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So in this thread, I'll be sharing any other Interesting glitches I've found out on my own, as well as the ones I use, that others have found out.
I do these things on my Xbox 360, so there is no involving Mods, or Console Commands. basically meaning Anyone can do these things:
Clipping through walls (Someone else's find)
This is something I found on UESP. Grabbing an object by holding down the 'take' button and pressing it up flat against a wall before walking against will allow you to clip through the wall as if using the Noclip console command.
Now UESP gives you the basics, but doesn't really tell you how to do it best. I'll say right now that using ANY object will not work, in fact most don't really work at all. I've found which Items work the best for this, and your limits on what you can clip through.
Best Items to do this with: Falmer Arrow, Daedric Arrow, and Iron Arrow.
Iron Arrow isn't as good as the other Two, but I can assure you that other Arrows don't seem to work at all, or as good as these ones.
Note: You can't just clip through Any wall either, It seems to only work if the Wall is at a 90° angle.
I'll go through the Procedure more specifically than UESP did:
- -Drop your Arrow near the wall you want to clip through (Make sure it's at a 90° angle)
- -Aim at the Arrow and hold down your 'Take' Button (It's (A) if you're on Xbox 360)
- -When dragging your Arrow, Press it flat against the Wall you want to clip through
- -Now Sprint into the Wall with you Holding the arrow against it, and you should clip through.
Note: If the Wall / Door is difficult to get through, Whirlwind Sprint helps get you through easier.
Better Duplication Glitch (Someone else's Find)
This glitch is already explained in another thread, so I'll just link you to there.
Randomly appear in the Center of Skyrim (My Find)
This was found in my random research of what I could do with, by Paralyzing myself.
The procedure is Simple:
- -Open a door to the Outside cell of Skyrim
- -Quickly, Before the Loading Screen comes, go into your inventory and Eat some Netch Jelly
- -After the Loading Screen, you should be looking at a black screen for a little while, then see your character get up in the Center of the Map.
You can do this for Inside Buildings as well, except you just appear to be half way inside the Floor for a second.
Slow Time all around (Someone else's Find)
Also found on UESP:
- Requires the Steady Hand perk 2/2. Walk through a door crouched and with a bow out. Once through, draw an arrow so that time slows down and then reload the auto-save. When the game reloads the whole world will be in slow motion as if you had the arrow drawn all of the time. Drawing another arrow will turn off the slow time, but it is possible to change weapon and use magic without restoring normal time. Menus appear to work at normal speed.
Nothing really more to explain.
Weird 3rd Person View (My Find)
Another found in my Netch Jelly research, It allows you to play in the View you get when you're paralyzed. You need at least 3 Netch Jelly's
- -Equip a Melee weapon of some sort.
- -Unsheathe it, and quickly before the Animation Ends, go into your Inventory and eat some Netch Jelly.
- -While you're getting up from Paralysis, Go into your inventory again, and eat another Netch Jelly.
- -Let yourself get back up this time, and you'll notice your in the Paralyze camera view, but can't move.
- -Eat one more Netch Jelly, and let yourself get back up again. The Camera view stays, and you're now able to move.
This view is just for fun, it can look epic sometimes, and you'll notice it's also a bit slower than normal.
Floating Drop-able chests (Someone else's Find)
This actually requires the Clipping through Walls glitch, and I'll explain that there are Chests able to be taken called [Do not Delete] in Every store, and they are found in casually unreachable spots floating in the outside space of the cell.
This is where the Clipping glitch comes in.
I cannot really give a procedure on what to do, as Every store is different, and requires different strategies of getting to the chest and picking it up before you fall into the Void and appear back at the Door you entered.
Casual ways of getting the chest, there's usually a use of Whirlwind sprint and quickly taking the chest before you fall.
Notes about the [Do not Delete] chest's: Physics do not affect them, when you drop them they will stay in the spot you dropped them and float there. You can stand on them, and retake them when you're done.
They are ALWAYS marked as Stolen, So it's best not to Drop and re-take them in a crowded area.
If you obtain 2 of them, it is possible to create a stairway of going up by Dropping 1, jumping on it, Dropping the 2nd, Jump on it, take the 1st one, then drop it again. Repeat the process to keep going up.
Stuff some Wild Life in your House (My Find)
If you ever wanted a Pet without adopting Children, or just wanted to Stuff some weird creatures in your home, the Daedric Prince of Madness can Help!
Noting that, the only required Item is
- -Lead whatever you want to put in your house TO your house, right outside your Door. (In my case, it was a Horse)
- -Make a save of it being close to your Door, because you're going to have to re-load it quite a few times
- -Equip Wabbajack, and Cast it at the creature you want inside your house.
- -The effect you want is turning the Creature into a Dremora, keep trying the previous step, and reload if you kill the creature, or lead it too far away from your home.
- -Once you succesfully turn it into a Dremora, make sure it wants to kill you, then Quickly get inside your house
- -The Dremora should follow inside, and you can wait until it turns back into the Creature, or cast a spell like "Healing Hands" to turn it back immediately.
If the Creature can't open doors (which I'm sure most cannot) It will stay in your house.
I did this thing until I had 4 Horses in my House....
Flying with a Bucket (My Find)
I already have a Thread of this, so I'll just lead you to it.
Hope you have fun with these!
There are always more glitches to obtain even by just using already found ones, maybe you can post your achievements with the ones here.