- Aduio:
- Gunshot: This problem already exist since back to Crysis 1. Which the gunshot sound different between each fire mode. You can tell the shot will sound more solid, crisply and punchy. That makes all of each shot is a clean, beautiful period. But however in automatic fire mode the punchy comma no longer exist, hence making each shot during the automatic fire sounds better and more connective.
So the real problem is when you rapidly single fire or rapidly making successive short bursts in automatic fire mode. The gunshot will sounds feebly like the rest of the sound effects are simply gone. Obvious cases in the series are SCAR in C1 and the MK60 Mod0 in C2. And it seems like the faster the gun can fire in automatic mode, the more will this flaw can be noticeable. - NPC Lines:
There are some places in the game where you will want to stay a bit longer, scavenging resources and or collectables. And some NPC will simply go rage face and start to do their hurry-up lines in a insane pace. Too soon, bad. Speaking dull lines over and over again, worse. Lines are overlapping each other, worst. One of the case like this in C2 will be in the end of the chapter 'Semper Fi or Die'. Where you hold off waves of alien at a resourceful place then face the alien gunship for the first time. Then after you clear all the aliens and ready to move on to next stage. You will see Chino on the cliff doing his reminder lines like I just mentioned. - First Person View:
Shall we make this straight. During the idle animation where the animation of the character will put down his weapon and make the player unable to use(fire) the weapon. *But somehow you can still aim down the sight. This looks absolute fine in the first person but looked so weird when you look at your own shadow casted by the world model of your self.
What I'm suggesting here is do no mock. It look kind of stupid in a graceful, good looking game like this. Normally you will not having the grand sights of your weapon even when you put the weapon in a up-down straight position.
We know this is about sending a pause message to the player. But this can be done in a better way. My idea is make the idle animation as normal as we'll do in real-life.
*I just googled this picture.
I believe the transition between the normal state to the idle state is more important than what it turn out. To deliver the pause message to the player, the animation are just needed to be act smoothly and clear. Means the screen must not zooming in at the same time as the animation is casting, it must allow the player to clearly see the first person model and animation is putting the weapon down. So they the player will get the message of " 'kay, here is where I'll stall down for a sec. "
Then as the player turn the camera down, they will naturally getting the bigger picture of the weapon then eventually the whole weapon. Or maybe had the peek on a part of the buttstock while the camera bob around. And during right click, the character animation will raise/lift the weapon almost back to normal firing position and the screen zoomed-in by 1.2 magnification if they want to focus their view and warn the weapon up. Please noted that the weapon at this time still had to be looked a little droopy to tell the player "you are still in the pause state, weapon is not ready to fire." - Smooth and responsive control:
Call of Duty have established lots of benchmark for shooter games. And one of thing I'm really admire to it is the control system, such as the "PRESS-TO-USE" actions like tossing the grenades and melee.
What Battlefield did there is support both the traditional switch on/off method and press-to-use method that was lately introduced in CoD4 by separate these two method out to two different key bind.
And I think Crysis can do this in a better way by unify these two command into one single same command(key). It's about the smoothness. The method now we had in the game are "switch (toggle on) > draw animation > idle animation > item ready to go." like the old traditional way in Counter-Strike. And I say it can be like this "switch > ready to go." This provide free options to the player. You can either press fire key to toss the grenade immediately after you press the switch key to achieve the smoothness n' quickness of the PRESS-TO-USE action or toss the grenade anytime later you want like the old tradition way.
Here is the further explanation in case I didn't make my this clear enough. The idle animation still exist but there simply don't have to be a await state/process for the draw(switch) animation to cast and finish then to idle/ready state where the grenade in this case is finally good to go. In a even more simple word, you can toss the grenade anytime you want right after you hit the switch. No matter it is left click to hurl it hard or right click to fling it under.