Ugh, I finally come back to the Fallout forums, and... I come back to this, yet another person wanting a BS expansion for FNV, granted, I can see why, I mean, why not ruin a perfectly good game by making none of your choices have any impact at all during the expansion.
I... I feel like we've progressed past kicking the dead horse and are now just raising it from the dead, just to kill it and kick it again...over and over.
Now that that is out of my system, I notice Tycho is still here.

As for the topic at hand, I can understand why you would want to progress past the ending OP, I really do, but what would be the point if nothing changed except the bare boned basics? Tying up all the different endings into one, viable plot solution is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. It just wouldn't be worth the effort, because in the end, say they make it, and it's not what everyone *wants* it to be, people are just going to be complanining about it till 2277, and then where will we be?
Appologies if the first part of this post seemed hostile, It's late, I'm tired, and the topic of a BS style expansion just needs to die, it's been talked to death, undeath, and then back to death again.