i have a question about Raids, yes i said it, RAIDS....
for me and many other players Raids are the main PVE pillar you want to reach when playing PVE, taking note that all the developers ever talk about is PVP, i think ESO deserve much more PVE love after all most of the TES games had instanced content as a main aspect.
Raids are where Guilds members help each other
Raids are where you down a hard boss and feel the achievement
Raids are where you enjoy the company of your friends and set tactics
With that said, will the game have raids ? and by raids i mean instanced multi group content for Guilds, where u need a selected number of ppl 8-12-24 to go into an instance and beat the content in it, and the main aspect here is a pre organized 2 or more groups of players.
i understand there are adventure zones, but i didn't grab the concept here as they say it's public and other games proved that public stuff are not Epic, they are mostly a mindless zerg smack where no one is being a team player, they are fun but not Epic.
PS: i don't care about gear rewards or anything of that sort, what am talking about here structured PVE that needs a well-organized groups of players.
Please if you hate raids for whatever reason don't reply here, we understand that it's not ur cup of tea, but other ppl do enjoy them.