that the daedra and spirits were all just personified concepts. Then again, maybe I'm confusing it with another book, one rather early in the game series, when lore was in its own messy Dawn Era. That gods were no different than lower spirits, but the mass belief in them powered up the mythopoeia, making them gods afterall.
So i like this one:
It's unlikely, though possible. They would have to be not involved in mundus, or as stated above, embody concepts that are beyond mortal comprehension.
Also, it's *possible* for a summoned Daedra to be granted a proper name and title (Menta-Na, Staada, that Dremora by the Shrine of the Rock, etc.) through their actions or from their Princes; but they are still largely indistinguishable from the non-Princes and are still subservient to their patron prince.
The idea that there might be more things out there, but we only realize the classic 16 daedra, and only because that's as far as mortal comprehension goes. How kooky.
And now I feel like playing Arkham Horror again. Cthulurghle, Prince of Pronunciation and Lack Thereof
[cthulu is a punk. minus1 health and sanity!?)